
Black Day

14 August there was a girl who went to do her job as usual and get to home back. but there was some thing strange happend that she could not finished that day's duty on time. all were shocked when they heard that mens are coming and she can not believe that she should leave for home at 12 o clock instead of 4 o clock. but she has to leave until she could be safe. but not understand what is really going on, so she was looking around with a cookie in her hand. she had wish some one tell her it is a nightmare ...

but no one said it the day after tommorow was the same with a new and only color which is black, black destiny is going to begain because she already got to know that have to stay home and not to go out with out her brother or father

beside she has to forgot what she planed as goals. it was not easy she forgot that she wanted to be a wonderful girl with lots of joy and having trip around her country. or atleast she can go to job and be the only one who could find some thing to eat for family, since 14 August it is more than ten days that she has no one who can provide some food for them. but she tried alot to escape from the country the men who were in charge of flying told her to must have permission. and could not go by road too, because men from the hole may punished her because of having trip with out father(who is sick and must stay home) and brothers who are abroad. now she is still trying to find some way for doing a job and finding money..

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