
Benladann's Popularity


Ogurr continued to clash against Benladann, he began to grit his teeth as his aura continued to flow across his body, boosting his arms and muscles strength to the limits he could possibly unleash… or well, of what he was holding back to. As Benladann told him, he didn't decided to go all out and she was quickly overpowering him while swinging a single arm, his blade wasn't that strong at the end, my wife's arm was stronger than both of his arms.

"W-What kind of woman…?!" He asked in disbelief.

"I am just a mother." Said Benladann, rushing towards Ogurr with great speed, and then kicking him on the stomach, pushing him down into the ground and pointing her axe at him.

"I won."


Ogurr was left completely speechless. I think Benladann didn't tried to make the fight longer… She just showed off, did she wanted to impress me and Benladra?

"Wooowwww!" Said Benladra, clapping her tiny hands together as her eyes shone brightly

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