

Jinwoon had seen that look many times before. He had gotten them all the time back on Earth. It was the look of a stuck up, pretty girl, who knows she's pretty. Jinwoon thought that he would feel the usual anxiety combined with self-doubt. He could feel heat rise up his body.

Sung Hoon could feel that something was wrong. Jinwoon could feel the fear radiate from Jinwoon towards him. He had no idea where this suddenly came from. He first didn't know where the fear was coming from until he looked at Jinwoon.

Jinwoon couldn't take his eyes off the queen. He snapped out of his daze when he felt a warm hand clash with his. He looked to his hand and saw that Sung Hoon was holding it. "Nothing bad is going to happen. I'm here next to you."

Sung Hoon's simple words were like a magic spell that dispersed all the bad feelings and thoughts. For the first time sinds Jung Min, there was someone who told him that he was not alone. 'How long will this last?' Jinwoon couldn't completely let go of the dark thoughts.

"Your Highness and ministers, I would like to introduce you to Ran Jinwoon. My Queen." Sung Hoon glanced at the queen and the ministers. The queen blinked before scoffing. "Then I'll present my selection. Bring the girls in."

The ministers who were stunned by Sung Hoon's words quickly looked around to see who the girls were. They had been trying to find out who the queen had selected but they all had failed. A door to the side opened. It forced the ministers to move to the side.

When the first girl walked in, everybody was shocked. "Princess Park Yuri from Wala. Princess Dam Hee Won from Axum. Princess Ree Ye Sul from Nan. Mae Da Son from Yang. Princess Bong Ha Rin from Kalmar. Princess Sung Hye Bin from Nyasa. Uh Ji Ah from Jawi and Hu Soo Min from Ilha."

"What are you doing?!" One of the ministers turned towards the queen. Jinwoon didn't understand what was going on. "Why are they angry?" Sung Hoon had a complicated look on his face. "They each are princesses and the children of the presidents of neighbouring countries."

Ki Ha, who was standing behind explained more. "The queen is forcing Sung Hoon to offend the other countries. Sung Hoon, you might end up with 9 wives instead of 1." Jinwoon and Sung Hoon turned to glare at Ki Ha. "Joke! I'm joking. Jeesh."

The queen was smirking. "These girls are here to participate in the selection." The girls looked at Sung Hoon with an innocent smile. "I don't think they really know why they are here." Jinwoon en Sung Hoon looked at the girls. "I think you're right." Young had come to stand behind them.

"Just looking at their clueless faces, they have no idea what is going on. You have to..." Before Young could finish his words Sung Hoon had walked over and stood in front of the girls. "I was wondering what the queen told you to get you here."

Park Yuri frowned. "I... The queen didn't send us anything." The queen had also walked towards the girls. "Then why did you come?" "My dear girl, you don't have to say anything." Yuri looked from the queen to Sung Hoon.

"But..." "I told you to stop talking." The queen hissed at Yuri. Yuri looked confused. "Queen Na Ra, why should I not tell the Crown Prince about the letter HE sent me?" "I got a letter too. Me too!" The others stared at Sung Hoon.

"May I ask when you received these letters?" It seemed that Yuri was elected the leader by the other girls because she was the one who replied. "About a month ago." The ministers started to mumble. The queen was opening and closing her mouth but nothing came out.

"What did the letter say?" Ji Ah reached into her robe pocket and took out the letter. "You can read for yourself. Sung Hoon took the letter and started to read. His face slowly became dark. "Girls, I'm really sorry but this letter was not sent or written by me.

Yuri and the others were not stupid. "When you asked us what the queen asked and not that you were glad to see us, it made me think something was off." Shug Hoon glanced at the queen. "I have no idea what is going on."

Yuri turned to her. "Why did you want us to stay quiet?" The queen tried to give a gentle smile. "I thought you might say something that might discredit the prince." Nobody said a word. They all could see that the queen was lying. Sung Hoon ignored the Queen. "But why did you come?"

The girls laughed. "Even if the letters are fake, we are all still willing to participate in this selection." That was not the answer Sung Hoon had expected. "But I already have someone." Sung Hoon pointed at Jinwoon. The girls finally looked at Jinwoon.

Jinwoon became self-conscious. "So..." Ye Sul turned to Sung Hoon. "I'm sorry but I'm not planning on marrying any of you." The queen got a smirk on his face. 'Yes. Make them angry. Mess this all up.' Sung Hoon stared at Ye Sul.

"So you are willing to participate in this selection knowing that I will never love you?" Ye Sul blinked rapidly. "T... That is not what I mean." Sung Hoon indicated for her to continue but Ye Sul couldn't think of anything else.

"Don't mind her. She's a hot head. I don't speak for others but I just came here to enjoy myself." Hee Won, Da Son and Ji Ah nodded at Yuri's words. The others had a determined look. "So the others still want to participate in the selection?" The queen was quick to fan the other girl's wish. "Then I say let's do this."

Jinwoon had hoped that it was all over but the queen was being a real pain. 'Should I just get this over with and pass out?' Jinwoon bit his lip. 'I'm crazy enough to do this?' "This might be a good idea for you to do something." Ki Ha whispered in Jinwoon's ear.

'I can't believe Ki Ha and I were thinking the same thing.' "Let's wait a bit." Young soft voice interrupted Jinwoon's thoughts. "Sung Hoon might be able to stop this." Sung Hoon turned to the ministers.

"I have already told you what I want. I would like your opinions too." All the ministers were shocked by Jinwoon's words. They have never liked him because he was a cold and distant person. They had thought that he would fight them with everything.

But he was actually asking their thoughts, even after clearly stating that he already had a woman he liked. "If the prince doesn't mind, we would like to take a few minutes to talk this through." Sung Hoon nodded. The ministers moved to the side.

Sung Hoon walked back to Jinwoon and the others. "What are you doing?!" Ki Ha was in disbelief. Sung Hoon looked back at the queen and the girls before turning back. "If I keep demanding for the selection to stop, I'll be playing in the queen's game.

Young agreed. "She has this planned from the beginning. She thought that she could fool the girls into coming here and creating drama. They would go back home and complain to their family. This would create a political problem."

"Even into a war." Jinwoon thought it would be too dramatic but wars have broken out for less. "Let's just see what happens. Jinwoon could always still fake it." Young winked at Jinwoon. Jinwoon hoped that it wouldn't come that far.

The girls had also moved to the side. "Do you think any of you will have a chance?" Yuri asked the girls, who still wanted to participate. "Look at her! She is gorgeous. The Queen even looks simple compared to her. Ye Sul, do you really think you can win the Prince's heart in a few minutes?"

Ji Ah looked at Ye Sul. "I think she's out. Did you see the look he gave her after her words?" Hee Won shrugged. Ye Sul's neck became red. "It was a small mistake. I'm confident that he'll give me a second chance."

Ji Ah shook her head looking at her with pity. "Do you really want to be Queen? The Queen is bad news. I'm sure she sent us the letters." Ha Rin had stayed quiet the whole time. "I thought you also still wanted to participate!"

Ha Rin shook her head. "I just wanted to travel. Daddy gave me a month to see the world. My fiancee is going to arrive tomorrow." The others except Ye Sul started to giggle. "Am I the only one who really wants this?" The rest nodded.

20 minutes later the ministers had finally finished deliberating. They walked back to give their verdict. "This was an important matter. We didn't want to be hasty. 20 minutes is too short but we can't keep you waiting. We."

Before he could say anything, Jinwoon retched. He looked at Sung Hoon in shock. He retched again before running outside with Sung Hoon in pursuit.

OMG! How can this be?!

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