
Drake's Quite Famous


"Anyways, for now, it would be better if we talk about the topics we can accomplish within our current path." Said the Turquoise Frozen Pavilion. "There's room for improvement in our strategies, but shouldn't we adress the most important thing now? We need to ample our securities. Of all of us here."

"Indeed, I agreed." Sighed the Frost Tear Kingdom's King. "However, investing on security costs more than we can possibly afford."

"The Frost Emblem Empire has been taking over several dungeons, they leave little for us!"

"I heard the Frost Tear Kingdom has lots of sea they use to fish for resources, how come you have little money?"

"Both of them are the richest in the entire continent yet pretend to be poor and vulnerable? Then what are we? Trash? Garbage?"

"As the greatest of this continent, shouldn't you be more solidary and understanding with us?"

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