
Five Sisters

[Episode 12]

My sisters are always stuck in my mind because they are my life and my everything. I know it sounds like I'm praising them when I say that but what I really mean is that they have taken full control over my life.

This is to the point that everything I want or need to do can't be fulfilled until they're happy and satisfied without me.

Ah, here's a great example, I didn't even plan on going out today. I just wanted to stay at home all day and look at what happened! Being forced to buy snacks is the only good thing they've done for me at this point.


"Wait, could It be that I died? No! That doesn't even make sense, I still have all my stuff."

To think that having five sisters- three older and two younger- can cause me to question my own death.

It's only natural that bad things happen because of them since, day in and day out, they make my life a living hell.

They would argue about something ridiculous like, 'Which one of you rats stole my lipstick!?' or 'This crazy dog ate my pudding again!' And since it's my duty as the sole son, I have no choice but to settle things between them. At least, It 'was' my duty.

I often look after my younger siblings, so I do know quite a bit about girls and their lifestyles, but I don't know anything about their emotions and such, especially when it's that day in particular.

When one or two of them are on their periods, the house flips over. I still feel trauma from the anarchy caused on those days.

One moment someone's crying and another moment the cupboards are emptied of all the food. Despite all of that, it's not as though I'm glad to have escaped them or anything. Rather, I miss them.

One of the reasons I'm letting Lynn hang around me despite swearing to stay away from strangers is because she reminds me of my oldest sister.

Although it's mainly because our dad told her to look after me specifically as the only son, she's the only person in the house who actually cares for my well-being.

"Yeah. I must survive. I'm sure my sisters are waiting for me."

Going to the store may have been a blessing in disguise since I have a family's worth of food and drinks. And although they're a little questionable for a guy like me to wear, I even have a change of clothes!

Wait a minute, Period?! That's right! Since I'm a girl now does that mean I'll start getting my period?

I did buy a pack of sanitary pads, but I have no idea how to use these things! I think I might seriously go insane.

Why did I of all people, become a girl?! I swear when I get my chance, I'll file a proper complaint to whoever's responsible for this!

After my slight breakdown, I choose a spot that's a good distance away from other people. And although Lynn is a slight exception, I'd prefer to not act friendly with anyone else as there's no way of telling who was a criminal or weirdo on Earth.

There's no saying that a thief on Earth won't try to steal, more so from me, a woman without weapons. I'm much more vulnerable compared to other people. I can't have them getting close to me and realising that I've got nothing to protect me.

Speaking of other people, I've been trying to have a look around this room to analyse everyone, but this massive cloud on my head, my afro, is in the way.

Maybe I should cut it to its original length from when I was a guy.

Even if I use a hairband, it's bound to snap in half with this amount. Though considering that I don't have anything even moderately sharp on me other than my keys, there doesn't seem to be a way to cut it without talking to these strangers.

Of course, My keys! So I do have a weapon!

Hiya Reader~ It's very nice to meet you! You can call me Lexi.

I'm an aspiring author who has recently joined the new competition to win and improve my writing skills and dedication to my stories.

I've always loved telling people stories and recently decided to try writing one. I assure you they will all be a ride you'll remember!

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