
A Sinner II

Jasmine returned to the bank. On the way, she glanced into her bag. There is thirty million in cash. If only it were her money, she would be able to pay Ameera's school fees right now. Too bad it wasn't Jasmine's money.

[Shall I borrow the money first?] Jasmine thought hesitantly, who knows Rafael will come home and bring money tomorrow? Jasmine can immediately exchange the amount of money. Jasmine suddenly gasped. That's right, who knows Jasmine could borrow it first.

Jasmine rushed off the bus as soon as she arrived at the bus stop near the bank. With quick steps, the woman returned to her workplace. Jasmine wrote something down before going to the teller. She handed over the customer's money to deposit.

"Huff, Jas. There's a lot of queues," she refused. Jasmine saw a row of customers queuing in front of the teller counter. The three lines are complete; today is Friday, all companies take money to pay the wages of daily workers.

"Ugh, I'm in a rush." Jasmine glanced at the clock on the wall, and it was 2 pm.

"What's all the fuss about?" Kikan and Sisca came to the teller counter, and they had just finished their lunch.

"Jasmine wants to deposit. But there are a lot of queues. I told her to wait," replied the teller curtly. Her busy working hours, which ended in less than an hour, made her head want to explode with emotion.

"Where are you going, Jas?" Sisca asked.

"I have important business." Jasmine didn't give any details.

"Give it to me. I'll help you to deposit." Kikan opened her palm.

"Seriously?" Jasmine's eyes lit up.

"Come on, hurry up," Kikan said, lazy to make small talk.

"Thank you, Sister!" Jasmine gave a slight bow and went outside in a bit of a hurry.

"Where is she going in such a hurry?" Sisca was indifferent and left Kikan, who was holding the customer's money from Jasmine. Kikan sat near the teller, waiting for her turn while playing a pen.

"The new kid is annoying." The teller cursed Jasmine.

"Well, hurry up and work. Then receive this money. I also want to get out of here soon. I still have a lot of work to do." Kikan let out a long sigh.

It wasn't long before the queue started to finish. The teller opened a wad of money wrapped in deposit paper and rubber bands. She started entering the customer's account number on the computer system in front of her. Then how surprised she was when she found that the nominal on the proof of deposit was different from the physical nominal of the money.

"Sis, this is only 27 million, even though it says 30 million here." The Teller reported it to Kikan.

"Eh, what? How could it be?" Kikan glared.

"Let me contact the customer. How much did she deposit?" The teller immediately contacted the old lady, and they knew the customer's data, including the cell phone number that could be reached.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?? I lost three million?" The old lady was angry at the other side of the phone, and she pounded her desk. The money that was collected little by little for her old age just disappeared.

"Sorry, ma'am. We'll ask Jasmine." Teller felt guilty; she didn't expect the woman to be angry like this.

"That woman is a fraud!! Her beautiful face and gentle demeanor fooled me!! You guys also, how can the bank hire a thief!!" she shouted angrily.

"Relax, Maam. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding. I'll get back to Jasmine." The teller tried to calm the customer.

"No!! I'm going there now! I demand your leader." The woman insisted that she wanted to investigate Jasmine. Disappointment swept through her heart, even though she had so much faith in Jasmine. How could that woman betray and steal money from an old woman like her?

"How?" asked Kikan.

"Huff... Dunno!" The teller hung up; she was tired and wanted to hurry up to finish her work. Not thinking about the mistakes of her office mates





Jasmine walked unsteadily; she didn't know where to go anymore. Her heart was filled with extreme guilt. She not only betrayed her husband, but she also had a myriad of wrong thinking and other mistakes.



Sis thank you

Mera can get a test card tomorrow

without having to beg.


Thank goodness, Mera.

Study hard.


Unconsciously Jasmine arrived in front of the church building. The church, which is not far from her residence, looks deserted and empty. Today is not Sunday nor time for worship; of course, the church is tranquil right now.

Distress enveloped Jasmine's heart, and she had stepped up to the top of the stairs. Her hand that was lodged in the door handle seemed to be shaking with doubt; could she step inside even though her life was full of sin?

[I have to confess all my sins.] thought Jasmine.

The woman stepped in, the cross hanging in the middle of the room. Become a symbol and also the center of all religious forms in the room.

Jasmine swallowed hard; she stepped in and asked a young man fixing the candles below the statue of Jesus to call for Father Albert.

"Father said wait a minute, Miss," he said.

"Fine," replied Jasmine. The woman waited patiently. Waiting with an anxious heart, guilt clung to her heart. Shame and humiliation spread and tore her conscience.

[Forgive me, Lord, I am a sinner.] Jasmine's tears fell.


Jasmine 😩

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