
Moon Destroyer


The bottom of the ship emitted a pulsing blue light as the ship slowly rose from the ground and into the sky. It hovered in place as it gradually got higher and higher while the onlookers looked in envy and awe. There wasn't enough space on that ship for them to go since they would need space to load the cargo and people that they capture from the moon bases. It was already pushing it by taking 50,000 soldiers with them in the first place. As the behemoth blasted off into the sky, those that didn't make the cut could only watch as it left.

The trip to the moon would only take a day or so showing that the ship could travel 500,000 km in a day. The speed of the ship was thus around 21,000 km per hour. During this day most of the time spent on the ship was readying up and planning strategies. There was 50,000 men which would be split into two squads of 25,000, each being lead by Delilah and Julia. They were then split into 25 teams of 1000 lead by a captain who took orders from Delilah or Julia. The formation was designed by Jessica, at the front would be Delilah with 20 teams. This would be the main attack force and the spear head of the formation. The sides would be Julia's part with 10 teams on each side of the formation. The remaining 10,000 men were mostly able bodied men that were brought to lift cargo and weren't fully trained soldiers so they would stay in the ship with Maria and the other researchers and drivers. Lucius would be separate from the others, his mission was solely to assassinate or capture the army leaders while Delilah and Julia distracted them. Delilah and Julia's main job was to keep everyone alive while still doing enough damage to keep the enemies focus.

Lucius had the biggest job in this operation and although all the pressure landed on his soldiers his mind was preoccupied with the feeling he had felt in the bath. He had never felt anything similar to it before and he was now trying to find that feeling again. He had been distracted with the building of the ship so he wasn't able to think about it but now that he was looking out from the cockpit at the moon again he returned back to that state. The ship was slowly inching closer to the moon as Lucius fell into the hazy feeling from his mind to his eyes. He felt it reach through and he began to zoom in on the moon once again. After realising what was happening he gathered a large piece of paper and drew out everything he was seeing. After an hour or so he was able to map out the entire moon base in some amounts of detail. After snapping out of the haze he ran down to the command centre, startling those around him, and slammed the map down on the centre of a large conference table. The room was filled with 52 faces, the 50 team captains and Delilah and Julia.

"It happened again! I drew out everything I saw!" Lucius explained as he spread the maps edges out and started marking spots on the map.

"Here, here and here. There, there and there too. The parts I've circled are places were I saw food and water so I think they are the food warehouses or factories. The places I've put crosses on are where there's no people around, only a few guards. They are either places of importance or the residences of the generals. With this we can better pinpoint where to attack. I say that you guys should attack the food stores while I go for the guarded places." Lucius said as he drew lines and arrows to show the directions of which to attack from.

"This is amazing, but how do you keep seeing that far? Even Maria's telescope can't see in this much detail right?" asked Delilah.

"I don't really know, I just look at the moon and absentmindedly try and zoom in and it kind of just happens. I'll ask my dad when we go back." responded Lucius.

"Ok people, you heard the man. The plan shall be revised to better fit the layout of the base we're attacking." Julia exclaimed

The next few hours were nerve wracking for most of the soldiers but some were anticipating this as much as Delilah and Lucius were. They were given weird looks as those around them thought they were either masochistic or psychotic. Once they reached within 10,000 km of the moon base, the base started getting hectic as soldiers moved to their stations while the generals convened in the command room. Axolot moved to the centre command table and deployed a radio signal to the ship. They were in space so a speaker wouldn't work but the radio waves would be able to travel far enough. The message was short but precise :

"Can we negotiate?"

Maria and Julia were surprised to see that the tyrants that had started a millennium long war were willing to negotiate terms. However, this could also mean that they were simply scared of them. They debated for a while whether to negotiate or not but within 5 minutes a consensus was reached and a signal was sent back in return.

"Fuck off!"

As soon as they received the message the command room lit up with shouts of anger, scaring the guards outside the door.

"Marshal Axolot we shouldn't have even asked those hoodlums to negotiate, those ungrateful bastards should go die!"

"Marshal Axolot, we should shoot down the ship before it can reach us! I suggest using the laser cannons!"

"No sir, that's too weak! We should use the Carrier Busters!"

"No sir, we should..."

"SHUT UP!!! All of you imbeciles should just shut the fuck up for a second. God damn it man you don't let me think!" Axolot shouted in a rage, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Bring out the Moon Destroyer!"

"B-but sir, that's for the event that the Batak try and attack us! We only have enough to destroy either the moon or the ship!" reminded a general.

"I fucking know what I said, ARE YOU QUESTIONING MY DECISION GENERAL?" screamed Axolot as he shoved his finger in the generals face.

"N-n-n-no sir, I wouldn't dare sir." responded the general in a panic as he kept his head down and shook in fear.

"Then what the FUCK ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE, GENERAL!" Axolot rumbled

The general didn't respond but he bowed deeply and then ran out of the room. The rest of the generals followed after him to prepare the Moon Destroyer as it would require their full supervision. Axolot stayed standing in the command room as he slammed his fist on the command table breathing in deeply with his eyes closed. His mind was in turmoil as he pondered whether to offer all of those idiot generals' heads to save his own. After seeing the ship that was approaching him rapidly he knew he had to decide whether to surrender or go all in at once.

Axolot could see that the ship that the resistance was coming in was around the same size as the ship that he had first arrived at the moon base on. Back then he was only around 15 when the war came to a vital point and in fear and anxiety the leaders of each side lead their expeditions to the moon to live there instead of on the volatile planet. Since then, his father had died from old age and now at the old age of 780 years old he was coming to the end of his life as well. He would only be able to live for a maximum of 40 more years. So once he saw a ship as big as, and actually a lot more threatening than, the ship all those years ago, he had already half given up. The Moon Destroyer would be his last hurrah. The only other option he had was to surrender since he couldn't escape. The ship that they had arrived in those 800 years ago was dismantled and made into the moon base so he couldn't leave the moon base anymore.

In the time that he stood there reminiscing on his past years the generals had finished their jobs and had returned to tell Axolot. Axolot sighed deeply as he pulled out a key that was attached to a chain on his neck. He found the control panel as he unlocked it, flipped the switch and then pressed the big red button. The generals looked at him weirdly as he didn't build up to it or anything, it seemed like he just used the most powerful missile in Hazmit's history on a mere whim!

The missile was around a km tall alone and as soon as the red button was pressed it shot off into the sky. The target was set and since the ship was quite massive it wasn't questioned whether it would hit or not. The missile was insanely fast, moving at 5 times the speed of the ship it was going against, at around 100,000km per hour. In other words there would be around 5 minutes before it made impact.

On the other side of the missile was Maria and Lucius staring at the missile being launched at them.

"Are they trying to bomb us straight away? Jeez, they have no manners." Lucius said as he pushed up a green lever right up to the top.

As he pushed the lever, a semi-transparent shield appeared around the ship that glowed in a light blue hue. The shield had formations etched throughout it that circled around the place and shined in a hazy glow. This was a tier 3 formation that Delilah and Lucius spent a few days creating with the help of around 20,000 men and machines that helped them engrave the runic patterns. It took a large chunk of the resources available to them but it was worth it since the shield could defend against all attacks below the 4th tier. Since Hazmit should only have peak third tier attacks at most, they should be safe even if the missile bordered on the 4th tier in strength.

The missile shot toward the ship like a needle that wanted to poke an elephant. The Moon was an atomic bomb that was built to literally destroy a moon. The two parties watched on as the ship and the bomb were about to meet. The generals and soldiers had an anxious expression on their faces as they hoped that the bomb would be enough to topple the ship. On the other hand though, the soldiers under Julia and Delilah didn't even know that a missile was coming towards them. They were all suited up and ready to deploy through the hatch. The starting plan was to fire the mega cannon at the front of the ship to either destroy the moon base's shields or to destroy their defensive formations, before the assault squad dropped down on ziplines and began the war.

After 5 minutes or so there was only 500 metres left. Maria began to countdown slowly but as time went on the other researchers joined in the count as the cockpit got louder and louder.







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