
What’s this? More debauchery? Heather follows Nola into the bathroom and won’t leave!

Warning: Another nasty episode. Take caution at the end.

Looks like Nola has no choice now but to proceed forward. Things are changing before us as Heather is willing to be her friend and I'm being serious about this whole bathroom business. Something tells me that we're finally going to fix this problem that she has for good. If only I try a bit harder, then she might even go by herself before high school ends. But I worry about her parents. They're so unsupported of this and would rather coddle her. Are they intending to keep her here and deprive her of a future? No way, I got to fix her so she can leave this asylum.

We walk across to next door. Mrs. Uro kept her eye on us as he walk up to Nola.

"What is she doing here?" said Nola.

"I'm going to help you," said Heather.

"What do you mean? Only Elon is allowed."

"I figure since I'm a girl, maybe I can escort you instead."

"No, it's fine. Elon is used to it. After all, he walked in on you with no problem."

I interject, "That, in of itself, is a problem, Nola."

"Well that's why you are going to therapy."

"I'm going to therapy because of you, Nola. You need to try and go by yourself."

"I keep telling you, I'm trying. I doing the exercises. My chart is in my room. We'll get it after I go, so come on." She grabs my hand but I pry it off. "I hate that stupid no touch rule."

"You can't touch me until we are sure you are no longer manipulating me."

"How can you tell I'm manipulating you? I just want a hug."

"You keep putting your hands where they don't belong."

"Well... you're a boy. You should like it." She was now starting to swing her hips a bit. You know what that means? "I need to go, Elon. Come with me."

All three of us walk into the bathroom. Looks like she didn't notice Heather as she looks at her with contempt, "I can't go with you in here."

"Well, I'm not leaving."

"This is my bathroom! I demand you leave."

"If she's leaving, I'm leaving too," I say.

"I can't go with her here." Nola's hips was swinging a bit more. Oh yeah, she's need to go.

Then Heather says, "You need someone to be with you in the girl's bathroom, right? Then you might as well get used to me being in here with you. Elon is no longer going to do that. "

"Of course, he is. He's been doing it for years."

"But it ends now, Nola," I say. "I'm going to declare that next semester, I am not going to the girl's bathroom with you anymore. Heather will take my place."

"No, no, no," Oh man, she really needs to go. She's starting to dance. "Elon, it's only you who can make me go."

"You're suppose to finally go by yourself, and Heather is going to help you."

"I don't trust her. This might be a trick to blackmail me or something."

"Blackmail?" asks Heather.

"Yeah. You're probably going to record it and then show everyone at school, humiliation me. Elon would never do something like that. He'd just keep it to himself."

"Do you want me to leave my phone at his house or something? I can do that."

"No, I want you to leave so I can go already."

Then I speak, "Sorry, Nola, but this is the way things are going from here on. Either you go by yourself, or Heather will help you."

Look at her dance. Oh man, she's about to burst. Looks like Nola can't keep this up as she goes over to the toilet. She lifts the lid but before she can pull down her underwear, she looks over at Heather, who waves at her. I wonder what's going through her mind right now.

==Nola POV==

Why is this girl here? Elon, get rid of her! I can't go with other people watching me. MMMMmmmmm.

"Elon, tell her leave!"

"Just go already, Nola." He told me as he turns around. But that Heather girl didn't.

Do I tell my mom? No, she's angry with Elon too, and Elon will just follow her as well. Why is this happening to me!? I don't want to go with her here. But I got no choice, I have to go.

"Turn around." I tell her.

"No, I want to watch."

"You want to watch?"

"You offered."

"For him! He is the only one who can peep!"

"Well give me the privilege too."

"What are you? A perv?"

"Hmm..." what is she thinking? "If I say, then can I peep?"

Elon, stop laughing, this isn't funny! Why aren't you defending my innocent purity instead? "I'm not pulling my panties down until you turn around."

"Then, you're going to go in your panties?"

"No, I want you to leave!"

"I'm not leaving."

MMMMMMMMMM, leave already. I don't want to hold on anymore.

"Elon, tell her to go already so I can go!"

"What? You want her to go? I thought you had to go."

"No, I meant I want her to leave and I want you to stay so I can go."

"You want to go and want me to stay? So you want me to use the toilet?"

"No, I meant I want to go, like as in go on the toilet."

"But you said you wanted her to go too. You want to share the toilet?"

"Stop fooling around, you know what I mean!"

Stupid Heather, stop laughing! This isn't funny, this is serious!

Wait, whose that knocking on the door?

"What is going on in that bathroom?" Oh no, it's dad.

"Hey, Mr. Uro," Elon says. "That's her dad," he tells Heather as he opens the door. No, Elon, what are you doing?

"What is going on in my own bathroom?" asks my dad. "Who is this?"

"I'm his friend, Heather." She says as she hugs Elon. Who gave you permission to hug my Elon?

"Elon, more mischief?"

"It's for your daughter's own good." Elon tells him.

"Elon, enough is enough. I've had enough of your ABSURD PERVERTED FANTASIES being played out on my daughter!"

Heather was smiling again, "are we getting another show?" she says.

"Young lady," my dad says to Heather, "I demand you leave at once!"

"No, Mr. Uro. I'm here to help your daughter. It's part of the therapy."

"No, no, no, not those IMMORAL SEXUAL POSITIONS again! Elon, you are too much now!"

"Dad, I need go!" I said, "Please, drag her out of here."

My dad does just that and drags her out of the bathroom and Elon follows! I take chase but only managed to reach the doorway. Oh no, I need you, Elon! Agh! I can't follow him further. I close the door and sit on the toilet. It's no use. Nothing's coming out!

"ELON! COME BACK!" I shout! It won't come out! Elon, Why do you make me suffer like this!

I sit like this for what feels like an eternity but he's not coming.

I start to rant, "It just won't come out. Why? Why can't I go without Elon? Why can I only go when I'm alone with him? No, this isn't right! I'm sick of this. I want to feel better. This is suffering! I'm sorry Elon. I'm truly sorry..."

I hear a knocking on the door as it opens. It's Elon! He enters and turns around.

Ah, finally, I can go.








...I forgot to pull down my panties.

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