
Conflicting Feelings and the True of the Matter.


So I just realised... it's really difficult for me to write lately... sigh...I'll do my best don't worry... I just wish I could find some inspiration or something.

Music is the best for that though and you can thank "Panic at the Disco-House of Memories" and "Imagine Dragons-Bones" for this chapter hahaha! Also I'm home alone so that's was a double reason for me to finally get this chapter done...so anyway have a good day everyone.

And of course, hope you like it and like always EEEENJOY!!!


It had been a real torment for Chrysalis... Each day preceding the wedding had been nothing less than a torture with bonus steps, as that accursed pony made her feel things she had never knew existed.

The way he talked...The way he made her feel every time they touched or just exchanged glances...

And worst of all... He was always there! Following her every time she went to meet one of, as she came to know later, his marefriends'... Something that for some reason gave her an unpleasant feeling..was it jealousy? Surely not!...

But no matter if it was her checking the decorations alongside that tasty feeling Rarity. Tasting the food with the ones called Pinkie Pie and Meena...and ugh, it was so...so...sweet! She couldn't stand the taste of so much sugar...

But no matter where she went, and whom she met, as long as it was connected with the wedding, THAT pony would be there, making her feel all types of weird sensations.

She wanted to just squash him like a bug, or make him disappear, but for whatever reasons she couldn't push herself to do anything. She couldn't control him...that she knew for sure, because she tried... But when she thought about silencing him quietly, not only her instincts screamed at her to cease her plans, but some kind of weird feelings made her reluctant to act on her frankly logical ideas...As if some part of her actually wanted to have him around...No! She's the Queen of Changelings! She wouldn't want the company of anypony! She only needed her slaves and subjects that listened to her every word!...

And yet...there was still this feeling she started to feel ever since she met that Prince...she could have sworn that it was loneliness...but... that's just ridiculous...right?... She's surrounded by other's, talking and spending time normally. there's no reason for her to feel lonely. She never felt it before so... Why would she even feel lonely in the first place. Such feeling are beneath her...

'But they're all spending time with Cadence and not you, aren't they?' A small voice in her head reminded her, making her scoff. As if recognition of Ponies mattered anyway! All she needed was the love that she had more than enough coming from her little puppet Shining Armour...

An image of Starfall flashed in her mind for a brief second, but she squashed it soon enough. No matter how much she wanted to taste his Love, and she'd be a fool if she didn't consider it considering how tasty he felt to her senses, she still needed to get stronger to even attempt such a thing. She couldn't just change into one of his mares though, because he shown himself very capable of resisting her charm.

For whatever reason her cheeks flushed at the thought of "tasting his love", the weird feelings soon being followed by another bout of unrestrained anger, that she could barely reign in as she stood in front of the mirror inside her chamber.

The wedding was about to happen in only a few hours, and yet she was not in the mood to sing in excitement. The thoughts about THAT pony soured her mood despite her imminent victory...


"You are right Twilight. She is not our Cadence." Starfall said to Twilight, not even looking up from his book as he sat in the lounge enjoying a quite moment, with the wedding only a few hours away.

"W-wha-!? But then...What...Why are you just sitting here!?" She screamed at Starfall in indignation seeing his unconcerned expression.

It had been a few days since their arrival, and she had instantly found that something wasn't right with Cadence, when she didn't respond to their old special greeting that they made when Cadence was still their foalsitter.

The following days were filled with Twilight investigating the Princess, watching how much out of ordinary she acted, pushing her more into the belief that Cadence was not who she claimed to be, which had finally been confirmed by the one she trusted the most...

But then why was he so unconcerned with everything!?

Starfall finally looked up from his book, which Twilight recognised as his own magical dictionary, with a few pages covered in additional writings, probably spells he came up with on the fly, and spoke to her in a calming voice.

"That's because, I was waiting for the right moment and...well...I wanted to understand a bit more about our impostor." Starfall looked slightly sheepish at his admission while Twilight looked confused before squinting her eyes.

"That still doesn't answer my question. What about the real Cadence! If this one is an Impostor then-" She was cut of by Starfall who put his hoof on her muzzle.

"Our Cadence is safe. She had been locked in the Canterlot Catacombs by that fake, and I have been sending her supplies and updates on the situation regularly. I'm sure she'll have my skin for not rescuing her instantly, but I had good reasons for letting things play out as they did for a while longer." Starfall explained, placating Twilight a bit, but she still looked slightly angered.

"And what, pray tell, was so important that you allowed Cadence to stay locked in a Cave, while an impostor is about to get married with my own Brother!?" She asked a bit to loudly and Starfall just sighed.

"Do you want the simple answer of the long winded and complicated one?" He asked and Twilight raised her eyebrow.

"Uh...the simple one please. And if it's not enough you can elaborate further." She said and Starfall nodded.

"Well, to put it simply, I have done my research on our impostor, and decided that me getting to interact with her could be a good way to mend the relationship between two races in the long run, as even if at the moment it is nothing more than a hostile invasion, I hope that one day, we might be able to find a way to coexist peacefully." Starfall said and Twilight blinked a few times, not expecting such an answer from her beloved Stallion, having for a moment forgotten that under his lustful and playful nature, he was still a Prince of Equestria with the tendency of being overly cautious, and with a contingency plan for every possible threat to the country...

"I...ugh! I Hate it that you sound so logical!" She screamed making Starfall laugh at her outburst.

"Isn't that what you love about me though?" He asked and Twilight rolled her eyes.

"You know what I meant..." She pouted and Starfall chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't get your knickers in a twist Twily." He said making Twilight look at him in confusion.

"What? Knickers?" She asked and Starfall realised he used a human expression with a blush.

"Uh... I mean don't get upset... haha.." He laughed awkwardly and Twilight decided to shrug of his funny behaviour...

Then her thoughts went back to the topic at hoof.

"That's right, Starfall! You haven't told me who the impostor even is in the first place..." She said and Starfall felt that another headache was about to fall on his head when he remembered Celestia's reaction at his revelation.

It was going to take a while for him to make Twilight see Changelings as something more than just fairytale monsters...


"I see...then I trust you to know best what to do." Twilight said the moment he revealed the identity of their current enemies, and explained the situation they were in with the army surrounding them from all sides...

Now it was Starfall's turn to look dumbfounded at Twilight... There was no anger, no denying the possibility of peaceful coexistence...she just... accepted it like this...

Seeing his incredulous expression, Twilight couldn't help but giggle.

"What? You thought I would get angry, or start shouting? You forget something Love. Most of my knowledge regarding Equestrian monsters' came from your own research papers. I know how invested you were on studying them, and I know that if you deem it possible to pull them to our side, then i trust you and I'm going to support you wholeheartedly." She said, and Starfall couldn't help but feel a great surge of warmth spreading through his entire body. He was sure that if Chrysalis saw him at this moment she might lose her control and just jump him from all the love he at the moment felt towards the mare in front of him...

"That being said...how about we rescue our foalsitter? It's not long before the wedding and I'm sure we're about to be called for the last preparations. I wouldn't want to be delayed now..." Twilight said, only for a voice from behind startling her.

"No need to worry Twi. We sure won't stop you." The voice of an amused Rainbow Dash came from the entrance.

"That's right Darling! I would love to meet the real Cadence. This Mi Amore Cadenza leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to fashion sense." Rarity added as she joined Rainbow in the room followed by the rest of the Ponyville entourage.

"This! did you hear all we said?" Twilight asked and It was Applejack who came forward.

"That's right Twilight. We've had our doubts 'bout this would be Princess since the very first day, but we didn't want to say anythin' as we didn't know her personally beforehoof."

"But...but weren't you all charmed? I thought..." Twilight asked and even Starfall looked at everyone in curiosity. He knew that his mares were strong and had been training in magic ever since he taught them all how, but... to actually resist the charm of Chrysalis like this was a bit surprising.

"That's another reason we felt something wasn't right with that mare. The way everypony acted around her was mighty suspicious..." Little Strongheart stepped forward while Fluttershy nodded shyly.

"Oh yes...and she didn't seem to like my birds'..."She added sadly before her expression darkened-"How dare she..." Fluttershy said in a quite but angry voice, making everyone shudder...

"Well that's all nice and all but weren't we supposed to get Cadence from some cave or something?" Pointed out Meena making everyone remember the most pressing matter.

"That's right! We can't let her wait any longer! If there's a fight, she's going to be a great help, and we need her help in freeing Armour from this whole mind control magic so he can reinforce the barrier..." Rainbow Dash said, causing everyone to look at her incredulously, not expecting such a smart and on point reasoning from the flying and sports obsessed mare.

Rainbow looked around and put her hooves on her sides with an annoyed expression while floating above ground.

"What!? You think I'm just good at flying? I'd have you know that Starfall is a great teacher and I work hard to show him that I'm worth being his marefriend. I already know my fair bit about magic..." She said looking away with a huff.

Applejack chuckled, and shook her head.

"Don't take it personally Dash. We were just unprepared for such a sound reasoning from our beloved future Wonderbolt." She successfully placated Rainbow who landed beside Applejack, and gave her a smirk, before both mares exchanged a hoof bump.

"Alright, I guess it's as good a time as any. We might as well do the big reveal during the final rehearsal of the ceremony." Starfall spoke up walking forward and smiling at his girls. He was pleasantly surprised with their performance today. Chrysalis wouldn't have had chance even without his presence. He had confidence in the girls that they could fight off the army of Changelings with a much higher success rate than in the original timeline...

"Adventure! Let's go!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly and hopped out of the room like a bouncy rubber ball...

With no further delay, everypony left behind following Pinkie Pie who soon rejoined them having realised she had no idea where to go, Ale like that, the stallion soon led them into the depths of the Canterlot Castle...

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