
CH 23: (Dan and Miyoko)

Bakugan Battle Brawlers


Miyoko Kuso was a happy woman.

She was smiling as she was thinking about one person. Her son.

She felt so proud of him for fighting against different villains and stayed alive though it all. She felt like the luckiest mom in the world.

But she also felt younger because she had slowly begun to fall for her son. Dan had grown up to be a fine young man, and since her husband was more busy nowadays, she saw Dan as the perfect man for her.

She frowned though as she knew Dan's friend Runo might have something for her son, which caused her to grip her hands as she was not going to let her son be taken in by some young girl.

"I won't let my son be swayed by some brat." hissed Miyoko whose eyes became darker at the thought. "Dan is my son, he belongs to ME." what Miyoko failed to realize was that her dark aura was much stronger than she thought. It was dark enough to where a small portal opened up and a dark sphere landed out.

It opened up and resembled a certain mermaid bakugan. This bakugan was Darkus Sirenoid, and she had been attracted to this world by a dark aura.

"I also sense a great power. Perhaps the wielder of the two cores Drago is here." mused Sirenoid.

She peered around the couch and spotted a woman currently watching tv with a frown. "She's what called me here. She's perfect." Sirenoid closed herself in her sphere form and rolled towards Miyoko's feet.

Miyoko noticed something brush against her feet and noticed what looked to be a bakugan. She picked it up with confusion until it popped open.

"Oh, hello? Who are you?" asked Miyoko.

"I am Darkus Sirenoid, and you were the one to call me here." replied Sirenoid.

"Me? How come?"

"Your aura. I sensed it and found myself in this world. So, care to be partners." offered Sirenoid.

"Oh no, I don't play the game, but my son does." Sirenoid noted the way Miyoko said her son and had an idea.

"Well, if we're partners, that would mean you and your son hold something in common." replied Sirenoid.

That caught her attention as she thought the offer over. If she knew as much about brawling like her son, maybe she could battle him and get him to notice her.

"Alright, I'll be your partner." smiled Miyoko.

"Excellent. And maybe I could meet his partner Drago as well." replied Sirenoid.

"Ooh~! Someone has a crush~!" sang Miyoko teasing the bakugan.

"Be quiet." muttered Sirenoid with a small blsuh on her face. She straightened up at hearing something. "Hey, someone's home."

"Oh, that must be Dan." smiled Miyoko getting up with Sirenoid in her hand.

"Hey mom, I'm home." called Dan walking inside with Drago on his shoulder.

"Hello honey. I've got good news." smiled Miyoko.

"What's that?" asked Dan.

Miyoko held out her hand that held Sirenoid who popped out to greet them. "Greetings. I am Darkus Sirenoid, and you must be Dan and his partner Drago."

"That's us. So wait, are you partners with my mom?" asked Dan.

"Yes, and we wish to challenge you two in a battle." replied Sirenoid.

Dan and Drago were surprised before Dan asked, "But mom, do you even know how to play?"

"I've seen you and Drago battle plenty of times. So I'm sure we can hold our own." replied Miyoko with confidence.

"Alright, you're on." grinned Dan.

"Field open!" they both called as the world around them came to a stop as the living room became the battlefield.

"You want to go first mom?" Dan offered.

"Of course." grinned Miyoko holding up an ability card. "Ability card activate. Soothing Melody."

Darkus Sirenoid grinned and opened her mouth, letting out a hypnotically beautiful song.

Dan expected to see a change in points, but actually began to feel his eyelids droop down as Drago was swaying on his feet.

"W... What's going on?" Dan muttered.

Miyoko smiled as the ability was a special one that affected both battler AND bakugan. In a very UNIQUE way.

Dan wobbled and saw his mom walk over with an innocent expression on her face.

'What's... wrong with me?' He wondered as his mother reached him. "Aw, looks like my little boy is dizzy." cooed Miyoko pulling Dan against her.

Dan stumbled, his limbs feeling heavy, and fell into his mother's hold easily.

"D-Dan." groaned Drago as he dropped to his knees as Darkus Sirenoid floated around him like she was in water. 'Darn it... why can't I move?' He mentally growled.

"Why worry about battles all the time? Why not stay home with me?" cooed Miyoko into Dan's ear.

"I... I..." Dan muttered.

"It's easier to just give in." purred Miyoko as Dan's eyes started to glaze over.

"Give... in...?" He muttered.

"Yes. Why not stay close to me? I can keep you safe." smiled Miyoko hugging Dan's head to her chest.

"... safe...?"

"And you Drago. Why worry about others when I can give you something better. A mate." purred Darkus Sirenoid turning his head towards her.

"Ma...te...?" He muttered, trying to pull away. His body however felt too heavy and he found his head being nuzzled and held by Darkus Sirenoid.

'I... Isn't there someone... I love... Wyv...' Drago thought, his mind trying to remember that girl he knew.

"Just let go. Let us take care of both of you." whispered Sirenoid.

"Let... go?" He muttered.

Miyoko's eyes grew darker as she made Dan face her directly. "You're mine Dan, okay baby?"

"Yes...mom." replied Dan whose eyes were completely glazed over.

"Good boy." She smiled, kissing him.

Drago had let Sirenoid rub his cheek as she locked eyes with him. "Just give in... you are mine Drago." She whispered.

Drago felt his mind go hazy as his own eyes glazed over. "... y... yours." He muttered.

Sirenoid was satisfied with that and hugged his body closer to hers. Drago weakly wrapped his wings around her, returning the hug.

"I think we can call this a win." grinned Miyoko rubbing Dan's head.

"So do I." Sirenoid grinned, doing the same to Drago's head.

(Timeskip 1 week)

Runo was now knocking the door of Dan's house.

"Yes?" Dan opened the door and saw his friend Runo there.

"Oh, hey Dan." she greeted, blushing lightly.

"Hey Runo. What's up?" asked the Pyrus brawler.

"Well... I was wondering... would... would you like to... erm... go out with me?" she asked nervously.

"Sorry, but I'm already in a relationship." replied Dan.

"W... What?!" Runo gasped.

"So I can't go out with you. Sorry."

"I... er... o... okay." Runo muttered sadly. She walked away from the house with her head down as Miyoko walked up behind Dan with a smile.

Dan smiled sadly as he closed the door, not liking hurting his friend.

"Don't worry Dan. She'll get over it." dismissed Miyoko hugging his face to her chest.

"Okay Mom." he nodded.

Miyoko let a possessive smile show on her face as Dan snuggled closer to her chest. He was hers. ALL HERS. And NO ONE is going to take him from her.

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