

Heart thumping out proportions as Soohyun stands in front of JiU's office. A million things going through his mind even though he tried to stay positive. The smile she gave earlier was the only thing on replay in his mind as he ascends to the highest floor of the building. Though the elevator ride was brief, it felt like ages until he's finally standing in front of the door. Taking a deep breath, he knocks on the door twice then waits for an answer. Things are getting dire as a flash of memory reminded Soohyun of how he had ill-treated JiU weeks ago in public. He sighs and leans his head on the door, but instead of hitting the door, he falls face-first to the floor. JiU had already opened the door for him.

Soohyun stands up just as quickly as he landed on the floor to avoid embarrassment. JiU, who had witnessed the scene, tried hard to bite back a chuckle. "Please, have a seat," JiU gestured to the red leather sofa on the right side of the spacious office.

"Neh, Sajangnim," Soohyun kept his head down for the time being as he walks towards the sofa. He wished in his mind that his face shows no excess of red after the embarrassing moment.

JiU joined a moment after Soohyun had taken his seat. She sits with one leg on top of the other, her arms across her chest, and leaning back. Her red fashion is, even more, intimidating to look up close. Soohyun tries to divert his attention elsewhere instead of almost getting glued at looking at her.

"Please help yourself to a cup of tea," JiU beckons to the fancy tea set on the equally vintage looking coffee table, "I hope you like Green Tea."

"Ah, neh," Soohyun nods and bows his head as he pours a cup for himself, "I do like it, Sajangnim."

"Congratulations on the win," JiU smiles as Soohyun takes a sip of the tea, "It was a very well done presentation with your team."

"Gumawo-yo, Sajangnim, I have a very reliable team," Soohyun returns the smile, but can't shake off the spine chilling stare from JiU.

"You're welcome," once again, she smiled as her eyes stay fixed on Soohyun as he downs another sip of his tea, "Kim Soohyun-ssi."

Upon the mention of his real identity, Soohyun almost spits out his drink. However, he came prepared for this very situation since he figured that JiU would be a very conscious lady after their encounter. He kept a calm face until he finishes his brew.

"Sorry? Sajanim?" Soohyun puts down the empty cup and looking at JiU straight in the eyes.

"You can drop the act," JiU chuckled, "Yesterday's encounter was all I needed to prove that it was you behind that disguise."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Sajangnim," Soohyun might have gotten a little nervous, but still attempted to keep his composure.

"Alright then, have it your way," JiU then stands from her seat.

JiU walks her way to her desk and takes a remote from on top of it. Then she walks next to her LED screen TV, that's standing right next to her office desk.

"I believe you know this person," JiU turns the TV to face Soohyun before turning it on.

Soohyun's eyes went wide as the screen reveals Kwangsoo right in front of his computer, typing. "I don't know who that is," Soohyun defied the truth yet again.

"Thought you'd do that," she smirked and crossed both her arms on her chest, "I have a strong belief that he is in communication with you now, and should you choose to deny that as well, I can pinpoint the exact location of who he might be talking to within seconds."

Soohyun is at a lost forwards, but he hopes that Kwangsoo hears everything that's happening now. However, something tells him that his chances might be slim if he tries to bluff yet again with this lady.

"Oh, and one thing," JiU leans against her desk with her eyes focused on him, "The moment you enter into this room, any form of communication is disabled, so if you think this person might hear our conversation, you're mistaken."

Soohyun is head over heels awed with the woman in red. It's almost as if she can read through him like he's an open book. The very fact that she can do this much scares him to a certain extent, but at the same time, he is in admiration of her. For the first time, he finds a fascinating and mysterious woman that he can't read or predict. She seems to have everything figured out just by looking at him. And yet, he's not about to give in on this little battle with the beautiful lady.

"I can make communication possible again though," JiU continues with a smile, and her eyes still on Soohyun's, "But if I do that, then I can also prove whoever this man is communicating or connected with via any type of telecommunication. If you're telling the truth all this time, it shouldn't be a problem, right? And if that's not enough for you to come truthfully, I can have someone scan you for any type of communication device."

Soohyun could only laugh and shake his head after her words. Truly speechless and awed at the lady before him, Soohyun admits that he finally finds himself cornered. He looks right at her and lifts both his arms in surrender, "Alright, you got me JiU-ssi."

"When did you know?" Soohyun smiles and stands upright from his seat with both his hands inside his pocket, staring right at her.

"The moment when this man," she points at the LED screen to a noodle-eating Kwangsoo, "Tried to hack our firewall and CCTV."

"How?" Soohyun's interest peaked at the equally interesting lady.

"You're not the only one with an expert on your side, Soohyun-ssi," JiU places her remote down, "I have my team that specializes in dealing with these things."

"Then why didn't you just spoil it from the beginning?" Soohyun questions in curiosity, "You could have blocked out my person, but he made it through anyway."

"I wanted to see what were your intentions," JiU moves away from leaning against her desk to take a seat on her comfortable chair, "And allowed your person access into my system."

"Isn't that too risky?" Soohyun slowly walks to her table as he talks, "I could have my way with all your company's data."

"You could, but I've had my very own contingencies if ever such a situation arises," smiling with such confidence, she replies, "You're not the first person attempting this feat, Soohyun-ssi. A company this big wouldn't stay this way without receiving hate from its competitors, so I had to be ready for any possible types of situations."

"I have an expert on my end," Soohyun tries his very own side of pride, "I can get away with it before you can do anything about it."

"Haha," JiU chuckled and leaned forward on her desk, "Now that's where you're wrong, Soohyun-ssi. My team had gotten their hands on every detail regarding your experts before we allow you access into our system. Public records, addresses, bank accounts, their phone numbers, ID, and everything there is to do with them, I have my hands on it. Should you try to pull any stunt on me, I can guarantee that everything and everyone that has to do with you or your company will disappear."

"You're a dangerous woman, JiU-ssi," Soohyun can feel that chilling breeze going up to his spine once again as he listens and looking right into her eyes while she speaks with confidence and domination.

"I know I am Soohyun-ssi," she smirked and leaned her head on her right hand, "I don't keep this company number one in the world by being kind. I protect my own, and I will destroy anything that will cause harm to my family in this company that my Father built from the ground up."

"Why am I still standing and talking to you then?" Soohyun takes his seat across her, making himself comfortable on the chair with his eyes on hers. "Of all the companies in the world, I am the only one capable of threatening your company and with the resources to back it up."

"I'm fully aware of what you can do, Soohyun-ssi," she traces her finger on her mahogany designed table as she speaks, "But I haven't seen any ill intentions so far from your stay at this company. And I may or may not have developed a sense of respect for you, Soohyun-ssi, since coming into this company could also cause quite the damage to your own, a risky move. Must have been quite the big deal to make you pull off such a stunt. If I were someone else, we'd be having this conversation in a courtroom. Considering the many protocols, you broke just by trying to hack into my system."

"But you're not someone else, are you, JiU-ssi?" Soohyun replies after taking off his wig.

"No, I'm not," JiU shifts to the right and pulled something out from one of her desk's compartment. She places a red file folder in front of the man, "I can almost assume this is what you're looking for?"

Soohyun's eyebrow arched as he takes the file folder and opens it. Inside the file is a company merging contract between Kim Corp and K Inc. Both his name and JiU's, placed on the bottom of the page, and all it needs are their signatures to make it official. Without even asking, what he planned for is right in front of him.

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