
it is

"I WAS WEARIED. SO I TOOK A WALK ROUND THE NEIGHBORHOOD and then I ran into some fellas, played some pretty interesting yet violent games with them and it was fun, I loved every moment of it but I still wasn't satisfied." He begins to speak casually. "Then I remembered there is something that I want; something that will make me satisfied. So, I started tracing it but for some screwed up reason I couldn't remember where it was, but now I've found it." He snaps his head to her, "You."

She squints her eyes at him, trying to put all he is saying under logic. This could be another joke of his, there is no reason why he will be at her house. "Is this because of the toaster?" She blindly asks.

His smile disappears in a blink of an eye which startles Aubrey. In an instant, he gets up on his feet, walking energetically towards her and she gets alarmed.

She begins moving backwards, her eyes on him and his on her. Peering into his eyes, Aubrey feels compelled to hold onto him; she doesn't quite understand why she feels this certain type of way and that's more threatening.

Her back hits the kitchen counter and she is left with no place to run.

A smile forms on his face.

He leans closer to her, making her bend over -in attempt to be inches away from him.

He lowers his face down to hers and Aubrey can feel his breath fan her neck, making her shiver. She is not sure if her reaction came from fear or from the cold floors or something else that she has never experienced.

"Don't bother running, it's pointless." He whispers into her right ear, his lips lightly brushing them.

Aubrey begins panting as she grows hot all over. She has been physically close with a male figure before, but this time seems ten times more uncomfortable. 

"You have something I want."

Aubrey looks up into the black pool that is his eyes. She is unable to speak, completely confused as the feeling of being drugged hits her.

"Now how do I get it out of you?" He moves an inch away from her, giving her space to breathe properly.

She watches him in his black attire, finding it hard to move and run away from him. He has a puzzled look on his face as if he is trying to find a solution to a problematic math equation. Even if Aubrey can understand his look, she can't understand why the look is directed towards her. If all this is because of the toaster, then she doesn't want it anymore; he can take it and have it for eternity.

"Should I push my hand inside of your belly?"

Her facial expression turns into a frown immediately he says that.

He begins inching forward again and Aubrey's breathing picks up. "Should I put my hand inside of your mouth?"

Her eyebrows furrow at his words as she begins to wonder if he is truly mad or if her guesses of him being an utter Psycho is true.

"Or would I be able to get it out if I pull your arm off—"

A sudden burst of energy surges through the whole apartment as someone makes a forced entry. The room immediately becomes freezing cold. The insane, dark-haired man and Aubrey both turn their heads to the new intruder.

Aubrey's eyes widen when she notices the intruder is Connor; the man who she mocked for claiming to be a god. She begins to think this night is her last on earth; two mentally disturbed people are at her apartment at midnight.

It is a good thing Brady ran away to Liam's.

"I thought I made myself clear," Connor pauses, anger evident on his face. Aubrey always thought his brown-red hair was weird but seeing it on him at this moment with such a fierce and angry look, it fits him perfectly. "Not to touch her." He completes.

The dark-haired man laughs and finally moves away from Aubrey as he takes a sit on a chair. "Good, you're here. Now tell me how to get it out of her before I split open the skulls of everyone in this town."

Aubrey gasps as she sees his facial expression morph into pure hatred. It also doesn't help that the first thing she thinks about when she sets eyes on him is Death.

"I suggest you leave, Kai."

Aubrey's eyes widen. That name rings a bell.

---"Stay away from him. No matter what he tells you, stay away. His name is Kai."---

She remembers Gemma's words and her wide eyes scan over the features of the dark-haired man, sitting in the chair.

He looks perfectly healthy for someone who is mental. They all look perfect; tall, perfect bodies that don't seem human but at the same time looks human. Her head begins to hurt as she tries to reason the current situation.

Notwithstanding, she doesn't believe what they say about the existence of gods and the only logical explanation is that they are psychologically disturbed and she is going to stick to that thought but what happens next is beyond Aubrey's average level of belief.

Her eyes are wide as she watches Connor's expression morph into anger as he flashes right before her eyes, reaching Kai and grabbing him by the neck; as if he teleports. Aubrey falls to the ground in fear as her body feels tight; adrenaline kicking in.

She doesn't study Science in College but with the little knowledge she has, things like these aren't normal.

"Aubrey. You need to leave now. Get out now!" Connor firmly says and from where she is seated on the ground, she can feel the tense authority in his voice which makes her cower.

Her eyes stings with tears as she peers at the image of the two men at each other's throats. Connor is holding Kai up in the air by his neck while Kai stares calmly at her; acting like he isn't choking.

Aubrey gets unsettled with Kai's deep stares on her.

"Aubrey! Go now!" Connor yells, turning around to glare at her this time.

She doesn't wait another second as she rises up on her feet, racing for the door; leaving her phone behind and running out barefooted.

It is until she gets outside into the cold night, she notices she is underdressed but the adrenaline keeps her running for her life, away from the crazy happenings in her house.

In a messed up mental state, she is screaming and running down the street for help but someone comes up from behind and grabs her. Not caring who it is, her yells increase in volume as she begins yanking around for her freedom.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

lifeisdynamite_creators' thoughts
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