


Arne looked up again he saw baldurs smiling face and his guandao's blade on his neck.

and when Arne admitted defeat that day for the first time to baldur there was no sign of defeat in his voice instead it was filled with pride.




baldur walks upto the giant gold doors of the throne room,nods at the guards stationed there,who smile and nod back,before he throws open the doors with a smile on his face.

inside he sees his brother loki standing to the side with a smirk on his face ,while leaning on a wall,thor standing below the throne,trying to explain why lighting had struck the Royal Wing of the Palace and there was now 1 less wall in his room,only to be told,that he had an epiphany for a new move wasn't reason enough,as odin sat on his throne and frigga stood beside him.

when he entered all looked towards him,as frigga came running and hugged him,to congratulate him "oh you won!,I had no doubt you would sweetheart,i Scryed your entire fight it was absolutely wonderful. especially how you used your chakrams at the end."

"thank you mother"

"buahaha so you won brother,its a shame I missed your fight.but I had no doubt you would win,we must spar soon brother!!"

loki didn't say anything but he did nod at me with a smile on his face,and pride in his eyes

odin though looked at me seriously and said

"yes,it was a splendid fight indeed,I'm sure the entire city knows how splendid of a fight it was,or did you forget a street to fight in? perhaps you should go back and cover it."

damn,who knew odin could sass.

"did you forget the last 3 times I specifically forbade you from doing this?"

baldur sweats a bit before shamelessly saying

"you did father?, truly I must have been to mesmerised by your magnificent beard to notice,if you don't want people to get distracted ,you probably shouldn't flaunt it like that"

thor started laughing outloud at this while surprisingly even frigga let out a little giggle.

loki stayed quiet but his eyes were filled with mischief and glee

"you brat!,sigh,forget it ,let us not fight on the day you are to leave asgard for the first time,you are to leave tomorrow at dawn ,and as requested you will be leaving on a spaceship to enjoy the view and sightsee rather then through the byfrost,so

having said that LET US FEAST TONIGHT!"


After saying his goodbyes to his family and overly emotional mother.he borded the large white and gold spaceship alongside the small battalion of guards sent to escort him.

the journey to nidevelier itself was both significant and without significance, as though there was nothing much to see besides space and the random uninhabited planet,hence nothing of significance, it was still very significant to him,as he was in SPACE,like space space,though he had lived on asgard for 20 years,that just felt like living on a very advanced version of earth as royalty,space though...being in space just hit different.


seeing nidevelier for the first time was just breath taking,he could feel the neutron star there,empowering him,and making him more comfortable here then he had been anywhere else before,he could also feel the star calling out to him as if begging him to takes its power and use it for his own wishes,...it was an amazing feeling.

as he landed ,his entourage rather then surrounding him , followed behind him for 2 reasons,1 as to show respect to the dwarves of nidevelier as they were trusted allies and not enemies and there was no need to surround the Prince and 2 as a show of respect to the Prince as well,as though he was young, he was a acknowledged warrior and like his brothers needed no protection.the battalion of warriors was just tradition needed for all prince's under a 100.

baldur was met by 2 dwarves at the entrance who respectfully greeted him and escorted him to the king of the dwarves King etri.

a interesting thing to note is that all the dwarves were merely 4-5 ft tall and not the giants shown in the movies,the closest reasoning he could think of for eitris height in the movies was as some sort of sick joke by thanos using the infinity stone.

when he enters the throne room he sees eitri sitting on his throne,looking as majestic as a badass king Peter dinklige can be,so pretty much as majestic as normal Peter dinklige.

now then time to get his weapons made.


in the comics dwarves are like 4 to 5 ft tall,I tried Googling and scouring the net for the reason for eitris height,and the most reasonable ones I found were,1 eitri as king is just naturally taller,2 it was a Joke based on Peter dinklige's height in real life, I personally believe in the 2cnd one more,but its not like I can write that so I went with eitri being normal dwarve height and being turned giant by thanos.

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