
Nola is stuck in the bathroom with her pants down as she is forced to sit on the toilet because the mean therapist won’t let her go. The fiend!

It's finally happened. I was hoping for this. Elon said that orange soda is her favorite and it gave her the runs. Now time for plan B.

She runs towards the bathroom as I expected her to do. I follow shortly.

As I enter the bathroom, she is already sitting on the toilet. I can tell by the feet on the bottom of the stall. Of course, I'm not going in, but I'm sure she needs Elon right now.

"Umm... are you there?"

"I'm here, Nola."

"When is Elon coming?"

"He'll be here soon, but I would rather you go right now."

"I can't go without him."

"Have you tried the therapy?"


"Every night?"


"And the exercises?"

"Yes, and they hurt."

"They are used to relax your muscles so you have to do them."

"Mmmmmm... I don't want anyone else coming in."

"It's summer, Nola. There aren't that many students in the entire school right now. No one is going to come in."

"Then I guess I'm waiting for Elon, then."

"No, Nola. I want you to go right now."

"I can't go. It just won't go."

"Are you trying?"

"Yes, I am."

"You're not lying to me, are you?"

"I'm not lying to you. I'm really trying."

"I think you're lying to me. You are probably even holding it in on purpose until Elon arrives."

"No, it's not true. I am trying."

"Really? Then you won't mind me telling Elon to come an later, right?"

"Later? Why? It's only, like, 30 minutes walking distance. By now, he should be here in like 10 minutes."

"I'm sending him a text."

"No! He's already on his way."

"Nola, you got to try and go by yourself. Nobody should follow you into any stall. You should be in there by yourself like you are right now. I'm stepping outside for the time being."

"No, come back. Don't leave me alone!"

I step outside the bathroom and text Elon. Nola is going to be in there for a while, but Elon is not coming to her rescue this time. She's going to have to do this by herself.

So I stand there for a while. 10, 15, 25 minutes pass by. Nothing. I don't hear anything. Well, I hear hear that murmur of hers every now and again, but so far, no success.

Wait, I hear something. The toilet flushed! She's now washing her hands. Did she do it? I go in.

"Nola? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I went."

"You did?"

"Yes. Now, tell me where Elon is."

Wait a minute...

"Elon, get back in there."

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't do anything. You're just tricking me until Elon comes."

"What makes you think I didn't go."

"Stand up straight."

"I am."

"You're bending your knees."

"This is how I normally stand."

"Get in that stall and don't come out until you actually go."


This girls is so petty. She's like a child.

So I step outside once again and nothing is happening. Could it really be that she just can't go? No matter what? More time passes and I decided to go back in.

"Elon," she calls, "is that you?"

"No, it's Dr. Rarity."

"Where's Elon."

"You're not even trying, are you?"


"Nola, are you going to be in this bathroom all day?"

"What do you mean all day? Elon is coming, isn't he?"

"Well, what if I text him and tell him not to come?"

"You didn't!"

"I didn't, but I will. Come on, Nola. Relieve yourself, by yourself."

"MMMMMMMM.... I can't! I need Elon here!"

This is not working. Looks like I got no choice but to activate my secret plan.

"Nola, it's me, Elon."

"Elon!?" Oh, she's excited. Good. We'll, I'll let him take over then.

"Elon! Hurry and get-"

"I'm not going in, Nola."


"Just listen to me. I want to tell you something. We've been at this for a long time. It's been hard on me, and I know it's been hard on you. I just want you to feel better about yourself. You really don't need me as much as you think you do. I really want to live my life now without worrying about you. I want you to be safe, because I care about you. But... there's something else I must tell you. All this time, I've been holding something back. Nola, I have to tell you something right now.

Nola, I am here to confess that... I am in love with you. Will you be my girlfriend?"


It was silent for a moment. I couldn't tell what was going on. I didn't dare open the stall but I did saw she was still sitting on the toilet.

And then...


The sound of a trickle splashing on the toilet echoed in the empty bathroom.


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