
Chapter 59


It was closer to night when Rene and I had dealt with the documents and already wanted to leave for the hotel, but I left her. To the question: "Where?" He replied that I need to meet with Lucifer to find out some information. Which may help us in the future. Slightly hesitating, she let me go on all four sides. After all, she herself was exhausted by hard work and she was indifferent to me now.

Although recently we have conversations and relationships like a married couple. Rather, in places they look like it.

The guards of the club, which belonged to our beloved devil, immediately upon presentation was taken to the top floor of a multi-storey building. There, in my personal apartment, Lucifer and one lady were waiting for me, with olive skin, brown eyes that just pierced me through and with an open outfit that I could not identify, whether it was a dress, or a swimsuit with shorts, or not. up-pants with bra. In general, I left this thing to guess what it was. And when he approached them, he did what he wanted to do with Lucifer from the very beginning - he scanned them with the "gaze of the player".

Name: Meizikin Lilim

Level: (((*?:%;

Race: demon

Class: Assassin

Subclass: Master BI.

Feature: Devil's Bodyguard, Lilith's Daughter, General of the Demon Army, Bartender, Devil's Lover.

Age: 8 343 years

Characteristics: see details.

Not sickly so. And Lucifer has the following indicators here:

Name: Lucifer Morningstar

Level: (((*?:%;

Race: Fallen Angel, Archdemon

Class: Devil

Subclass: Adorable Devil

Feature: Devil, Fallen Angel, Guardian of the Dungeon of the Goddess of this Universe, Firstborn of God, Demigod

Age: uncountable

Features: see details. [Locked]

- And here is our guest. Lucifer smiled. - Come in, what are you going to drink?

- Whiskey.

- Meisekin bring our guest a whiskey.

- Nice to meet Isaac Dinklage.

- Meisekin, bodyguard of Lucifer and also the barmaid of this viper. - our demoness gave out somehow wearily and trudged to the mini-bar.

- It's a pretty nice place. - Morningstar was indignant.

But his words were never answered.

- What Isaac, glad you came. I have a lot of questions for you.

- As well as mine to you.

- I remember the agreement, you ask the question, I give the answer. I ask a question you give an answer ...

"… And most importantly, you and I, of course, have truthful answers.

- Of course.

Meisekin brought us whiskey, or rather me. Lucifer drank wine. And we started "negotiations". Although these were not even negotiations, but a quiz, which set the main goal for both of us to find out more about each other.

And this quiz started with a question from Lucifer. Who am I!

And I answered very honestly that I was an immigrant into this body from another world, similar to this only without the "freaks". About the God of Games and even about the system I have. The only thing that I did not say is about DS and the fact that most likely this world is created artificially. Although how this world can exist, I do not know. Therefore, I put out such an assumption. Maybe someday I will.

Then I asked a question about how he ended up on Earth. In principle, I knew that he was tired of being a big boss in Hell and he screwed up to have fun here. But still I wanted to hear his story from the lips of the original source, as they say.

And the answer was pretty much the same as on the show. Only here he told me, probably because of the obviousness of a grateful listener, even more than was necessary: ​​about the Silver City, Hell, his "family" and also about some funny incidents from life ...

In general, our conversation moved from official important issues to personal topics. And including Detective Decker. This is exactly what I needed.

"… That's why, for some reason, it is she who can hurt me. Amazing!

- Hmm. And if I know the reason for this and can tell you how to get closer to her? Can I count on a reward from the Devil? I asked him.

And Lucifer squinted out:

- The man tries to push the devil around and offers him a deal ... I agree. You need to try something new at this time. What do you want for an answer and advice?

- I actually provide you with a service, so you will provide me with a service. Not now, but in the future.

- Deal. - we made a bet. - So what's wrong with her?

"She shouldn't have been born, Lucifer. It has the "Blessing of Aminadiel" on it. Is this your little brother? Well, as I understand it, she is the child of a childless couple, which was born at their prayers to God. That is, your father. And this blessing influenced her life and even her morality.

- So my father pushes me around through her? - I again felt unpleasant to be in the same room with him. - It…

"I didn't want to do anything with her." At least this is not a long term plan. I am more than sure that your meeting is a coincidence. She was born over thirty years ago. You appeared here, it seems, about four years ago?

- Yes. - answered the slightly calmed Devil. - Are you sure?

- I can't be sure of anything. Yet it is God. You know better. But the fact is that I am sure of one thing in terms of your family. Your actions are impossible to predict. You are a mystery even to your father. And he just could not know that you would decide to dump from Hell on "vacation". Besides, is this a unique occasion of the birth of a child by a blessed angel?

- Hmm. Yes, it makes sense. But why doesn't she give in to my charm? All women in the world and even men would want to sleep with me, but she resists! - wow, she really hooked him really hard.

"I could be wrong, but it's a matter of her moral principles.

- Explain ...

- She just, judging by your words, broke up with Espinoza. She is not yet ready for this kind of relationship. And a one-night stand is not her style. Here you need systematic and long-term care of the lady. This is how you can melt her heart.

I never thought that I would lecture Satan on how to seduce women. Something new…

Meanwhile, Lucifer was pondering and wondering something in his head. Meisekin hasn't grazed me for a long time. I realized that I was not a threat to her superiors anyway, so I was drinking alone in the minibar.

- Do you play the piano? - I was "surprised".

- Yes, and not only on it, but on all musical instruments that only exist on this planet. I love music. - already matured Lucifer nodded. - Especially 20-30s. Although I also respect contemporary music. But most of all I like the composers of the 18th and 19th centuries.

- And me Wagner and Vivaldi. Wagner still think more. Especially his Tango of Death. It was always fascinating, there is something in it ...

- Mystical?

- Maybe. It's just that I always liked this particular composition, but I still can't explain clearly why I can't.

- Will you play? - he offered me.

- Oh! Sorry but no. I don't know how to play this instrument. Guitar only. And even then only thanks to the army. Although I recently bought a violin and am going to learn how to play it. But so far I have not even taken it into my hands.

- Hmm. Meisekin bring that fancy Spanish guitar from the closet that I got a month ago. - and he went to the piano. - Now we will play your beloved Wagner. And something new, for your taste. I want to know how much you love music.

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