
Horde Invasion: Unfortunate Events

The gold and white wisps danced around the katana and scabbard. Lee Seng rushed forward and swung. Just as the katana was about to connect with the black veined goblin, Lee Seng released the wisps just like he had practiced. The katana grazed the goblin and the wisps rushed at the goblin. Lee Seng pulled away, jumping backwards. Just as quick as Lee Seng released the wisps, he watched the wisps rip at the goblin and move back at him.

The wisps rushed back into Lee Seng's katana. Lee Seng felt the familiar charge of the Dark Matter flowing into his body through the wisps and smiled. He rushed forward, again, swinging at the black veined goblin. Each swing released the wisps and lightly sliced at the black veined goblin's reinforced body. The goblin shrieked as Dark Matter continued to be pulled away from it. 

The goblin pushed through the pain and blocked. It shoved Lee Seng away and retreated backwards. Lee Seng twirled his blade and smiled.

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