
Not So Simple Flu

Mattheus was absentminded in the middle of what was more of a battle than a hunt.

So it was a good thing he had two over-competent women guarding him.

"Sorry," the man apologized to the red-haired knight-in-training as she used a foot to kick the Fomorian off her blade.

"What are you thinking about, my liege? I know you bookish types tend to get lost in your head a lot but this is a bad time to do so."

The Fomoire were an eclectic bunch that truly reminded Mattheus of Atlanteans, only somehow a bit less foul. They came in various shapes but generally looked like a mutated or demonized human or elf with a pallor that was gray to black—generally the colors of a corpse without actually looking dead.

"Um. Just various things."

One of which were the origins of the Fomoire.

"Brue. What's the difference between the Corruption and this? Or is there any difference at all?" Mattheus asked.

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