
Intention behind the actions

The dead rogue vampire's ash was mixed in water before it was fed to Conner's father. And though it was given in the intention of helping the man to get better, the hunters who stood in the room weren't happy about it. It was because they felt it was unethical for a human to consume the remains of a vampire. 

Conner stood at the bedside, waiting for his father to feel better. 

Simon stood at the side, watching the hunters expression, where they looked like they were ready to take action if something would go wrong. One of the men asked Mr. Davis, "Who is this new boy here? Can we trust him?" 

"He is a fellow hunter and studies in the same university, where Melanie and Conner study," replied Mr. Davis, his eyes shifted to look at the red-headed boy, who held a worried look on his face while looking at Rob. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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