
Chapter 3 system

I suddenly woke up as my consciencness came back i opened my eyes. And realised I was in an unfamiliar place

"huh? W-where am I?!!"

No wait a minute d-did my voice just sound like an awoo~?....

I slowly looked down at my hands

And that was when I realised I had cute white furry little paws that made me think of kittens.... I can't be a cat right Do they want me to kill a god as a cat.

Okay you know what maybe I'm just assuming stuff cause I don't think kittens say awoo~ and so I looked around my surrounding and I saw that I was in a freaking crystal cave all alone.

I almost drooled at the shiny crystals

And then I saw a water puddle A few meters away from me which I somehow noticed, so I got up to walk there

I clumsily stood up as it was my first time in this body and I had to get used to this and so I tried walking towards the water so I could see my reflection it was a slow progress of walking but I did it after the first step I kept doing better and when I reached the water puddle I looked at my reflection to see a gorgeous white baby fox with dazzling gold eyes

Holy f*ck im Cuter than a Kitten!!

But will being cute help me kill a god? Mayb-

Suddenly a holographic screen appeared infront of me

[system: NO, I will help you though ]

And that was when I realised I was a baby fox with a possible god killing system.

Which proberly has a lot of god souls in it so that would explain why it could talk but it can also read my mind?

[system: i will only answer questions i deem required for the user to know, and yes I can read your mind.]

Wow so I'm a baby fox with no privacy now huh? Oh how my life has changed.

[system: to gain a better understanding about yourself say 'Status', as it will display information about yourself, that the system has calculated and added to help you understand about yourself easier, status can be said mentally to also be activated]

Oh I see so it's like those system types in anime's wow the gods must have put a lot of thought in this to make it easier. So I said "Status" to see what was displayed about myself


[Name : Seraphine (it is the name given by the last grace of the gods as a way to call you "the burning fire" that will burn all her enemies)

[Species: (blessed) Fox Cub]

[Grade: Poor + ( blessed by God)]

[title: Blessed by God's]

[Level : 1/10]

[Ability : none]

[Attribute : none]


[HP:10,000/10,000 ]

[MP : 50,000/50,000 (blessed) ]

[Vitality: 10 (blessed ×10) ]

[ INT: 50 (blessed ×10) ]

[Strength: 5 ]

[agility: 8 ]

[defence: 7 ]

[Skill Set 1 (passive abilities: these are abilities which can be used automatically) : none]

[Skill Set 2 (active abilities :these are abilities which need to be activated to use these skills ) : bite (lv1), scratch (lv1), kick(lv1), sixth sense (lv1) ]

(skill list will show the available skills that can be purchased with Skill Points (SP) , higher skills will be available to purchase in the systems shop for the systems currency or for a higher number of (SP), the systems currency (GG coins) can be earned by the quests given by the system)

[Stat points : 10]

[Skill points : 10]

[Item box: level 1 beginner gift box]

Woahh the blessed icon really increased my HP and MP, but what is MP?

[System: MP is mana points it is the amount of MP which you can use, but it is useless for the user right now as you don't have any skill spells now with which you can use MP with, I reccomend buying an attribute from the systems shop when you want to increase the potential damage given to the attack by the skill spell which can use MP]

Oh I see, Mmm so then what does the 'GG' in GG coins stand for?

[System: its stands for Gold God coins]

gold god coins who the hell named them that,

Wait a minute! im now named seraphine wow these gods they just name people so easily and the fact that they named me burning fire... Its a pun on how I painfully died isn't it?! I could almost feel my fake smile twitch at the system

[System : No, user the name was given to you as a way for you to remember both your past and present and what your future may contain]

Sigh* fine I get it okay Jeez

anyway, I don't seem to possess any of these GG coins but I do seem to have some Stat points and skill points

Mmm system can you take out the skill list.

[skill list ]

[tail whip SP Cost: 1]

[Jump SP Cost: 1]

[Sprint SP Cost: 1]

[Enhanced sight SP Cost: 1 ]

[Enhanced hearing SP Cost: 1]

[Enhanced smell SP Cost: 1]

[Enhanced stamina SP Cost: 1]

[Enhanced strength SP Cost: 1]

[Enhanced INT SP Cost: 1]

[Enhanced agility SP Cost: 1]

[Enhanced vitality SP Cost: 1]

[Enhanced defence SP Cost: 1]

[Enhanced reflexes SP Cost: 1]

[Enhanced flexibility SP Cost: 1]

[Enhanced Endurence SP Cost: 1]

Mmm system spend 10 Skill Points on buying all of these skills: tail whip, jump, sprint Enhanced sight, hearing, smell, stamina, strength, agility, defense

These skills are the ones which are the most suitable for survival and it seems that the higher leveled skills would be more expensive

System can you add 3 stat points in my defence and strength and then add 4 stat points in my agility

Mmm okay now time to view status


[Name : Seraphine]

[Species: (blessed) Fox Cub]

[Grade: Poor + ( blessed by God)]

[title : Blessed by God's]

[Level : 1/10]

[Ability: none]

[Attribute : none]


[HP:10,000/10,000 ]

[MP : 50,000/50,000 (blessed) ]

[Vitality: 10 (blessed ×10) ]

[ INT: 50 (blessed ×10) ]

[Strength: 8 (×2) ]

[agility: 12 (×2)]

[defence: 10 (×2)]

[Skill Set 1 (passive abilities) : Enhanced sight(lv1), Enhanced hearing (lv1), Enhanced smell (lv1), Enhanced stamina (lv1), Enhanced strength (lv1), Enhanced agility (lv1), Enhanced defence(lv1)]

[Skill Set 2 (active abilities) : bite (lv1), scratch (lv1), kick(lv1), sixth sense (lv1), tail whip(lv1), Jump (lv1), Sprint (lv1), ]

[Stat points : 0]

[Skill points : 0]

[Item box: level 1 beginner gift box]

Okay I think I'm finally ready to venture out of this cave to go level up hmm and this level 1 beginner gift box sounds interesting but I wanna first explore and see what's their in the outside world first since I can use magic here hehehehe

Wait I can level up by killing some animals and by taking their exp right? I mean that's how it normally works

[system : Yes killing and eating higher level species can increase your level by giving you more exp gains]

Oooh so I can gain levels just by eating too... I like this alot now hehehe

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