
2 Verse

Story of dark,Space gods who created human realm also known as Physical Worlds

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7 Chs

The Story

It was Raining outside, And Denzel was on his way too home from University, But he was'nt feeling well cuz Last night he had a dream where he saw some scary Entity looking at him with the look of Murder, But Denzel was'nt sure what is that figure, But when that entity walks towards him, At that time out of suden Denzel gets an panic attack, And when he woke up He was afraid of what he saw, But then he realized that he is sick, So then he look at time and it was 7:30 Am so he got ready for university.

''So now back to present''

While he was at his house door, He again saw that same entity from His last nightmare, Denzel then immediately ran towards his room and locked his room, But he did'nt knew that the one who he was messing with was someone who lives beyond the comprehension of human brain.

He then saw that same entity is in his rooom with glowing red eyes, Denzel than said ''Who are you and what do you want from me'' And then entity said ''I am no one, The one you are seeing rin infront of you does'nt actually exist, That's just your mind's horror reflection'' And then denzel said ''What do you mean by that, If that's not you then why is your voice coming'' and then entity laughs and says ''Well you see The one you are looking at is just your mind's illusion, But on the other hand i have no form, If you did'nt understood then let me tell you in simple way which is I don't have physical body like you cuz i only exist in A mere voice, A voice which is only in human's head, Inshort I am none other than you'' But then denzel say ''You make me sick, Right'' And then entity says ''Yes'' And then denzel says ''Then you are the one who would fix my illness'' After hearing this Entity Laughs out loud and says ''Your smart not gonna lie, Very well then let me Fix your sickness''

'After 20 seconds''

Denzel says ''Wow you actually cured it, Anyways i wanted to ask you which is What is your name''

Entity then says ''My name is Athos''

Denzel then says ''What a sick name, By the way why are you here''

Athos then says ''Well There are two gods who i know right now One name is Cyclops and other name is Onyx.

Denzel then says ''Cyclops also known as Katastrofi who was Rivial of Dimiourgia The lord, Right. But i am hearing This dude named 'Onyx'' For the first time''

Athos the says ''Yes, Onyx Is a god who was meant to guard Maverick, But for some unknown reason Onyx betrayed Maverick, And left Maverick's realm, But when Maverick came to know that onyx betrayed him, Then he sent Death to defeat Onyx and bring him back to Maverick to be punished by Maverick in Hell, But Onyx wants to rule over all infinte dimensions which was created by Maverick, And now Death is after Onyx, But the main point was Cyclops would soon emerge from darkness and if he does then he is gonna Consume whole Physical world, Now Physical world meaning The world you are living it rn or any planet in the whole creation is Guarded by Infinte Numbers of dimensions Which transcends the concept of Time/Space/Volume/Width/Height And these dimension Are growing in infinte as milisecond passes, It's just this, The dimesnions after 6D Have an atoms which has dimensions guarding it, and these dimensions are just a fraction of it, And not to forget those atoms alone contains an infinte set of Multiverses And when we think of everything, Every thought, Every possible word which we can imagine or not Creates a set of Infinte of alternatives Multiverses in that single atom And there are infinte of atoms present rn and infinte atoms That are being born right now as we talk and every atoms contains all of this studd which i told you rn, Also This plane of existence we are in is'nt actually where we all belonged, So let me explain, In ancient times human's mere presence were so strong that they destroyed all those Infinte dimensions,Multiverses which were known as Type 4 multiverses, But the thing was tjose ancient humans litterlay destroyed the concept of those infinte dimensions,Infinte Multiverses Which made reality broke like a glass, And these all dimensions and multiverses which i mentioned was in reality itself, Now to tell you a fun fact which is We all ebings hav ethat much power But this time maverick the god of creation made These all dimesnions,Realities transcend the concept of strenght that's why it's not breaking and that's why each an single atom have that much guard. But the thing is We have to do something about cyclops, His mere presence would destroy everything in existence but before coming here Onyx and Cyclops might Face each other, So i hope Onyx defeats him.

Denzel then replies ''Damn everything you told is crazy but how did you know that''

Athos Then says ''This is everything which was told by maverick himself''

Denzel and Athos then senses Dark presence and says ''Is this Cyclops'' said by Denzel and then in reply Athos says ''No this is impossib-''

Then an explosion happens

And then some mysterious Guy Says ''Well Well Well, Look who we got here, A mere Human and His inner demon, Would be too bad if i destroy you too right here within a second, Lord Cyclops Would be proud of me, And for sure he will give me More power''

Denzel Is an Main character in my story So yea there you go if you were confused, Also if you wanna contact me then come to discord

R A K U Y Oᵀᴰᴿᴴ#2006

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