
012 Summoning Contract. (edited)

I see the scroll behind the creature and i immediately get excited. From the anime i remember Summoning contracts. A summoning contract is a Scroll that you form with a clan of animals and they will help you in your endeavors.

(A.n I found a bit of lore and the species name that i posted yesterday if some of you didn't see the image ill post it here again. It's called a Mishipetsu/Mishipeshu, Or also known as the aquatic panther or "The great lynx". It originates around America and Canada. They are said to create the waves, rapids, maelstroms, and the breaking of ice during winter. Although scary and dangerous, these creatures were believed to be a necessity for medicine and protection. Btw i did not draw the creature, nor did i write the mythology behind it. I researched it online.)

The beast roared it's mighty roar, and bared it's fangs at me. But from its eyes i could tell, this was a test. A test to see if i am worthy of its summoning contract. I am unsure if its just a single animal, or a clan of animals. Either way i don't care, i want this one. It looks strong, nimble, and powerful.

(A.N. Now this is the point that i start bullshitting. So i can make it have abilities that would allow it to survive in the world of naruto)

I see the sides of its neck start to glow purple and crackle with dense energy thinking this will intimidate me and scare me off. I immediately hollowfy and Charge a cero. "I will not back down! You WILL give me that summoning contract!" I roared. It looks at me with surprise and a small bit of contempt. We both fire our beams at each-other and they impact with enough force to shake the cave. I narrow my eyes. It pounces! I unsheathe my sword and slash at it. It's agility and nimbleness allow it to narrowly dodge. I duck under the beast as it comes back around for a second round. 'This time ill prove to you i'm worthy of your contract!' An overwhelming display of power should do it. "Annihilate and Rehabilitate! Ouroboros!" I Yell out and transform. Sinister energy envelopes every pore of my skin. Soaking it and changing it. I look at the creature with my hollowfied eyes. It's starting to look a little nervous but its not fleeing which means that maybe it still has something to be able to fight with me in my vasto lorde transformation. It looks at me, then its scroll, then back to me, and it bows its head towards me.

Huh? Weren't we going to fight over it more? I slowly back up towards the scroll to see if it will do anything. It's still there keeping its head bowed. I absolutely do not want to turn my back on this thing. Animals like these are very resourceful. I wouldn't hold it against it to attack me when my back is turned. I continue walking back until my foot hits the scroll at the back of the cave. I sit down and open the scroll. To my utter delight it is a summoning contract! With one name on it. "Kaguya Otsutsuki. Kaguya?? Holy shit! This was the summoning contract of Kaguya Otsutsuki? Like the main villain at the end of shippuden?! Maybe this is a chance to get to know more about the entity that is, Kaguya Otsutsuki. To get some backstory that the anime and Manga didn't show!

I look at the creature and bite my thumb cautiously, to sign my name upon the contract. Once I sign I feel an immediate connection with the animal infront of me. I can hear its heartbeat. Its breathing. I can feel what it feels (if i want to) i can see what it sees (again if i want to) It-No, Her smooth low pitched voice sounds out in my head. [Master? Master can you hear me?] 'Yes, I can hear you. My name is Rokuro. Your new summoner. You may call me Kuro Can i hear your name?' I liked my name at first. But now it doesn't sound as good as i would have hoped. So ill Just ask people to call me Kuro from now on. [I had a name, a long long time ago. But i have forgotten it. Will you name me once again, and give me purpose?] she asks a bit hesitantly. 'Yeah ill definitely give you a name and purpose. But just give me some time to think of one.' I say back as I seal my ressureccion back into Oroboros.

(A.N Ok boys and girls. Now i know some of you aren't going to like that the Mc "Finds" a Summon contract with Kaguya's name on it. But! I felt this was a good chance to introduce the two together. Don't crucify me please, I live to serve! By the way Give me name suggestions in the comments of this paragraph. No the summon will not turn into a human girl and the mc will not make her a part of a harem. Kaguya is the one and only for Mc. Also, what do you think of the Mc sword name? Ouroboros is supposed to represent Destruction and rebirth so i felt it fitting.)

'Ok so, what can you do? Ill tell you what i can do so we can have good synergized teamwork, but first i need to know what you can do. I saw that charged beam you fired at me, and then the agility you showed and quick reflexes. But do you have any other abilities? Are you a clan of animals or is it just you?'

[I have many abilities. I can take others abilities but sometimes that kills the person i steal the ability from. I can change my size at will to where i can become as small as a rabbit, or as large as The Toad Chief Gamabunta. I can cast an illusion that makes me Look like a small harmless housecat, or i can grow wings and fly. My senses are heightened higher than your average Ninja dog, so i can pick up things they cannot. Even scents washed away by the rain still leave trace particles that i can follow. I am a sage, so naturally i can access nature energy to boost my attacks and senses to a higher degree. Last but not least, i am immortal. I do not age, i can be killed, but i will simply form somewhere else. Even erasing me off the face of the planet will not permanently kill me. There is one more associated with this contract. He is my brother. He should be returning in a day or so, i have already sent him a telepathic message after my defeat.]

'Why didn't you use sage mode during our battle?'

[Because during our battle i was testing you. Nobody has found my cave in centuries. I was trying to see if you were worthy of my contract.]

'Oh i get it. So i-' Kuro then goes on to explain his abilities from his kagune which he showed her, to the Transformation she saw during battle. They go on to discuss exactly how their abilities work in synergy and how they can pull off all kinds of different combos they even train together a little bit.

'Can you tell me about Kaguya? Your first summoner?'

She ponders for a bit. [Ok. Kaguya was a fair and just woman. Though misguided and misunderstood. She was betrayed by her lover. So she ate the chakra fruit to protect herself and the babies within her. She didn't quite understand how to be a mother but she loved her children nonetheless. Most of her time was spent staring at the Stars. Watching, waiting. She confided in me about a threat to this world. The Otsutsuki clan. Her clan. She knew they would find something wrong when she didn't return. She knew they would send more Clan members soon enough when she didn't come back. They haven't come yet but they will soon. She was afraid of them. Afraid of what they could do to her, her children, her people, and this planet, should they ever come here. That's where the misguided part comes in. She sometimes performed a ritual, where she sent people to the Shinju tree to nurture it and make an army of white zetsu. She wanted to be able to defend the planet when the Otsutsuki came to rob it of its life. Then she was betrayed by her sons who misunderstood her purposes. I tried to help her but i was too weak at the time, only being a newborn with no abilities. She was sealed away for trying to help. Now, now i imagine that being sealed away for so long, with something as vile as the Shinju tree, has probably corroded her mind somewhat. When she is unsealed, she will probably attack everything, and everyone.]

'Is there a way to prevent that? To help Kaguya from the mind-broken state she's in?'

[Maybe. Since she was my first summoner. And its been centuries of her still being alive just sealed away, that bond has only gotten stronger. Now i have dreams of Kaguya, in her state of being sealed away she still has a bit of her mind that is capable of rational and coherent thoughts. I could connect you to her through your dreams. Give her someone to talk to. See if she can be healed]

'You got it. ill do just that. But, ive been in this cave for three days. And i came out her for a mission. I need to drill a hole from here to Sunagakure in the land of wind. You have seen it before right?

[I have looked at all the great nations throughout time.]

'Ok, its time to start digging. Once we get back to Suna you can live with me. Ill make lots of yummy food and give you a better place to sleep than a dreary cave.' Kuro then goes on to start digging his way from the bottom of the ocean to Sunagakure.

I'm sending chakra pulses out to see if i can find the other creature on its way it. Finally! I detect him. He comes in the cave and looks at me warily. {Hello. Are you our new summoner?} He asks me with his delicate gentle voice.

'Yes i am. Your sister told me she send you a telepathic message informing you of whats going on?

{Yes, and i shall bow my head to you aswell.}


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