

Becky and Matteo decide it is about time they finally put an end to Abbey's lies.

Matteo: "today is final,I can't stand that man being my brother in law"

Becky: "what do you suggest we do,then Matteo?"

Matteo: "its simple,you have to kiss Abbey in front of Agni but he shouldn't know his fiancé is watching"

Becky: "but how on earth will you convince Agni to come to the office?"

Abbey: "I'll send you a message on what you should do so leave the rest to me"

When the two end the discussion, Nisha walks in and feels envious to see that her husband is talking to another woman. She asks Matteo what he is doing in the visitors bedroom so early. Matteo tells Nisha he just came to say hi and quickly leaves to avoid more questions. Matteo goes out of the room but Nisha remains there and starts a quarrel.

Nisha: "listen girly,if you are trying to force yourself on my Matty then stop it,because I won't tolerate you ruining our relationship"

Becky:"so what if get close to him, what will you do about it mmh?However,I have had a crush on Matteo since school days and am sure that he'll fall in love with me after all am more modern and you're old fashioned "

Before Nisha could reply,Agni steps in intervenes by taking Becky down for breakfast. Becky tells Agni how she slammed Nisha and they start to laugh. Nisha is left in the room thinking about what Becky said to her. She decides to take matters into her own hands. She forgets about her plans to divide the family and focuses on competing with Becky. Nisha calls BJ and tells him to meet her at a shopping mall. Agni sets a trap for Abbey,one which he can't escape. She calls to ask about the orphanage he grew up in.

Agni: " Abbey sorry for calling now,but I wanted to ask about the name of the orphanage that raised you "

Abbey:"why are you asking all of a sudden, and out of the blue "

Agni: "its nothing my granny was just asking"

Abbey tries to hide the name as he is scared Agni might go there,he thinks about it,and decides to tell her the truth, "Sanskar,that's the name,Sanskar orphanage"

Matteo goes into Agni's room and demands they go to the Abbey's workplace and takes her there by force. On their way there,Matteo sends a message to Becky informing her of the plan. Agni and Matty walk into Abbey's office and find him kissing Becky. Matteo looks at Agni to see the expression on her face but there is no clear expression at all. Agni clears her throat where Becky and Abbey snap out of it.

Agni: "mmm,what's going on here?"

Abbey and Becky turn around in surprise and look at Matteo and Agni standing at the door step.

Matteo:"yes tell us what's going on "

Becky: "nothing... nothing at all"

Abbey tries to create a believable excuse," actually I'll tell you what's going on...Becky was on her way to bring some papers,then she slipped,I tried to catch her then this happened "

Matteo creates a sticky situation for Abbey by asking a more complicated question," but how did it take you over an hour to lift her,she has hands for crying out loud...see what I always tell you Agni, this man is a womanizer, he's not good for you "

Abbey tries to save himself and the relationship from Agni's wrath," I promise I didn't intend to do anything bad or hurt you, I was just helping "

Agni makes a very rush decision that leaves Becky, Matteo and Abbey's mouths open,"its okay Abbey I understand and you Matty, accidents do happen, I understand that you were trying to help Becky from falling. Let's forget about that now,Matty? you did a good by bringing me here, I couldn't make an announcement anywhere else. I think we should go straight to the wedding in three days time and skip the engagement ceremony "

Matteo looks for ways to change Agni's mind" no my dear sister please don't marry this man,he's an imposter and he'll ruin your happy life I beg you "

Agni gets angry at Matteo and reminds him of his place,"stop your nonsense! I have made my decision it is final,no one can change my mind not even you... or have you forgotten your place? we are not family! "

Agni walks out of the firm and goes home and informs the family of her decision and they support it. Matteo and Becky go to a bar where Matteo drinks alcohol uncontrollably to get his pain out. Nisha goes to the mall to meet BJ and they start shopping together, Nisha chooses classy expensive clothes and this makes BJ question why she is doing it," Nisha what's the need to shop all of these expensive clothes and remember you will be using my money which I have to save"

Nisha:"stop it,you know that crazy lady froze my account"

BJ: "by the way,why are you buying such clothes,they won't look good on you"

BJ: "I can't believe you! Becky has come to the house and she is cool and classy she might take Matty away from me, now help me choose the best clothes come on"

At 8 o'clock everyone is busy sleeping, Becky and Matteo get back home with Becky been the sober one helping a very drunk and complaining Matteo, " its my fault, all my fault, if only I didn't server ties with my sister she wouldn't be getting married to that horrible man,I didn't trust her,now she doesn't trust me and that's how it goes am just a fool who regrets every single thing he did"

When they get to the room,Matteo and Becky fall on the bed and get lost into each others eyes. Nisha walks in and is heartbroken," you evil woman! you can't seem stay away from my husband can you! if you don't know how then ask me and I'll help you! "

Nisha drags Becky by the hand and throws her out. Agni sees what's happening and decides to kill two birds with one stone.

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