
Contamination in Veteris

Mr. Helm, the teacher for Julie's class, now stood in the headmistress' room with the two girls from Junior year who had gotten into a fight. The room held the same quietness as the first visit when Julie had been dragged in here because of Roman and Mateo's fight. 

Ms. Dante stared at them with a grim expression on her face, and there was a frown on her face, and her lips were set in a thin line while watching the two young girls.

The male teacher cleared his throat and said, "Ms. Dante, Ms. Winters and Ms. Obson were involved in a fight for no actual reason. Not only that, they even broke the rule of not listening to me when I told them to stop. Look at this," he showed his arms that had angry red lines on his skin. "They didn't even spare me!" 


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