
Wedding Ceremony

After Lu Xun had left, Song Xing Xing went to take a quick shower before she returned to her room with Mr. Fluffball.

She took her phone and decided to play her games before she sleep. The game had a new update and she wanted to check at the new features. Other than the marriage feature, there were new updates on the maps, weapons as well as some new costumes.

The game's new update was finally released and everyone was excited about the marriage system. However, once they saw the prerequisite to getting married, the players in the game had the urge to complain to the management.

Last time, Huo Yun Chen had mentioned to her that two players who wanted to get married should have a high friendliness level. However, the man had failed to mention that holding a wedding will require a lot of ingots.

At this time, the players who had tied the knot were all players who are willing to spend a lot of real money in the game.

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