
Changes in the Red Keep

There were not much to talk about in the small council. Most of the seven kingdoms ran autonomously without the intervention from the Iron Throne. They did not appreciate the intervention too.

Iron throne was just a symbol of unity. If they were not satisfied with the rule, they could just change the dynasty like Robert Baratheon had done.

By the end of the meeting, they were more doubtful and suspicious of me as I had become more more mysterious.

I delivered few gold coin boxes to Stannis and Jon Arryn as I had promised on the previous meeting.

Jon informed that a large shop on the King's Landing had been confirmed and as for other cities and town, it'd take a while.

Following days, I was too busy and lots of things to do. So, I created a wooden clone to accompany Cersei and to supervise the changes in the Red Keep.

Yes, I made some changes in the Red Keep.

First, I introduce modern drainage and plumbing system. Many toilets and washroom had been constructed for the royals, nobles, ladies, guards, maids and servants, etc.

Pipes and all required modern facilities, I had to deliver it myself and instruct the masons and builders how to do so.

For water supply, I made hand pump. Servaints used the hand pumps to fill the water tanks. Maids and servants highly appreciated it. They did not have to fetch water from the river any longer.

Changes in the sanitation and personal hygiene could be seen immediately.

Second, I changed all the interior furnishings, tools and utensils. I liked antiques but I did not want want to sleep on antique bed and ate with antique plates.

Furnitures I introduced were made of with the best woods in the westeros. Yes, I had explored the entire westeros by running north-south and east-west. I also explored most the mineral reserves available in the seven kingdoms.

While the clone was supervising the Red Keep, I made a thousand warship, a thousand merchant ship and all supplies for the upcoming reforms.

I did not conjure up the furnishings and the tools used at the Red Keep. After creating a thousand warship and a thousand merchant ship, I delivered the shipyard to Stannis. He had already stationed the royal navy there.

The Royal navy helped in delivering the goods at Red Keep.

For the merchant ship, few left as supply ship for the Royal Navy. Others were handed over to Cersei.

She came to know about the Royal shops that I was opening at major towns and cities. She complained whey I did not let her manage it.

She was indeed capable woman despite of her hunger for power and wealth.

Just like that, I handed over the Royal Trading Company to her. Lannister name was not for nothing. Within a week, she had already commissioned the merchant ships and trading shops were also established.

That's the more reason for me to be busy, I had to prepare the goods to sell.

Coming back to the changes of the Red Keep, I changed all the cooking tools to silver or steel alloys. I made a lot of golden, silver and stainless steel plates, cups, mugs, etc. whatever I could think of and seen of in a modern kitchen.

Speaking of modern kitchen, cooking stoves were all changed to smokeless pure carbon charcoal stoves like I did at Hidden Leaf Village.

All the food supplies were delivered from the Warehouses I established near the Shipyard. What I had to do was to silently fill up the warehouses when no one was around.

I became more and more mysterious in everyone's eyes. News of King Robert being blessed by the Seven God had spread throughout the westeros.

Some people even considered the book about divine rights theory as some sort of Holy Scripture. The Sept had already acknowledged my blessings.

Oh, it did not came without any conditions. I had already donated dozen boxes of gold, few tonnes of fine papers, the printing machine, plumbing tools and utensils.

I directly bribed the Seven Faith.

Same went for the conclave of archmaesters. I promised them to supply fine papers and fund for research continuously.

Oh, they were happy to teach my stories as legends of heroes to young noble sons and daughters of all major houses.

I was the Blessed King.

Everyone was not fools. Someone doubted and some just sneered.

Overall, I had already consolidated my claim on the Iron Throne and my influence was ever increasing.

I was the idols of many young noble to sons to follow and many young ladies to marry.

I did not forget to check in and report of my safety to my mother. They were amazed by what I had done in just few weeks.

The knights had already started gathering orphans. Educating and taking care orphans kept the ladies busy.

Oh, there was another good news, plumbing system and hand pump had already spread to King's Landing and to all of the Westeros even to Free Cities.

They were easy to imitate and I did not care about patent issues if there was any.

Cersei was also busy managing the trading company. The amount of sex had reduced dramatically.

But she was glowing. She really enjoyed the work.

It's not without bad news. Bandits and pirate robbed many of our trading caravans and ships.

I ordered Stannis to solve the pirates soon. He divided the royal navy into three groups to patrol the Narrow Sea, the Summer Sea and the Sunset Sea respectively.

Most of the navies were new recruits. So, I suggested to him to hire more experienced sailors.

I also sent messages to other Seven Kingdoms to solve the bandits. But I knew it, it won't change anything.

Royal trading company was robbing many businesses from other merchants or noble houses. I could see their hands in the bandits and pirates.

The problem was market was limited. The income of the common folks were limited. They could not afford much.

Secondly, I was getting richer. And many were jealous.

Lannister also wanted to maintain their economic superiority.

Because of my unlimited supplies, the King's Landing became more and more self-sufficient meaning I cut off many businesses.

Cutting of others way of earning was never a wonderful thing. They resented me. Maybe I would face assassinations soon.

Little fast paced but I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to write a review or comment.

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