Sonia raised both hands to her head as she sat up to sneeze. She moaned softly because her head which was still aching terribly, while Bryan, who had been cuddling her, also sat up to pat her back.
"Your body is still burning very much," Bryan complained as he pulled her close, but she pulled away from him as she sneezed two more times.
"I think it's flu. My throat is beginning to feel sore and itchy," Sonia complained weakly as she used the back of her hand to wipe the tears that stung her eyes.
"Whatever it is, stay still," Bryan said calmly as he gently pushed her back on the reclined chair.
"It won't help if we both fall sick," Sonia said weakly, and Bryan frowned.
"You are ill because of me, so it's only right that I look after you," Bryan said, voicing his guilt.
"That's nonsense. This has nothing to do with last night," Sonia said with disapproval, annoyed that he was only caring for her because he blamed himself for making her ill.