
From Sorrow's Bone Part 3

The streets of Westville are empty once again.

However, in lonesome, two figures prance across the dotted white lines and traverse bumpy tar.

Rosalind and Jinn, each with decorative smiles on their faces, run through Westville's apartment district. Their game is catch and - to Jinn's dismay - their positions are predestined.

Each time Rosalind taps Jinn's shoulder, it becomes Jinn's turn to run after her.

Jinn runs and runs and runs after Rosalind. He never manages to catch Rosalind.

Panting, Jinn puts his hands on his knees and catches his breath.

Jinn's accusatory glance elicits a grin from Rosalind who stands gloriously unwinded up ahead. "I've been trying to get to you for half an hour. Couldn't you have just pretended to run slower than me and let me win?"

"It's already been half an hour?" Rosalind bounces on the balls of her feet.

"It sure feels like it," Jinn comments.

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