
Spy Among Us

THANK YOU WEBNOVEL! (For real!) If you didn't see it, last week it was officially announced that Aaryn and Elreth won a Bronze Trophy in the 2021 Webnovel Spirity Awards! I am so thankful and surprised. This is a serious compliment. 

Thank you to YOU for being here, and for supporting this book. If you hadn't loved these characters so much, they wouldn't have made it this far. So thank you for helping (and Aaryn & Elreth) reach this point!

Here's praying the added exposure will bring us a lot of new friends to share this journey! (This message added after publication so you aren't charged for the words)



Gar's mouth dropped open. Stifling his original urge to snap his teeth on her neck too, he turned on Elreth, who still stood in front of her seat, stunned.

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