

The after party is over,Asmita and her family remain behind as Nikita told them. Asmita approaches Niki to ask why they were told to stay behind for a while,

Asmi: " aunt Niki? you asked to us not to go after the party may I know why?"

Niki: " actually, Zara said she had a surprise for for you that's why"

Asmita: " Zara? surprise? for me?"

Agni: " yes Asmita a very big surprise. You and I don't get along very well and am not even willing to make any amends"

Asmita: " listen Zara, I don't have time for you today, as you can see its getting late,tell me why am still here so I can go"

Agni: " well you sure are in a hurry to go Asmi, what are you afraid of just calm down "

Asmita: " you talk to too much,sometimes you behave like a chatter box. Am not afraid of anything, besides I have committed no crime or wronged anybody "

Agni: " okay my dear Asmi if you say so"

Agni and Jaden reveal everything they've been up to for the past month and the families can't believe it,

Agni: " okay let me get straight to the point, do you remember Jay and I coming to your house? Then after Jay left,I said something like using him for my own motives?"

Asmita: " yes I remember, and before I forget Jaden, Agni is not in love with you at all. She is marrying you for your money, she is a gold digger! "

Jaden: " slow down Asmi, I won't take your abuse especially if it is directed to my wife"

Agni: " well, Asmita, it was a lie and made up. Jay and I came up with that plan to catch you red handed. I saw you standing behind me and added that statement "

Jaden: " also, the advice you gave me to dump Agni, I didn't take it"

Agni: " you made my brother lose his memory just for your selfish needs"

Asmita: " look Zara,we already got over this. The nurse and doctor confirmed this themselves! "

Jaden: " you like doing things the hard way,Agni thought you'd deny it so she placed a tiny tracker on the nurse's phone while I kept her busy in a conversation "

Michelle: " so that means that you where able to hear the conversation and even record"

Agni: " exactly Michi, now what you all are about to hear is exactly what I said. Not only that, Asmi herself confessed to plotting everything "

Jaden plays the audio recording for everyone to hear. But Asmita denies it all. Agni shocks Asmita when she tells him that she knew about her plan to send a man posed as a plumber to attack her. Asmita goes quiet for a while but Agni spills the beans again,

Agni: " if all of you noticed, on my engagement day,a chandelier almost fell on me and was almost poisoned "

Jaden: " and the credit for all that goes to none other than Asmita. She gave the waiter some rat poison to add to Agni's refreshment! "

Nikita: " oh my goodness! how inhumane! "

Jaden: " yes mom,it is. Unfortunately for her the man is our family waiter so he told me. He told him to add the poison and then asked him to inform Matteo of Asmita's plan. I went on to tell Agni so she could delay taking the juice "

Agni: " the man informed Matteo and as I expected, he saved me the first time but Asmita didn't give up"

Jaden:" as if that wasn't enough, she sent another man to cut the chandelier rope. This time, I heard it for myself. I sent a different man to inform Matteo and he saved her yet again! "

Mr Winans: " how careless of you both, you knew the plans yet ignored it and took a risk!"

Mr Winans: how sure where you that it would work?"

Agni: " Matty might have lost his memory but not his caring nature father"

Asmita: " all you are saying is a lie! do you have evidence to back up your words?"

Jaden plays a CCTV footage to show the Asmita's schemes on that particular occasion, Agni then introduces the final guest,

Agni: " and now for the final surprise... drumroll pleaaase!"

Jaden imitates the sound of a drumroll and Matteo walks in. Asmita runs to him and hugs him but he behaves cold towards her,

Matteo: " you are happy to see me but am not. I've never met a lair like you all my life"

Asmita: " do you hate me as well now Mike? "

Matteo: " am not Mike! my name is Matteo okay so get it right. I have recovered my memory! Because of you I couldn't recognise my own sister,how would you feel if that happened to you? "

Asmita: " I don't understand this"

Matteo: " I pretended to lose my memory the first time I saw you because my life was in danger back then,my sister was nowhere to be found and trusting anyone at that moment was risky "

Asmita: " so you lied to me,how could you?"

Matteo: " are you asking me why? Now let me ask you, why didn't you tell me the truth? you hid it from me and posed as my fiancé so you are a cheater!"

Asmita sees that her game is up so she decides to take her next move which backfires on her,she walks over to Andre and tries to brainwash him into defending her but she gets the shock of her life,

Asmita: " Andre,are you here listening to what they are all saying? They are lying against me! this is all made up! I didn't do it!"

Andre raises his hand to Asmita for the first time and slaps her,

Andre:" I can't believe that the person I call my sister is this despicable! am so ashamed of you! am so ashamed to call you my blood!"

Asmita: " I promise you Andre I didn't do it, they are accusing me!"

Andre: " quiet Asmi! Our parents died when I was 17 and you were only 10 years old. Before they passed away, I promised them that I'd raise you in a way that pleases man. But I failed, not just our parents but the community. How will I face them all now after what you've done?"

Asmita: " don't say that Andre, don't "

Andre: " I wasn't expecting a woman like you to try and kill another for a man who is just her brother!"

Asmita: " I didn't do it intentionally, it was love. I was in love with so called Matteo,you of all people knows how difficult it was for me to cope when I lost my fiancé "

Andre: " that wasn't love Asmita it was hatred and selfishness that you had!"

Andre apologises to everyone on behalf of his sister and takes a drastic step that no one,not even Asmita wasn't expecting,

Andre: " am so sorry everyone for the pain my sister caused you. I can't even face you all right now not to talk more of the community "

Nikita: " its fine Andre, at least the children are fine. And its good that you are more sensible and mature than Asmita "

Andre: " Agni my dear,I don't know where to start, but please find a place in your heart to forgive me. You tried to show me Asmita's true colors before so I could bring her back on the right path. But in my stupidity, I rebuked you "

Agni: " don't apologise to me brother Andre, love and trust made you do that. Who wouldn't believe the child or sister they raised? no one"

Andre: " and as for you Asmita, from now on you are dead to me. I had a sister but not anymore. On this day my younger sister Asmita dies and the only relative I have is my wife and her family"

Asmita: " no Andre, you are making this decision in anger and will regret it later when back to your senses. Where will I go from here,the only family I have is you"

Andre ignores Asmita's pleading and walks out with his wife. After crying for a while,Asmita turns to Agni and gives a serious warning,

Asmita: "today my brother disowned me because of you Agni! I won't forgive you for it. I'll make you pay in every single way,if I was lenient with you before then not anymore. Agni? you just touched the cobra's tail and it will bite poison inside you and it will kill you slowly"

Agni: " but am fire Asmita, I kill and burn even the most dangerous snakes that come across me"

Asmita leaves the house after exchanging some words with Agni. Jaden and his family bid goodbye and leave, Matteo stays over at Nikita and Fred's house with Agni. Asmita walks down the road and with tears falling down her cheeks and chin,vows to make Agni pay with her life even if it means going to jail for killing her.

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