
Kate's Struggles


We enjoyed a break together near the underground lake, which included a lot of delicious meals, some made using some of the met of the Divine Soul Beasts we've hunted so far. Eating them not only gave us Divine Power, but it even strengthened and healed our souls from any damage. My soul, which had withstood a lot of damage after my fight with one of Pandemonium's Fragments was now almost back to full health, and above all, it was growing even stronger.

Eating Divine Soul Beast meat was the best! After filling ourselves with as much of that food as we could, we moved forwards. Cleaning most of the frozen caves as we could. It took us roughly a whole day. 

After the Giant Frost Spiders, we clashed against Divine Frost Werewolves, who worked on large packs and were both cunning and strong. Then we fought against the Freezing Caves Banshees, fast and sneaky monsters capable of becoming invisible and trespassing through physical matter.

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