
10. Satria And The Fried Rice

Inside the kite, Rissa saw the handsome man's face. She continued to chase the kite until it fell on a rock. The kite disappeared into the clouds. Suddenly, a bird pecked her head. Knock knock.

She heard the sound of the birds pecking more and more often. Rissa found it strange how the sound of birds pecking could be so loud. But then, the pecking sound goes down.

Her dream passed, and she began to wake up. Someone opened the door to her room. It was Satria.

Satria saw her lying on her bed. Rissa remembered that she only wore a thin sleeveless shirt and shorts. They looked at each other.

Rissa gasped in surprise, screaming hysterically. She immediately pulled the blanket and covered her body.

"What are you doing here? Get out!" Rissa was so panic.

Satria was standing still at the door. His mouth opened slightly.

"Sorry, Carissa. I didn't mean to bother you." His eyes still looked at Rissa, who was struggling with the blanket, trying to cover her body.

"Quickly get out now," said Rissa, nice but firm.

"I've been knocking on the door since before, but no one answered. That's why I went straight in." Satria shrugged his shoulders.

"Get out, Sat."

"Sorry. I mean ... I was just checking. I'm afraid if there something wrong happened...."

"Satria you get out right now!" Rissa snapped.

"Relax. I didn't see anything." Satria waved his hand. "Don't worry. I'm your friend so I…."

"GET OUT!" Rissa screamed.

"Okay. I'm out now." Satria rushed out, closing the door. Rissa automatically locked the door to her room.

Rissa grabbed a worn, long-sleeved T-shirt with thicker material and long jeans, then quickly put it on. She took a comb, tried to brush her hair. She decided to tie her hair up high.

Rissa got ready in front of her bedroom door, took a deep breath, then slowly let it out through her mouth. She repeated it three times. And then, she opened the door carefully, while hesitating a little, peeking a little; hope Satria has gone.

Anyway, there he was. He was wearing a striped long-sleeved shirt with jeans that perfectly matched his long legs.

Satria is very tall, so Rissa has to look up a little to see his face. This time, Rissa did not get the wide smile that usually appears on Satria's face. The man smirked, not daring to look directly into Rissa's eyes.

"Hi, Carissa. I'm sorry. I know this is wrong ...," Satria stammered. He scratched his head.

Rissa doesn't like this situation. She didn't want to be angry, but she felt very annoyed. Her eyes shifted for a moment to stare at the white package on the guest table. "What's that?"

"Oh. Here it is," Satria immediately took the package and handed it to Rissa.

"I just made ... Uhm, I accidentally passed by your house. Uhm…." Satria hit her head, struggling to compose the words.

Rissa grabbed the package and opened it. There is a light green food box with a picture of a frog filled with fried rice and still warm.

"You made me fried rice?"

"No! I was uhm ... I really didn't mean to," Satria laughed rather loudly and made up. "Why was I made you fried rice? Right? I just ... uhm ... It is all just a coincidence. See?" The man held his breath.

"Oh. I thought you...."

"Oh no!" Satria moved his hands.

She even was not finishing her words, but Satria already cut her off. Satria covered his mouth. The man really didn't know what to say. Then he opened his mouth again to speak. His shoulders slumped.

"I'm so sorry Carissa. I just ... I just want to make sure you're okay. I didn't see you at church this morning. That's why I came to your house but you were angry because I walked into your house withour permission. I know it's rude."

Satria peeked a little, trying to see Rissa's face.

"I'm sorry Carissa," he repeated.

Rissa glared at him. The man's face looked pitiful that makes her feel bad. Rissa was quite touched to know that there was still a nice person who wanted to bring her fried rice, worried about her not seeing him at church.

Suddenly, someone opened the door of his house, and it was James. Her brother was carrying a cable. Rissa looked at James sharply, but James walked into the house chuckling.

"The iron cable was broken. It was bitten by a rat, I guess. So, I went to buy a cable. Oh, hi Satria?" James smiled at Satria, and Satria replied.

"Satria, how are you today?"

"I'm fine, thanks."

James was a little suspicious of his sister's gaze. Suddenly, a light turned on above his head.

"Oh yeah. I forgot to lock the door," said James, glancing at Satria. James hastily slipped into the kitchen. "Sorry."

Satria still feels bad for Rissa. He tried to approach her.

"Carissa, I...."

"Stop! Don't call me Carissa again."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Stop saying sorry."

"Oh yeah sorry I didn't... Ugh! Okay, Cari ... Uhm, Rissa. Yes, Rissa sorry ... Geez!" Satria closed his eyes and then scratching his head again.

In that situation, Rissa began to smile, but with all her pride, she held it.

"Okay. Thanks for the fried rice, but I've already lunch," Rissa returned the green box to Satria.

Satria looked at the food box in disbelief. Then, Satria took it with a face full of disappointment.

"Uhm, don't you want to give it a try?"

"No, thank you."

Satria was silent for a moment, nodded once, and smiled. "Yeah, it's fine. By the way, I'll go home first."

"Okay," answered Rissa coldly.

Satria turned his body; walked over to open the door. From behind, James called out to him, pulling the green box from his hand.

"Satria, may I have that fried rice? Please," asked James cheerfully. Rissa gave him a look of cruelty, as cruel as she could do. However, it seems her brother doesn't want to notice.

"Of course! You can have it, James," Satria's wide smile broke out, as usual, showing off his white and neat teeth. Rissa watched them.

"Instead of taking it home again, it's better for me. Isn't that right?" James gave a high five to Satria. They laughed. Then finally, Satria came home, walked to the end of the alley, then drove his yellow sedan, which was very conspicuous on the road.

James returned to the kitchen with his innocent face, ignoring his sister.

"James!" exclaimed Rissa.


"Next time, don't be so rude, okay?"


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