
Watch Post

Polish quick!

I give my thumb nail a coat of polish. What a terrible start to the morning waking up with a new silly white spot. Just a spot. Two spots now. Deep breaths. No more spots; they're both covered up. They may as well not be there. I'm normal and healthy.

Normal and healthy.

With this thought in mind I return my nail polish to my coin pouch and push it to the back of the wardrobe. Check out my new altered sleeves. They're much trendier now. I put on a thin white scarf. Super. The rest of today is going to be great because there's no weapons training. We've only got one class today. It's with Clover. We're meeting her outside which is unusual.

I leave my room and head down the corridor wondering if having Geordie and Danny as friends yesterday was a one off.

“Still here?”

Max. I keep walking, pretending I've not heard him.

“You can't fight. You can't fly. You can't follow Clover's lessons. All you're good for is screaming and running off.” Max follows me. He's soon to catch up. “I know you heard me.” He rams me into the wall. “Why do you stick around?” Holds me there. “Speak then. Or are you having a panic attack?”

“I passed initiation meaning I have as much right to be here as everyone else.”

“I give it two weeks before you're sent away.”

Ouch my ribs he's stuck his elbow into them. A moan comes out my mouth followed by a louder one when Max belts me in the stomach. “If I were you I'd leave this second to avoid any more humiliation.” He punches me a second time, making me double over in pain.

No way am I letting Max bully me out of Cloud High. What's his problem with me? I've no idea. Phew he turns from me and carries on his way to class.


Must get to class before I'm late. Owww but my stomach hurts. Can't un-scrunch myself just yet. Today is not turning out to be a great day after all. Right I'm going to move in exactly five seconds. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Yowch. I'm moving. Get downstairs onto the next floor. Pass by rooms thirty and thirty one, where Geordie and Danny live. Give them a knock but they don't answer so must have gone already. I'm late I know it. I speed into a run. Clatter down two more flights of stairs, swing through reception, and join the back of class gathered close to the pond. Pheeew, I just beat Clover here. Danny grabs my elbow, tugs me over to him, as Clover walks briskly by us.

“Team work. Some of you are under the impression being friends makes a team. Of course, this quality can help but doesn't mean you can function, so we are going to do some exercises. See who the real teams are.” Clover stands at the head of our class. “Pick your team wisely today because the losing team will be on refectory cleaning duty until the choosing.”

Geordie hooks his arms round mine and Danny's shoulders. “And she's under the impression we're gonna lose.”

“We won't?” I ask.

“We ain't failing ever again.”

“Then you might want to pick a different member.” I try to move away.

“No way. We'll listen to you from now on Corey mate,” says Danny.

Corey mate, cools. I have friends. I'll really have to try stand my ground when stuff gets tough. Everyone else is scrabbling about sorting themselves into teams, well everyone save for Charlie, Tanya and Lee, they're like us, friends, aren't about to trade in friendship for talent. Then again, those three are smart with plenty of skills. They're getting the nod from Clover; she believes in them. Who believes in us?

As we walk to wherever our team building exercise is going to take place I notice most of class give Geordie these glances. He's ultra popular. They want to be on his team. He could have had any of them but stuck with me despite me being the lowliest trainee in Cloud High.

We end up near those rocks that seem to go on forever, where I had a quick stop off with Jordan. I wonder if there's an end to those rocks. They could go on and on and on until they reach the end of England.

“Your task is get to Watch Post in the teams you just picked.” Loads of groans follow Clover's words. “The first team to arrive at Watch Post will receive a ride back to Cloud High on Master Zel's griffons and have free time until the rest of class have hiked home.”

“Frickin’ skies, all the way to Watch Post that'll take ages.”

“Then you better handle your rations well.” Clover tosses Geordie a small package.

“I think it'll be fun,” I say on catching my package.

“Corey West, what have you done to your uniform?” shouts Clover. Those fingers of hers are tensing. I do believe she would very much like to strangle me.

“Some simple customization. Do you like?”

“How many times? You are not on a camping trip. Reaching Watch Post on foot is not supposed to be fun, and you certainly are not permitted to be customising your uniform. Lucky for you I have first years to teach without time to be lecturing you.” Clover carries on handing out rations. “I shall be waiting for you at Watch Post from tomorrow mid-morning. Fifth year field agents are circling the area to make sure you're clear of Thunders. Besides that, you're on your own."

As Clover marches briskly to her next class most teams are off, sprinting down rocks.

“Move it Charlie boy.” Geordie shoulders by Charlie and takes to the rocks. Danny follows close behind him. “Hurry it up, Corey. There's no way I'm on cleaning duty for six months.”

Six months is a long time. My hands would get rough from scrubbing and drying.

“We've no need to exhaust ourselves running,” I hear Charlie say as I go past his group. I slow down to listen. “Everyone else will tire by nightfall.”

“If we take a power walk,” muses Tanya.

“We can keep going through night, at a steady pace, while everyone else sleeps,” says Lee.

“Eliminating most of the competition,” finishes Charlie.

That is a clever plan. Devious too. I smile sweetly when those three glare at me. Oops I slowed down to listen. I tilt my head slightly to one side to ward off suspicion. “Good luck.” Their glares turn to looks of disbelief, for wishing my competition luck, as I slide down rocks after my team.

“Sooo where's this Watch Post?” I look up, down, right, left, and see nothing but uneven ground full of little rocks, big rocks, massive rocks, and humongous monster sized rocks.

“We know. You concentrate on keeping up.” Geordie's jogging.

“If you struggle let me know.” Off goes Danny.

I can keep up. Will keep up. Run fast fast fast. Going fast is tricky on rocks which like to move underfoot. “Eek!” I slide down a mound and am unable to stop. End up flying by Geordie. “Ahhh!!!” Here comes the bottom. Still moving. Almost trip. I'm able to slow down now I'm on level-ish ground. “Yay, I am amazing!” I give a wink as those two struggle on down.

“You're a little nuisance,” says Geordie when he reaches me.

There's Charlie at the top of the mound. I wave to him. He takes no notice; is concentrating on helping Lee down, as Tanya goes on ahead, scouting for the best way to go.

“Logistic wannabes,” grumbles Geordie. “Always doing shit by the book.”

“They work.” Danny reaches us. “If they'd not stepped in and helped when you'd got taken-”

“-I'd still be taken. Corey did the work. They left me for dead. Took the easy sensible option. I'm glad they bothered to help you, but after that they ran

to Clover rather than acted.”

“They're aiming for logistics meaning they don't act they plan," says Danny.

“Exactly my point: always doing shit by the book. We'll work better you'll see.”

“You don't like logistics, do you?” I say.

“Ya think?” grunts Geordie as he starts up moving. “They end up high and mighty like Clover.”

“Was she in logistics?” I ask.

“Yeah on the top team but quit to teach or so she says. I think Courtney pushed her off the team.”

“Courtney she's head of Cloud Association, right?”

“Yeah runs the whole organisation from logistics. That's real basic first year knowledge. The first thing ya learn.”

“I'm two years behind,” I remind Geordie.

“Lucky you, they've not managed to ram their doctrine down ya throat. Ya real fresh.” Geordie gives my altered sleeve a flick. “Meaning you're our style.”

Aww he thinks I'm stylish. “I'm our style, Danny's the casual one, and you're our attitude.”

“Attitude,” Geordie flares up and kicks little rocks at me. “I'll show ya what real attitude is if ya don't shut up and get a move on. I wanna catch up with Max.”

We pick up our speed. I'm okay at the moment as I'm able to breathe regular. Making the most of being physically capable I match Danny's pace. “What's Geordie got against Max?”

“Lots. Max wants fieldwork too. Chances are if one gets it the other won't.”

“You mean they're in competition?”

“Until the choosing we're all in competition against each other, so keep up yeah.”

When he says keep up I think he means more than just this exercise. I cannot let them down. I drop the chatter. Concentrate on deep running breaths. In. Out. In. Out. Run. Run. Run. Oww my feet. These rocks hurt super bad. We're soon to pass by several of our fellow trainees. One group have stopped and are looking round lost. They're up in a shot when they see the direction we're going in. I wonder how Geordie knows the way because he certainly doesn't pay attention in geography.

As daylight fades, Geordie holds a hand up for time. I'm well away from them. My team mates stand getting their breath back while I push on. Wanna collapse when I reach them. I slump to the floor and pull off my boots. Massage my bleeding feet.

“Not bad to say you're two years behind.” Geordie opens his package. Takes out a canteen and has a single mouthful of water.

“Yeah we're making good time. If we start up again at dawn we should get to where we need to be on time,” says Danny.

Feet massaged I pull my boots on. “We should keep going.” I get up too fast. My head spins. I steady myself on Danny's shoulder.

“That's crazy. You'll end up collapsing. Besides we're ahead of the competition,” says Danny.

“For now. You wanna win this thing, right?”

“Like Danny said the competition's mostly behind.”

“For now. I heard Charlie and his swots saying they're gonna take things steady and carry on through the night. If we can keep hardcore until morning, we'll totes win them.”

“Did they notice ya listening in?” says Geordie.

I give my most innocent smile. “I was only wishing them luck.”

“We'll never keep up our pace all night,” puts in Danny. “We're gonna drop. Charlie will have timed his journey and end up over-taking us eventually.”

“We can do it!” I jump up and down on the spot. Ouch. “Let's pretend we're on a camping trip. Make our night time travel fun.”

“As long as we don't lose we're safe from cleaning at least,” ponders Geordie.

Moral is lowering. Hard travel does that when you know someone else will probs win 'cause they planned way ahead. “We have to win. Show Clover the class clowns can get one over on the preppy swots. Even better let's beat Clover to Watch Post. Would it be possible to make it for dawn?”

“If we don't have any more long stop offs it's doable, and we'd have to maintain a quick jog at least.” Geordie gives me a critical look over. “If ya can't manage going solid speak now. It'd be better for us to sleep for a few hours if ya unable to keep up. We risk coming last if ya swoon on us.”

“Meanie!” I set off.

“This is serious, Corey.”

“Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. One foot in front of the other. Breathe in. Breathe out.” When Geordie comes to jog beside me I make myself go a notch faster. “One foot in front of the other. Keep breathing.”

“What the…?”

Perhaps you offended him with the swooning crack,” suggests Danny.

“Did I?” asks Geordie.

“What if I do swoon? I could. I did feel light headed a moment ago. Would be awful if I let you guys down.”

“You can't let us down we won't let you. He'd give you a sharp shake and smack across the face to get you moving,” says Danny.

Travelling throughout the night might have been a terrible idea. We deffo didn't pace ourselves so are ready to drop now it's real late. I'm staggering along. I saw Geordie stumble a moment ago. We've lost our momentum. Ba-a-ad.

Right we can recover. What we need is waking up. I clap out a tune. Words leave my lips as I remember music for the first time since Jess was killed. Yay, I'm singing.

“You're crazy,” groans Geordie.

I pause my song. “Do you want to join in?”

“No. What's the point?”

“And it sounds like a kid’s song,” says Danny.

“What's wrong with that?” I clap louder. “Singing is good for the soul. I oh I oh I oh I oh,” I sing real loud to get them caught in the moment. Make up words as we walk to suit our situation. “We're Cloudy trainees on a mission for Clover. I oh I oh I oh.” I give Danny a nudge and hiss, “your line next.”

“Dream on.”

“I oh I oh I oh.” I nudge Geordie. “Now your turn.”

“Not happening.”

“I oh I oh I oh. We're Cloudy trainees on a mission for Clover. I oh I oh I oh. Dream on. I oh I oh I oh. Not happening. I oh I oh I oh.”

Awesome Danny's mustering the I oh's. I clap clap clap encouraging him to sing along. Yay works. He makes up a line and joins in with the I ohs much louder than mustering. Now I just need to get Geordie to crack. He will. He gives his friend a look of astonishment. Give it a couple more verses and he'll feel left out and join in. I see a hand tapping against his thigh. I call that clapping. Yay.

“What?” snorts Geordie.

In response I smile. One more round and I'm sure we'll have him. Yeah, he's murmuring along. Singing sounds alien coming from him. I wonder how someone could never try singing before. I want to ask but don't seen as the mood has heightened as we make a real noise totes outta tune. And Geordie's turned our song crude, making me giggle.

My giggling deceases on sighting this huge wall of rock, sort of like a volcano without the hole or lava. More of a high plaza. “What's that?”

“That is Watch Post,” says Geordie.

Getting here was easier than I thought. “We made it!”

“Not exactly; we have to climb to the top,” says Danny.

To the top. That's real high. Too high. I've been higher on Bramble, but no climbing was involved. If I make it up there before everyone else it'll be nothing short of a miracle.

“I think we have roughly two hours until dawn.” Geordie makes his follow me hand gesture.

Why didn't anyone tell me climbing would be involved? I can keep going for two more hours then sit down and enjoy the view. I'm kidding myself. We're only a few feet up, on a narrow path, and my muscles are seizing. Exercise can kill you. I'm gonna collapse and die.

“Keep it up, Corey,” encourages Danny.

“I can't. Leave me. I'm dead.”

“We've hardly gone anywhere. Get your skinny ass to the top,” Geordie practically growls at me.

“But there's altitude!” I grab Danny's arm, cling off him. “You'll have to drag me, or I'll die.”

Rather than shake me off, Danny puts up with me to save time. I try to keep quiet as we edge along. Oooh some of the path in front of us crumbles away. Geordie moves back, then steps over the flaky part of path. As I step over I look down. If I slip I'd fall to the rocky ground. Squish. Have rocks imprinted into my skin. Dead skin. Geordie's brave going first on this trail. Can't let him down. I will reach the top by dawn. Push pumping muscles to the back of my mind. Look straight ahead. Keep hold of Danny's arm. Concentrate on breathing.

“I think he needs to stop,” pants Danny.

“Worst thing to do is stop.”

“But he sounds like he's choking.”

“He's cool.”

I'm dying. Why am I putting myself through this rigorous expedition? Could have joined a weaker team then I'd be strolling along at the back. Even Geordie's sounding wheezy. Do we have any water left? I know I drank all mine. Smile. Bear it. Keep trekking. I must be holding Danny back. Can't let go of his arm or I'll drop...

… I crash into Danny's back. “We quitting?” I gasp.

“No, we're at the top,” says Danny.

The top. Wow. The top. I drop to my hands and knees. Cough up phlegm. Urrr chest super tight. Air's too thin. Can't breathe. Help.

Geordie shakes his canteen at me. “Drink.”

I shake my head. “Drank all mine.”

“There's only a trickle left. Drink or I'll pour it on the ground.”

He would as well. I clasp the canteen; force down a morsel of water, roll onto my back. We best be first 'cause walking back to Cloud High would be torturous. I could sleep here on hard rock. Don't. Push myself up on my elbows so I'm slouching. Smile over at Geordie and Danny as they approach a hut. That must be the actual Watch Post where field agents soar down on their griffons, to take stock of the surrounding area. After a quick exploration Geordie sits on the edge of the cliff side. I crawl over, sit with him, with my legs dangling over the edge. He hooks an arm round my shoulders. Does the same to Danny.

“Did we do good?” I ask.

“We did awesome. Thought you might collapse on us like.”

“I'm dead. Leave me,” mocks Danny.

I cross my eyes. “Meanie.” Try using Geordie's shoulder as a pillow. He pushes me away. “Hey!”

“Personal space, Corey.”

“Personal space, Geordie!” I push my way in-between Geordie and Danny. Imitate Geordie's arms hooked round the shoulder’s thing. “Personal space.”

“That's different, cheeky gimp.”

I laugh as I loop my arms round their backs. Dare to pull them closer expecting to get shoved away. The most special thing happens instead. They're smiling. Well Geordie's not; he's got this bad boy smirk going on. This is the first time I ever seen him use a happy upturned mouth expression. “Geordie, Danny, Corey!” I call out to the rocks. Well Alex; wish I could tell them. Maybe I should. Can't. They frown upon rich kids. Might decide to hate me. “Charlie!”

“What?” says Geordie, still smirking.

I lean right over the cliff side, having sighted movement in the almost dim first morning light.

Danny grabs my cloak. Pulls me back. “Careful.”

“I think Charlie's arrived.”

“Not quite. He has to get up here first,” points out Geordie.

“True true.” I fall into Danny. Try my luck using him as a pillow.

“Un-cool,” groans Danny.

“You're comfy.” I clutch my cloak tight round myself realising the air is cold up here now my breath's back. Laugh as Geordie throws pebbles down the side of Watch Post, aiming for Charlie.

“Geordie,” says Danny in a slight warning tone.

“What? I'm only letting them know we're up here so they've no need to rush.”

Danny shrugs. “Whatever you say.”

While Geordie carries on aiming pebbles at whoever is below I attempt to keep awake but end up drifting for at least an hour. Then figure Danny must be tired of me using him as a pillow. Oh err, I’m the pillow. He's fallen asleep leaning into me.

Geordie gives me a poke when he notices I'm fully awake. “You're tiring out my back up lad.”

I laugh. “He's very kind dragging me up Watch Post.”

“More like ya clung on and refused to let go.”

“Details details.”

I lean backwards, rock onto my palms. My sudden movement jolts Danny awake. Whoosh whoosh. Sounds like griffon wings. It is griffon wings. Three sets of them. Two of the griffons are being ridden by Zel and Clover. Geordie stares aloof into the distance. Danny follows his lead. Pretending I find landing griffons boring I sit with my hands on my knees, admiring the view below Watch Post, savouring our moment of success.

“You three,” says Clover trying to mask her surprise. “How long have you been sat here?”

“Long enough,” musters Geordie. He twists his head right on hearing heavy breaths coming from by the hut. “Took ya time, Charlie boy.”

“They are logistics bound,” I point out. “They have no need to travel like you two. Get to sit behind desks.”

Charlie gives me an annoyed glance. “How did you beat us up here?”

“Real easy. You're slow,” says Geordie.

What will it take for Clover to give Geordie a look of praise? We're first but aren't getting any credit. She's more disappointed we won. Perhaps she was expecting us to come last.

“Were ya hoping we'd be on cleaning duty?” snickers Geordie using his new found or rediscovered smirk, which has her stare at him in bewilderment, which only has him smirking more confidently. “Tough we ain't coming last ever again.”

We'll be coming last if there's a combat team building exercise. I keep quiet as I approach Bramble. Give her a pat.

Master Zel is soon to join me. “You best fly with me to Cloud High.”

“He can fly with me instead.” Geordie mounts Bramble without bothering to ask permission.

“I am not about to let a third year take a fellow trainee for a ride.”

“I could use the practise carrying passengers. I'll be extra careful.”

“Can you even balance yourself with a passenger?” asks Zel.

“Corey sure. Bramble won't even notice he's there with him being so skinny.”

Without waiting for permission either, I get on behind Geordie. Hold tight for take-off. With a slight touch of the side of Geordie's foot, Bramble's speeding off towards the edge of Watch Post. Naturally I'm eeking as we plummet then rise.

“Geordie Henley you turn Bramble round this second,” Zel calls after us.

Bramble jerks as though wanting to go back but after a reassuring pat from Geordie relaxes and carries on flying the way her rider wants to go.

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