
Wan Li's Revenge

"What are you doing here, brother? Are you looking to avenge your parents? Please don't risk your lives and come back to the sect," Alex said. 

"You… won't understand," Wan Li said softly and ran further in. 

'Where is he going? Does he know the way?' Alex wondered as he followed Wan Li. 

"Oi kid, leave the old man behind. You don't have to follow him," the woman and 3 other men were following behind but stopped.

"Kid, we are leaving with or without you. The bandit is gone and we need to leave before he informs his boss," the woman said, but Alex didn't listen. 

He continued following behind Wan Li as he went deeper into the forest. 

"Senior, what do we do now?" one of the men asked. 

"Let's go back. We need to move soon or the Black Venom himself will come to find us," the woman said. 

"And that kid?" another man asked. 

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