
Chapter Six

Queen Lilian pulled Ron and squished his face into her bosom. Ron struggled and struggled, trying not to get suffocated by the large mounds on her chest but her hold only went tighter and tighter so he gave up and went limp like a wet noodle.

"My baby is going so far away" she sobbed, completely shattering her elegance in the face of her family. Ron knew exactly where he got his personality from.

His mother might be cool, calm and collected in front of outsiders but with her family, she was just an ordinary person. She behaved exactly the way she wanted to behave.

Ron's only problem was that he couldn't act like that. To him, it was like splitting his personality. He'd rather just be himself.

King Cain and Princess Rose stood at the side, watching the mother and son.

"Mum come on, I'll be back in at least a week or two. You've seen me every single day since I was born. Don't you think you should take a break? Besides, I'm an adult now so stop treating me like a child" Ron complained. His words were muffled but she heard every word so she smacked him on the side of the head.

"Don't be silly! You're still my baby boy even when you become king and get married. No matter how old you are, you'll still be the little Ronny that ran around the castle with no pants"

Ron went red. Partly due to embarrassment and partly due to be squished too much.

"How will he become king when you pamper him so much?" King Cain said, looking annoyed at their display. "Baby this baby that. You won't let him man up. I'm beginning to have second thoughts on sending him with Rose"

"Don't worry Father" Rose quickly said. "I'll take good care of Ron"

At that, Ron quickly untangled himself from his mother's arms, fixed his robe and stood straight in front of his father. He cleared his throat and spoke; "I will certainly take good care of Rose, Father. You do not need to worry". He turned to Rose. "You are getting married, sister. As your brother and the future of King of Ashenmore, It is my duty to protect you and make sure you're happy. Be rest assured that I will try my best"

The room went deathly silent. The words were spoken with such elegance, nobility and seriousness that his family couldn't say a word. They were all shocked that Ron could say such things. They were all thinking the same thing.

Was this really Ron?!

Ron had spent the night thinking and thinking and thinking. He came to realize that he was no longer a kid and he couldn't run away from his responsibilities. Now that he had a love interest, he'd have to do everything in his power to make his father trust him enough to hand over the throne early. Only then can he do what he wants.

He almost went mad with joy as he thought of all the possible laws he could create. Same sex marriage would be the first! He'd make sure life was comfortable for his man.

Rose's eyes went misty. She walked forward and tightly hugged him. "Thank you brother" she said when she pulled away. It felt good to know she could depend on him.

King Cain looked so proud. He wondered if his son suddenly had an epiphany. He cleared his throat. "Yes yes. That's what a man sounds like. But you two better hurry along now. It's time"

They said their goodbyes, gave the siblings some advice and after being smothered with kisses and hugs from their mum, the siblings set off.


"Sister, can I join you in the carriage?" Ron asked from atop his horse. The sun was scorching and he was soaked in his own sweat. He wondered why his father made him take a horse when there were many carriages.

"No" Princess Rose said firmly. "You heard what father said. This is part of your training"

Ron wanted to cry. "But sister, it's so hot. The amount of sweat I've produced is enough to wash all of your clothes ten times. Even the horse is drenched. Sister, what will happen to my delicate skin? I feel so dizzy". How will he meet his love if he gets sunburned?

"Come on Ron. What's all this talk about delicate skin? You're not a lady"

"Are you saying only ladies can have fine skin? Don't be sexist sister"

Rose groaned. Why did their father send Ron with her? She would have been fine on her own.

The servants and guards that were to accompany them all sighed in their hearts. Their prince was so young, fragile and lazy. The King was doing this for his own benefit.

"Prince Ron" Ron's personal bodyguard, Leo, said, slowing his horse till they rode side by side. Leo is a tall heavily muscled man with dark brown hair and eyes the colour of mud. He had a long scar on his face, starting from the bridge of his nose to the base of his neck. The shiny armor he was wearing made him look so huge, especially beside the skinny prince.

"The King is doing this for your own good. You're going to rule Ashenmore in a few years. You need to train and strengthen your body"

Ron disagreed. "Do I need muscles to rule? Is it my muscles that think or my brain?"

"Your brain but if there's a war-"

"What are you there for then" he asked. "You're to protect me with your life"

"And if I die?"

"Then I'm done for so don't go dying"

Everyone; "...."

Ron was perfectly okay with the saying 'live to fight another day'. What was so honorable about dying in a battlefield when you have the chance to flee? Preposterous! Survive and live your life as you want it.

He didn't think there was anything to gain from suffering in the sun either. He's a prince for God's sake not a servant. He felt he deserved to be in the carriage. Well, since no one wanted to help him, he decided to continue talking.

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