
Chapter Forty-Five


The cruel mocking echo of his laugh rings out through the deck, through the empty lake.

With nowhere left to go, I am subject to his changing whims. And oh do they change.

The reason T.V is so feared within the ranks is not simply because he's the right hand man of Steve, it's because of his powers. Even with his shades on you can never truly tell whether or not he's poisoning you to your death with small doses of radiation. I think for this reason alone, even Steve fears him somewhat.

With the effortless way he inspires fear and his powers, I often wondered why he wasn't the one at the head of the gang, why he didn't do away with Steve who often treated him as nothing less than a lackey. At the moment I don't much care for any of that though.

Hearing the usually stoic man bellow out without reserve sends chills down my back, my hairs stand on end in his presence until he stops making the odd sound and looks at me.

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