
Melani VS Vanessa

How happy Jasmine was when she saw the hands, fingers, nose, eyes, lips, and the legs of the two tiny creatures in her arms. They were Mav and Ily, normally born with two and a half and two points two kilograms.

"Ah, my God. I'm happy, Leon," Jasmine said as soon as Leonardo finished kissing her face and lips. Her mother was right. The pain disappeared as soon as Jasmine hugs the babies.

"You deserve happiness, Baby. You fought great today." Leonardo tightened his grip.

Mav and lly, both on the right and left of Jasmine's chest, were trying hard to find the nipple from their mother. They seek the water of life early initiation of breastfeeding. Leonardo was so excited by their cute behavior. What an amazing miracle that God gave.

"Ah, are you thirsty, kids?! They are working hard to find it! Go, Kids!!" It seemed that they wanted to immediately gulp down the water of life that could only be obtained from Jasmine's breasts.

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