
King Sek Sees This For The First Time

"Did you hear what I said, Seth?"

"Yes"... Seth replied. His voice so low it was like a growl.

"What is the matter? I asked you earlier too, where were you this past few days?", King Sek asked.

"I told you I will explain to you later. What is being done about the kidnapped princess? Do we have any lead on the people responsible for this?"

As Sek looked at his brother, he could see changes... "Seth, your face!"

Seth ignored him, knowing exactly what he was talking about. He was getting angrier by the second. [Sek should spill now before I will not be able to communicate with him again]. "B-r-other, who is responsible f-or the princess' kidnap?"

King Sek had an inkling of what was happening in front of his very eyes... [Seth changes? Why is he getting riled up about this?]. Oh! he was scared alright, but he knew or hoped that the love and understanding they shared, would not allow Seth to harm him in any way.

[HORNS?!]... King Sek was transfixed by Seth's appearance. "Seth... Seth, listen to me. We are working on finding the girl. Why did the information have this effect on you?"

At this point, Seth couldn't answer any longer. [I should calm down. If I remain like this, I wouldn't get the information I need to find Ruby]. He took several deep breaths, closed his eyes, and willed his nerves to relax.

Sek watched as all these happened before him... [OH MY GOODNESS! WHA- HORNS?] [If mother was here...]. He thought about how he was going to let his mother know. [It would be better for everyone if she never finds out about this], King Sek thought.

"Have you found Ling?"

"Haaa...", releasing the deep breaths he had been holding, Seth spoke, "Yes, I have. He was chained in a cave. Not with ordinary chains too. I had to get in this state to break him free"

"What state is this, Seth? Why didn't I know about this?", Sek asked.

"I keep unraveling each day. It is tiring to me too. It gets worse when I am furious, I can not even communicate properly. You need to see my abilities when I am in this state"


"Do not be so worried. Ling told me it is the blood in me. It's my nature... I... we have to get used to it. Now about the princess..."

Sek took a moment before he replied. He was so confused, he didn't know what to say next.

"Why did the princess' kidnap make you angry to that extent? Tell me, Seth"

That was when Seth remembered that he hadn't told his half-brother about Ruby. Seth hadn't been sure about how he felt at that time but now...

"That princess is the girl I met in the river. I care deeply for her. I am just returning from the Ziviel Kingdom"

[OH MY-]. "You like her?"

"It is deeper than 'like', brother. I can kill for her"

Sek knew Seth meant what he just said. [To think that his mother wants him to marry Princess Ruby]. King Sek made a mental note to talk to his mother about that agenda. [She should better drop it, otherwise...], he thought.

King Sek gathered himself, took a seat, and offered Seth one. They began to talk about the strategy to get the princess back.

"Did you say a man that was with her is here in the palace?"

"Yes, he is in the infirmary. Had several blows to the head. He escaped narrowly"

"Such dedication", Seth mused. "You know I can get her myself, right?"


"The man should take me to the spot where she was taken from. Then leave the rest to me"

* * *

In The Ziviel Kingdom...

A letter got to the usurper.


He was elated. Squealing in his room, he called for his personal assistant. "Prepare a feast, and call the court secretary at once"

[At last. That redhaired worm will regret planning to go against me! When was she born? When did she stop sucking on her mother's breast? Imagine that? Planning to march against me with the ants she calls troops? Hahahaha...], he boasted in his thoughts.

Holding a cup of wine, he began to make plans to consolidate himself by getting a queen.

It was time!

A queen would bring balance to everything, and he had chosen the daughter of the court's secretary. She was young and lovely. [The girl will make a fine, obedient queen], he thought.

A small knock was heard on the door, and a man entered.

"Prepare a wedding. I will wed your daughter", King Thress told the secretary.

The man's face brightened, then dimmed again.

"What is the problem?"

"Nothing your highness, I will see to it immediately"


The man bowed and left the room. [I do not like Thress. What if Princess Ruby is still alive and comes back for her throne, where does that leave my daughter if at all she becomes queen?], he thought. He wasn't sure of this arrangement. The man feared for his daughter's life.

The court secretary had served The Ziviel Kingdom since the days of King Zik. They had all fled the palace during the invasion. Then, word had gone around that the royals and those who served in the palace could return to continue work. They had returned to find King Zik's twin on the throne. It had shocked everyone that he was the one, secretly behind the fall of King Zik.

* * *

Thress's reply to King Vasso of the Taterra Kingdom...

'You have my gratitude. Hold the girl as I have sent soldiers to come to get her. I will deal with the matter myself'

Thress was waiting impatiently for the princess. He had given the order to have her grave dug beside where they had buried her parents. She was not going to slip from his hands again.

[No one will take this throne from me. Something I have planned and dedicated my life to getting?! I will make sure I remain with the crown], Thress thought.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Oma_Uchecreators' thoughts
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