
Cowl, Information Broker

{This story is a P-a-t-r-e-o-n exclusive. The link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word. I also have a basketball system story on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n if you wish to check it out.}

{The story on P-a-t-r-e-o-n is at 170 chapters.}

{Book 1 has been completed.}

~~~(POV: Durado)~~~

The rail car stops, and I exit out into Newton-9. My mood has been thoroughly ruined after the encounter with a Teller-bravo android. They know that I'm making moves, and they know that they have my daughter.

This adds a new dynamic angle to the mission, one not in our favor. Teller-Bravo has unlimited resources and has eyes everywhere. The only safe place is a planet they don't have any hands in and space. I walk onto the platform and look at the scenery of Newton-9. It's strictly a farming province. The air is clean and free of fog.

I take a deep breath, and the air is better here than in Newton-14 and definitely better than Newton-2. Cowl will charge extra now that Teller-Bravo is onto me.

He'll be put at risk helping me, and that isn't something he is into. I'll have enough, but it's going to hurt. I walk down the ramp and make my way toward the inner city.

The buildings are tall and thick. They have windows that allow light to enter, and the building's floors are indoor-grown crops. The vast fields around Newton-9 are all privately owned, and public companies have to use this method.

It's still effective. It's not perfect, though. I see the building that I need to head into, and I make my way toward it.

There are some security guards, but those are for the rich staying at the building currently. I make my way inside and towards the elevator. His room is going to be on floor 11 and room 3. I press the button on the touchpad for the room, and the elevator closes fast.

It shoots up, and in less than 4 seconds, I'm on the 11th floor. I step out of the elevator and make my way toward room 3. I press the doorbell.

A scanner comes out from the top of the door and scans me. After a second, the door opens, and the room lights up. I step into the room, and before I can make it to the living room, the holo terminal turns on, and Cowl is there. In disguise.

I've never seen his face, and anyone who has is dead. "Durado... The only times we speak are when you are in need of seriously valuable information. Which means a big price." The only thing that really matters to Cowl is protecting his identity and making money.

I sit on the couch and look at him. "I need information on Teller-Bravo. More specifically, Heroor and their involvement in the world." Cowl stays silent, biding his time. Cowl is a person that'll sell to the highest bidder, and if Teller-Bravo comes asking him for information.

He'll give it to them. It's a risk coming here, but a calculated one. "If you don't have any information, I understand. If you're scared of what Teller-Bravo might do, then tell me I can leave." He doesn't move a single inch. My words are to push the point that his help is optional.

His help would be valuable, but it's not ride or die on his information. "I'll say a price, and you tell me if you can pay it. If you can, I'll tell you all I know about Heroor and Teller-Bravo's involvement."

I take a second, but I nod my head. "It's gonna cost you 3.6 billion credits, for the information. An extra 1.4 for the risk I'm taking telling you." I hide the anger well. He wants a total of 5 billion credits for the information.

I have that amount, but it's going to take a few jobs to replenish it. Now that I have an apprentice to split my earnings with, it's going to take twice as long.

I lean forward and look directly at Cowl. "I'll pay the amount. You should be more than happy, Cowl. This is the most money I've spent in a single sitting, and I've bought multiple starships at a time." He raises his hand a hologram appears in front of me.

It's a direct deposit. I connect my funds to it, and I pay him his money. "Now that you have what you want, let's talk." He nods his head and snaps his fingers. Food and drinks come out for me. Guess this is going to be a long conversation. That means more information than I got from Ziller.

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