
Draw the person you hate..

''Now, I want you to paint the person you wish to never see again in this world.''

Mrs. Hanna said to them as they sorted out the various colours they were going to use.

''What?'' Inayah and Bertha asked at the same time.

''What do you mean?'' Inayah asked.

''We don't understand?'' Bertha also questioned.

They were perplexed by Mrs. Hanna's demands and didn't know what to make of it.

''I want you to draw someone you hate enough to wish that they are gone for good.'' Mrs. Hanna looked at them with a daring expression.

''Well, if you put it that way, it's much easier. She is the person I want to get rid of the most.' Bertha said, pointing at Inayah.

''Hey!'' Inayah hit her hand away.

''I want to help you realise yourselves. Now, no questions. Just do as I say!'' Mrs. Hanna made Inayah and Bertha to sit in front of their drawing boards with their eyes closed. ''Now, imagine that person and draw them. Use the hate in you to draw them.''


Jasper's Mansion.

Jasper walked out of his room as he spoke on phone to someone. ''What did you find? She is in City Mall. Okay!'' He hung up and hurried with his car keys.


City Mall.

Jasper stood at a distance watching a slender woman chatting with some two men whom were in a suit.

She was dressed formally and seemed to be giving instructions to the men in suits.

As if sensing someone's gaze on her, she turned but when she did, Jasper immediately hid away, not daring to let himself get caught.

After a while, he didn't see the woman again and turned to go but saw her suddenly in front of him.

''Lilian?'' He said with a glimmer of hope and his gaze became warm.

''Why are you here? I thought I made it clear that we shouldn't see each other again?'' The lady called Lilian asked coldly.

''Lilian, I've found someone I can touch now. Nick says with that girl's help I will be normal again.'' Jasper said and stretched forth his hand but he stopped halfway. It made the lady to chuckle.

''A girl? Don't tell me you're going to destroy another innocent person's life again?''

''It's not like that. Lilian, I am doing this for you, for us.''

''Stop it. Don't do anything for me or us. Is over Jasper. We've known each other for how long now? 25 years now, and you still can't dare to touch me or any woman. You've found someone? Does she know she is just a replacement? Does she know you place work above anyone else? In order to think you're normal, you bury yourself in your work. I've being your friend for 25 years and your girlfriend for 5 years and during that time; you couldn't touch me'' Lillian seemed disgusted by his words.

''Lilian, I need you to trust me this time. I am working hard to change this for us. I don't know why this kind of reaction suddenly began, but I am working hard on getting rid of it.''

''Don't tell me to trust you. I hate myself for being this way to you but, I need to be honest with myself. Jasper, actually, I'm getting married very soon. My mom's friend has a son and he is coming into the country very soon. I am going to marry him and take over from my mom. The mall is getting bigger and she needs my help.''

''What?'' Jasper's face changed.

''I'm telling you to stop doing things because of me. Don't harm anyone and then, think that you are doing it for me. I found someone else. I hope you wish me well.''

''No. I won't wish you well. You…won't ever be happy. I was really willing to do anything for you, but, you just let me go without thinking twice.''

''Yes, you're right. I left you without thinking twice so, you should let me go too. Is been five years already, Jasper. I can never be with a man who can't touch me.''

''I said I would find a cure to it.''

''You haven't found a cure in the past 5 years since that night you dreamt that someone died because of you. You said a woman died because of you and since that day, you still don't know what happened to your body and it suddenly changed. You suddenly found a cure? You didn't find it for so long; what makes you think you can find it now?''

Lilian's phone vibrated and she looked at it. ''I have to go, I hope that once you are able to accept me as a friend, then we can communicate again.''

Jasper watched with clenched fists as Lilian walked away.


Mrs. Hanna's House.

Mrs. Hanna stood behind the girls and said to them. ''Now, shall we see what you've drawn.''

Bertha looked at her painting and exclaimed, ''wow!!! For the first time I did something right.'' When she said that, Inayah stood up and looked at her painting.

''You really hate Gideon that much?'' Inayah asked curiously.

''Yes, is no secret. I hate his guts and his constant boasting of his family's wealth''

''Well, that's true'' Inayah nodded in agreement and turned.

''Who did you draw?'' Bertha looked at the masked man that Inayah had drawn and asked. ''Masked man? Who is he?''

''Someone, you don't need to know.'' Inayah furrowed her brows.

''He looks familiar though.'' Bertha moved closer to take a look at the painting.

''Maybe. I just want him to disappear and stop making my life miserable.'' Inayah stated. Her words filled with bittersweetness.

''Girls. Did I also add that…the one you hate is the same person you will ever love in this life?'' Mrs. Hanna had a sly smirk on her face as she looked at the two girls.

She seemed completely different from the person they knew.

''What do you mean? What are you saying?'' Bertha's face was paled as she asked.

''This is why you shouldn't mess with what is already written.'' Mrs. Hanna turned to look at Inayah and a sense of déjà vu rushed over Inayah.

She shook her head and stepped back. ''You're not Mrs. Hanna, right?'' She suddenly thought of the old woman she met at the mall some time ago.

''Inayah, what do you mean by she is not Mrs. Hanna?'' Bertha asked, still confuse.

''Tell me, why are you oddly familiar? Have we met before?'' Inayah took a step closer.

''I see you can remember bits now.'' The woman said and snapped her finger, making Bertha to freeze up on the spot.

Inayah stepped back and asked, ''what did you just do?''

''Did you forget already? You begged me so much to give you a second chance.''

''Who? Me?'' Inayah pointed at herself.

''Because of the needless meddling of your life with divinity. She is the butterfly effect of your coming back after committing suicide, Inayah.''

''I died? When?''

''You will have to carry the burden of what you did. That man loved you in your previous life; now is time to give him that same love. He might really need you. Since he also cried to the heavens to give him a chance to go back in time and meet you again.''

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