

(Shirou's pov)

My battle battle with Bazett was becoming more heated with every passing second. Half way through even Bazett started to grin as if she had a fun fighting me.

I also took a chance of gaining experience in hand to hand combat. Utilizing my regeneration I was fighting bare handed. At first I was being demolished. She broke most of my ribs with a few punches but i healed in a few seconds. My healing didn't stop me from coughing out some of my blood. Seeing this the girls started to worry as they saw the red liquid leaking out of my mask but they didn't see that I was still going like a madman. The longer I fought the better I become. I improved unnaturally fast as if I was gaining back lost abilities or something.

It's not the first time it happened. During my trading with different types of weapons I sometimes learned to use them faster than I should. Not all of them of course but only some.

I improved the fastest with bows and blades following close behind. I assumed that it had to do with my gift when I first came to this world. The same way Shirou (Unlimited blade works version) learned how to use twin blades in very short period of time but I don't remember Shirou or Archer to use hand to hand combat that often.

(A/N I know that during fight with Archer Shirou got his memories every time they clashed blades and it could explain why he could fight with Gilgamesh so effectively but even before that when Shirou fought against Kuzuki. It was at that time he first projected Kanshou and Bakuya and was able to exchange blows with him surprising even Kuzuki. I don't know if there was any explanation to that in vn as I haven't read it but let's just say Shirou have big affinity with these swords.

If you are not agreeing with my explanation I will be forced to use the most powerful card any fanfic author can use.)

Rin: "STOP!!! Stop the fight!!!"

Hearing the voice I and Bazett stopped our fists few centimetres from hitting each other. We turned our heads in the direction of the voice.

Rin explained Bazeet how there is the possibility of the 8th card and how her job isn't officially finished.

After short negotiations 3 of the 6 cards were returned.

Personally I was very satisfied with the results of my fight. I didn't win but I didn't lose either and I improved a lot as a bonus but it did rise some questions. As much as i hate to do it I'll ask Truck-chan about it the next time I meet her. She knows everything about the current me and the past me.

While I was in my deep thoughts I was unaware of the feelings of interest that started in someone during the battle.

(Bazett's pov)

After my fight with Archer I had finally some time to think. I found a bench in the park and I sat down on it.

I recalled Archer. I didn't see his face but I would assume that he is younger than me, probably around the age of Rin and Luvia.

Despite his young age he was able to fight me equally. Even when he abandoned his weapons and I was able to get some serious hits on him he just kept going and improved with every punch we exchanged.

I don't know why but it makes my heart beat faster. I never met anyone my age who could do something what he could. I know that there are a lot of powerful people in the world, even my master is in this category but most of them are older than me with more experience but that boy is not.

At some point I even forgot about my job and started enjoying our fight. It never happened before. I was always able to keep my emotions and desire in check but not this time.

What is so diffrent between this time and all before that. I'll need to do some research.

With these thoughts I went to a library.

(Shirou's pov)

After my fight I healed Rin and Luvia using Avalon.

Rin: "What was that?"

Shirou: "Aren't you tried asking me the same type of question every time I do something? I always the same thing."

Rin: "Yeah, yeah, I know but you do answer sometimes though."

She said as she takes out a notebook and starts writing in it.

Rin: "Could you at least give us some kind of hint."

Shirou: "You are lucky that I like you."

Rin: "L-l-like me? I-I like Shirou...

She started to mumble under her breath as if she wanted to convince herself something.

I ignored her and gave a hint away.

Shirou: "If you want to know something try looking up Arthur Pendragon."

Rin didn't hear anything but Luvia did and she would surely look up everything about him(her)

Shirou: "I had my fun so I'll leave for now."

As I was ready to leave I heard someone calling me out.

Illya: "Wait! Can I also ask you a question. You are always answering to whatever Rin or Luvia are asking but I never had a chance to do so."

She looks at me with her puppy eyes. God dam it. Who could refuse request from her. Someone heartless I tell you.

Shirou: "Sure but just one."

Illya: "Who are you?

Chloe and Miya face palmed themselves hearing the question and who could blame them. You have the rare chance to ask a mysterious figure a question and hell answer it but obviously no one will reveal his own secret identity. Basically Illya just wasted her question.

Chloe: "You idiot. Why did you ask the only question he won't answer and knowing him he also won't give a second chance. We just lose a chance to gain some information."

Chloe started to shake Illya by her shoulders

Illya: But aren't you curious. He is like a mysterious helper in magical girl warriors. When the main characters are in trouble to help them. He is also a love interest for the protagonist. They now each other outside their magical adventures but they don't know each others secret identity.

So Archer my question is, are you someone we know?"

Hearing her I just started laughing.

Shirou: "Hahahahahaha, I can't believe it you asked this question because of the show. Hahaha,I can't stop laughing."

Hearing my laugh everyone is shocked. It's the first time they heard me laughing but who could blame me. There wasn't any situation where I could laugh out loud. I often smiled and grinned but they couldn't see it under the mask. My laugh even woke up Rin from her trance.

I tried to wipe tears as they started to gather in my eyes but all I did was wipe a bit of a mask making me face palm inside my head.

Shirou: "I'll answer your question. You know me."

Illya: "I do?"

Shirou: "Yes, I'm your friendly neighbourhood Archer."

After that I left leaving all of them dumbfounded.

I'll make Illya her favourite dish tomorrow as thanks to her I was able to say this famous line.

And just like that another day ended.

(A/N Little clarification is in order.

First: Bazett is a little bit different than her cannon counterpart. In cannon she was trained by Kirei but in my fanfic some travelling martial artist trained her. Don't worry he is not some random dude. I won't say who it is for now though.

Second: It may seem that I made Illya little too dumb and it wasn't my intention but undoubted she is naive. In the first season she learned how to fly because it's obvious that magical girls fly and she wanted to fight with evil because that's what magical girls do. She had tendencies to compare real world with the show since she learned there is magic.

She matured a little bit but she is still elementary school student and kids can be dumb.

By the way the votes are following

Highschool DxD: 40

Nurarihyon: 38

Kenshin: 10

Pokemon: 18

It looks like Kenshin and Pokemon fanfic are out of the race but Highschool DxD and Kenshin are still fighting.

It's all for now, thanks for reading and bye.)

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