
(Ch7) Experimental Training

After waking up, Ivan wasted no time. Due to all the injuries Ivan got yesterday, he first learned a magic spell that will heal minor injuries. The thing was, Ivan was not talented in white magic.

Thanks to the spell books he read, Ivan knew that white magic was used to fend of undead or 'evil' monsters, heal yourself or others, and probably other things that weren't in these basic spell books.

Ivan put away the spell book, and started training his new healing spell. Ivan first cut himself with a sharp blade he made with transformation magic. Then started casting the healing spell, sense it was a small cut, it took only a few seconds to heal, and little to no magic energy.

But when Ivan gave himself a larger cut. Sense Ivan's lack of talent with white magic. It took significantly longer to heal, and Ivan felt like his head was about to split. Ivan stoped testing out his healing spell, and went to the kitchen, because he suddenly became very hungry.

After eating his breakfast, Ivan went to the gymnasium to train his body, and found he was proficient in archery. When Ivan got back to his room, he didn't go to sleep right away. Ivan had read in the basic spell book for transformation magic, that transformation magic is useful in alchemy. So Ivan decided to go to the library and find a alchemy book.

Ivan found a basic book about alchemy. Ivan read the whole book and thought through what he just read. First, alchemy is used to do many things, like make normal items into magical items, make golems or non living things that have many uses, and if the alchemist is also a good blacksmith or knows one, they can make a weapon of mass destruction that can endanger multiple countries.

The second thing Ivan learned was pretty morbid. What Ivan learned was that, if you kill another human or some one with the same species as you, you can store their soul and use it later. If you use the soul on yourself, your own soul will be affected, and your emotions may diminish a little, but the upside is that your magic is temporarily more powerful. Another use of the soul is you can transfer that soul into a inanimate object, pretty much giving it life.

There were other things Ivan learned, but they seemed minor to the information he just read. After learning alchemy, Ivan decided to make a basic golem. There were many types of golems, with many types of special abilities. The one that interested Ivan the most was the plant golem. Not only can these golems heal by absorbing sunlight, they take attributes from the plants they are made of, and guess what, there is a greenhouse full of magic plants somewhere down the hallway.

After walking for a while, Ivan made it to the greenhouse. The plants Ivan gathered were, some tree bark from a tree that Ivan sensed to have a magical defense, protecting it from both magic and physical damage, the head of a snapping plant with sharp teeth and fire breath, Ivan had to kill this one with a well aimed wind blade.

Sense you can only have three different plants when you are making the basic golem, Ivan had to chose wisely for the last plant. Ivan had already found a plant for offense and defense, the thing was he couldn't find any plant that would help with mobility in a major way, like wings or floating on water without sinking due to their weight. So Ivan looked around and found a vine that could replace a damaged part in a instant.

So after getting a perfect wind blade hit, Ivan took the part of the vine that fell on the ground, and brought it to a ritual looking place he found earlier. Ivan placed the plants in different sides of the ritual, and put his own blood in the middle. Ivan started using his magic to combine all of the ritual items , and when the items combined, there was a burst of magic energy and a bright light flashing.

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