
No Fear

The hour is late when I go to bed. Stayed up chatting to Geordie about anything besides Thunders. Casey only managed an hour of combat practise before turning in. I hope he's okay. Sleep won't come because I'm worrying about his state of mind. He keeps refusing food when everyone else eats. Yesterday he was poisoned. Before that he got suspended from a tower block and even further down his lifeline was raped. How do you cope having so many traumatic events happen to you? If I fall asleep, I'm in danger of having full on poor Casey night terrors.

My heart has a mini palpitation as sneaky arms wrap round my stomach from behind. Those night terrors might be void now I'm getting squeezed by the person I was fretting about.

"You seem tense."

"Surprised by your visit." I turn to face him. "Actually, I'm concerned-" We're both talking at the same time. I shut up. Let him speak.

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