
Chapter 4

Annabelle had no weapons, only a stick she had sharpened on a rock just incase she encounters an animal that wanted to eat her. These men had guns, well only one from what she could see. She was stronger and faster than before but not bullet proof.

Annabelle felt she had no choice, she couldn't just stand there and watch. She approached quickly and quietly as not to be noticed, going for the stealthy option. Leaning out from behind the carrage Annabelle could see the man holding the gun clearly in her sights, she prepared herself an then lunged at him wrapping one arm around his neck, using her other hand to take the gun from his. This was easier than she thought it would be.

With the pressure now around his neck the man was quick to let go of the gun, but not before squeezing the trigger. Luckily it hit the ground next to the man still beaten and on his knees.

The bullet had a blue glow, the gun was the size of a pistol but when the bullet left the barrel it felt like a shotgun went off. Annabelle was stunned at the power of this little gun, it took a few seconds for her to regain her composure. Meanwhile everyone else watched them stunned. Annabelle pointed the gun at the man in her grasp. This is her leverage, yes this is a good idea she thought.

The other four men released the girl who quickly fell to the floor in pain from another wack to her stomach, the man who had been shouting orders before, now spoke to Annabelle. "What do you want girl?... Never mind you won't get it, ahahaha" he and the other two men laughed hoarsely, the man in her arms tensed up as she squeezed tighter without thinking. "...girl?"

Who does he think he is. The man with the gravely voice pointed his gun at her, 'crap there's more than one gun'.

"do you think I care if you kill one of my men?" before she could even open her mouth he answered his own question. "I'll find more" he said slyly with blackened teeth and a nightmarish grin. He fired a bullet that went straight through the man and into Annabelle's shoulder.

"ouch.. fuck" Annabelle cursed as she stumbled backwards, the man in her arms dropped to the floor coughing and spluttering blood.

Annabelle felt pain for a second, like someone shot her with a BB bullet, then the itching returned. The same as before but this time with a vengeance, it quickly turned to the burning sensation and seconds later Annabelle was in full transformation, this time she didn't cry though she longed for it to stop. And then her mind went black again, but not before she see those big black paws. She saw them better in the sunlight, they were covered in thick black feathers.

Annabelle awoke to someone stroking her face, she felt so calm she almost fell back to sleep. Then she thought about who on earth was touching her face.

Annabelles eyes shot open, she grabbed the hand that was on her face, about to throw a punch with the other when she realised it was the girl who was getting robbed. Annabelle released the girls hand, which had a bloody rag in it, she realised the girl was cleaning blood from her face and not stroking it. Annabelle quickly sat up and checked where the bullet hit her but there was no evidence that it did.

"I'm sorry.. forgive me... I didn't mean to startle you, after all you saved my life" the girl said shyly. Annabelle looked around, the horses were gone. The men... well there was blood everywhere, the body of a large dark brown wolf laid not far from them, the carrage Annabelle was leaned against had huge claw marks splintering the wood all over it. The place looked like a warzone. Blood splattered on every inch of the ground, clumps of skin and hair hanging from branches.

Annabelle looked down and realised she was wearing someone else's jacket and trousers. She remembered the state she was in the first time she awoke, her clothes had left little to the imagination. Her face went beetroot red, the other girl noticed and didn't want to make her anymore uncomfortable than she already was. "hey, it's okay, it's not like I don't have those parts myself"... "are you okay? do you understand me?" said the girl questioningly, Curiously examining Annabelles expression for some kind of answer.

Annabelle took a few seconds to analyse the girl's face, then her clothes. She looked like she could have been royalty from Annabelles world. She was beautiful, with golden brown locks bouncing just past her shoulder, she was slender built, had ivory skin, and bright ocean blue eyes. Then Anabelle noticed the girls ears are pointed, that's strange.

"Where are we?" was the only thing Annabelle could muster up as she pulled herself from the ground dusting herself off.

"We are in Loco Wood, I was on my way to my sister when my carrage was ambushed. The Skrill aren't usually this far out" The girl said as she looked around in thought.

Annabelle thought about how the girl had not been afraid of her, has she seen people turn into animals before?. Maybe she could use the girl for answers. "The Skrill?" Annabelle questioned.

"Not from around her are we... I was going to say I've never quite seen a soul like yours" the girl said looking deep into Annabelle's eyes. Her face redened, she turned away before continuing. "My name is Princess Mavello, but you can call me Mav, it's what my friends call me".

"I'm Pr... Annabelle, I guess my friends would call me Anna" she stuttered then smiled hoping the other girl didn't notice, she didn't.

"Well Anna, the sun is setting, do you have somewhere to go?" Mavelo questioned hooking her arm into Annabelle's.

"um no... I don't".

"What have you been doing out here all alone?, it's not safe" the tone of her voice changed suggesting she actually cares. Annabelle had been brought up with all kinds of people, she could usually tell if they weren't being genuine.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you" Annabelle let out a sigh, who knows what's normal here.

Princess Mavello insisted on Annabelle going with her to her sisters place. Annabelle went with hesitation, but wanted to keep her new friend safe so didn't argue. The journey was a few hours on foot and on the way Annabelle was learning as much as she could from her newfound friend.

The Skrill are a large group of bandits that live in the forest. Their ancestors used to live in the Kingdom but split off when hey had disagreements about the way things should be ran. Now outcasts, they rob and steal what they can't grow. They have no mercy and are often referred to as savages.

Annabelle tried to sound as though she wasn't completely Alien to all this, while still trying to get the answers she so desperately needs.

At some point on their journey Mav was telling Annabelle how incredible she was, how she easily disposed of the four men. How Mav has never seen a Lycan change up close before, there are rumoured to be only a few left.

Mav explained that werewolfs are fairly common and not as strong or as in control as Lycans. Only the strongest among either can shift on two moons. Half of each month only one moon is visible, it's then that anyone from these species can transform.

The Skrill are made up of werewolfs and few humans who do their bidding. Mav has royal blood and should be able to change on two moons aswell, like the rest of her family. But she can't or she would have beaten the skrill herself or at least tried too. Perhaps that's why they didn't take her for being royalty.

Mav has an older sister, an older brother who will be King one day, and a twin called Mathias.

Annabelle could get used to this, this easy conversation she was having with a friend, she'd never even had a friend before. Back at Annabelle's castle the only potential candidates were the nobles that visited with their families, or the odd princess that traveled with their family to the Kingdom of Fortis.

When Annabelle got bored she would sometimes play games with them, flirting with them, trying to cause confusion. Their attention made her feel wanted but she didn't feel anything for any of them. Annabelle knew she looked good but still felt somewhat insecure.

She has long dark silky black hair that reaches her stomach, a clear complection, rosey red lips, and bright green eyes. She was taller than average and all those years of training gave her an athletic muscular physique.

She had also never had the privilege of deciding who she could be with, so she rarely thought about what kind of person that would be. She just wanted to be happy, a woman or a man, it didn't matter, as long as they were kind and caring, but strong too, they have to be able to stand up for what they believe in.

Mav told Annabelle little about her older sister. Just that she has her own goals that branch away from her fathers.

There wasn't long left of their journey, Annabelle began to notice Mav making a couple of pass's at her. Every so often complimenting her beauty, and staring for a tad too long before she finally asked.

"Hey do you wanna have some fun?" she said it so suddenly Annabelle nearly spat her tongue out.

Mav caught the expression on Annabelle's face and quickly added, "If we take a small detour, we can go to a lake not far from here and you can clean the rest of the blood off before people see... It's a very beautiful place" Phew.. Annabelle thought.

On their walk to the lake they were emersed in small talk when Mav said through a playful grin, "Does the idea of me repulse you that much?". They had become very comfortable with each other over the short period of time they had been in eachothers company. Annabelle really liked this girl, she didn't want to disrespect her,

"No... of course not, your quite beautiful... but your a princess" Annabelle explained.

"So you have something against princesses?" Mavs smile grew as she teased Annabelle more. Then Mav cracked up laughing, she was laughing so hard Annabelle thought she stopped breathing at one point. "ahaha the look on your face, your gorgeous and everything but I'm waiting for my mate, ahaha I got you good!"

So this is what having a friend was like?, Annabelle wasn't sure she wanted one after all.

"Your mate? do your parents choose him for you?" Annabelle said, comparing the two of their lives in her mind. Mavs face twisted in confusion at her question "No, that's silly. You can't choose your mate, it's already decided" she paused in thought "Well some people reject their mate but thats such a waste of love" Mav said a matter of fact.

"So why aren't you with him now if it's already been decided?".

"You really aren't from around here are you? How can you be a Lycan and not know anything about it?"

Annabelle didn't reply, she wanted to, she thought the words up in her mind but they refused to come out. "Please Annabelle... you can trust me, I owe you my life, is that not trust enough?".

Annabelle never really trusted anyone, she trusted her father to an extent but he was not just her father he was a King and had more motivations than just her happiness. She found herself for the first time, actually letting someone in.

It was difficult at first but once she started talking she didn't stop. From being a princess with an arranged marriage to look forward to, to being surrounded by the bright light that was now inside her.

Mav was astonished, she couldn't believe the story but she had to, she witnessed Annabelle's strength, recalling the orange yellow flames in Annabelle's eyes, as she tore into the flesh of those men with ease.

"You can stay with me!" Mav said exitedly.

"And your parents won't question it?... why you've brought some stranger home" Annabelle looked at Mav already knowing the answer.

"You're right, we'll have to find another plan..." Mav sighed.

"First we need to find your sister before it gets dark".

After getting cleaned up Annabelle and Mav continued on their journey. Now Annabelle's story was in the open she could ask Mav more direct questions. Like what's it like for Mav to transform, being a werewolf it was a little different. The most noticeable difference is that Mav was completely conscious the whole time, where as soon as Annabelle changed she blacked out and wreaked havoc. Mav didn't know why but thought she might be able to find someone that did.

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