

There are many Aragami that are fear even to god-eaters and Aragami alike. They evolve and change in accordance with what they devour.

It can't be concluded one Aragami stands above them all.

Except one.

A creature covered in a moss-like shell, its arms made up of its tendrils and tentacles. Its feet like two-pronged stakes, and with every step it took the footprints would be miles deep.

Its red eyes were many. Some claim it has 6. Eyewitnesses claim 9. The highest recorded count was 12. It could be more.

Lastly, this Aragami wasn't just giant, it was giant giant…

Even a stack of 3 vajras couldn't reach it. If you believe the stories.

The stories of the Ouroboros.

Den Lobby

"Ok Kanon, explain it to me one more time." Hibari said calmly.

"He kissed my hand and I kissed his! I don't know if it means anything!" Kanon said as she twiddled her thumbs.

"So he didn't kiss you on the mouth?" Hibari asked, getting in Kanons face.

'WHAT!?" Erina screamed from upstairs.

"PARDON!?" Emil chimed in.

"NO! All we did-was-!!" Kanon hesitated as she remembered the events beforehand. Sano took her hand to his lips and kissed her palm and in turn, she kissed the back of his hand.

"(That didn't count right?)" Kanon thought nervously. Her heart rate increased nominally.

"Kanon you said no, but even you don't sound convinced." Hibari said as she shooed away Erina and Emil. Of course, the pair kept eavesdropping. Along with the man in the red hat, who continued to show otherwise.

"Listen you know me, I don't get involved in people's love lives unless it interferes with work. So when it comes down to it, do you think you will be able to fight with Sano like you usually do?" Hibari asked lightly grasping Kanons hand.


A shout interrupted whatever response could've given.

"That didn't sound like Gina." Kanon said as Hibari hurried back to her desk.

"No, it didn't. What is it, Dr.Sakaki?" Hibari said putting on her headset. Hibari quickly closed a phone window bitterly.

"I'm about to broadcast to all departments and all channels, I need you to assist me in monitoring the areas I've mapped out for you. And raise the alarm to red! I need all staff at high alert!" Paylor ordered. Hibari went even faster than usual hearing the doctor be as serious as possible.

Hearing the playful doctor, Kanon stood up from the couch god-arc in hand. Erina and Emil hurried down filing in with Kanon.

"Attention all God-eaters and Fenrir personnel, we are going to High Alert! Code: Red! All personnel proceed with protocol, civilians are expected to evacuate should the need rise.

All God-Eaters not deployed report to the Den for further orders! This is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill!" Hibari scanned the holo map as she finished her announcement.

An alarm blasted from floor to floor, as every elevator in the building was in action bringing god-eaters to the lobby.

In tandem, Sakaki began his announcement.

"Attention Far East this is an emergency bulletin to all residents. We have a live sighting of an Ouroboros, what's worse it's currently in the range of the red rain. It's not that close to us, but we must also re-direct it from the Red Rain as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the only clear path is towards the Far East Branch…" Paylor said.

The sense of uneasiness passed from one another from the Branch Building to even the outer wall.

"Yes, I know what I'm asking, hence why I'm broadcasting on Fenrir and public channels, the civilians deserve to hear what I'm saying. The Red Rain is our only link to the Psion's existence and yes even after the longest Red Rain we've only had a handful of Psions emerge. There's no say in how an Aragami is affected.

If we leave it be it's risky, if we lure it towards the branch and don't slay it where it stands it's risky.

At this moment in time, the Ouroboros is in pursuit of a convoy and I have a god-eater enroute to assist in the escape. I plan on giving the order to reel it back from the Rain. I understand if no one agrees, do what you feel is right.

Regardless, I will enact every contingency necessary to ensure the people's safety for the short and long term.

Thank you all for listening." Paylor sighed heavily as he ended the transmission. He opened up the map and was already receiving another call!

"Director, did I hear that just right? You want us to take that thing BACK to your side!?" Churchill said.

"Not all the way obviously I need it halfway between the Branch and the Red Rain. If you could manage that, that would be most appreciated." Paylor said with his morbid smile.

"You're out of your mind! We'd have to turn around to do that! I don't want a branch wiped out on my conscience!" Churchhill yelled.

"Then you should do so, while in my jurisdiction you and your people follow my orders, once this is over you're free to be on your way!" Paylor said cheerfully.

"We asked for help, not to be bait! Get your God-Eater to do it!" Churchhill argued.

"It'll be too late by then, I know you see the Red Rain ahead of you. Turn back now, that is an order!" Sakaki started losing his polite tone. He viewed the live map, showing Churchills Beacon and Aragami's. Along with the Red Rain. Plenty of open space for the Ouroboros to roam and graze.

"Forget it! You don't even know if the Red Rain will do anything!(I sure as hell won't be put on the stake for this!) We're not turning-AAAAGH!" Churchhills transmission became fuzzy, startling Paylor.

"Director. You just need us to drive in halfway?" a woman's voice called out. The beacon of Chuchhills vehicle turned to the left.

"Correct." Paylor said with a smile.

"Direct us as we proceed if you please." the woman said as the vehicle did a full turn away from the Red Rain.

"I"ll be in touch. KOTA, the convoy is heading towards you. Ouroboros with them. How long will it take you to set the traps!?" Paylor asked.

"Maybe 10 minutes, I brought a ton. By the way doc, I know we're acting on uncertainties, but if we can stop this thing from becoming a bigger threat later I'm with you. A lot of us are." Kota encouraged.

"Appreciated, proceed, I'm about to send back-up your way." Paylor said,

"Over and out." Kota said.

"Hibari, I need one team to take a chopper and head out to Kota's location, send whatever choppers not out to sends teams to set up perimeters from Kota's location to the outer wall.

Whichever team doesn't get a helicopter can take the armored vehicles. We've never had an Ouroboros this close to the Outer Wall before, I want every contingency in place.

Spare no traps, stun-grenades, whatever it takes. Tell Rodolfo anything from his stock is on the Branchs' budget. We need them now!" Paylor ordered.

"It seems a team is already on its way. Kota should be notified now." Hibari said.

"My readings show no one has left the Den yet-EGAD!" Paylor shouted, 4 beacons started leaving the Branch's perimeter at incredible speeds.

Sano, Erina, Kanon, and Emil are enroute.

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