
Evil Mother-In-Law

The air was thick with the tension between us. Our eyes were hot with held-back tears; brows burdened with unresolved anger. Our annoyance filled the space between us. Disenchantment and creeping doubt edged us closer to a cliff of despair.

On a good day, love can be challenging. 

Why do we keep finding ourselves in these trenches of disaffection and dysfunction?

Life's evolutions would throw us off balance, disrupt our "normal," and make us uncomfortable and distracted. 

We are continually growing apart instead of instead of growing closer.

To love, truly love, is to give, even when it is hard—especially when it is hard.

When that reservoir of resentment is so full that just a drop of irritation made it spill over and saturate us with anger, we had to be stronger than the flood and to give more.

And when we had nothing left to give, this is when we had to forgive.

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