
You work for me now

The short captain had brown skin, hair, and eyes. His chain shirt hung almost to his knees and he wore a small breastplate over it which covered his upper chest. His unimpressed eyes peered at me from beneath his kettle helm. 

"Just you," the mayor said with disappointment.

The captain shook his head. "He's a protector. Maybe he is useful."

The mayor glared at me. "How do we know you speak the truth?"

The captain stepped forward. "Sir. We don't care. He's a Svartalfar they are mortal enemies of Orks. He will fight for us, I'm sure of it."

A whistling sound reached our ears. It was loud and it sounded like hundreds of tiny whistles blowing all at once. 

I saluted, turned, and ran. Carney yipped as she tried to follow me. It was in vain because I didn't use the stairs - I scaled the wall directly.

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