
Bane of Demons

"Ars Azrael." 

The single utterance conjured forth a mystical force that felt separated from magic--a step beyond the norm, or an entirely different branch altogether. Whatever it was, Sora had no clue what was coming as he released his bite-lock, jumping back. 

Trying to discern the location of any incoming projectiles, nothing came. All he could see was the wicked, static smile perched on Halphas' lips before he finally checked his own body. 

Etched into his armor was an azure glow, bubbling up with an exotic heat. Releasing his cestus into non-existence as he attempted to do away with the manifesting blue energy, watching as it began to travel through each groove of his armor. 

"This is…?!"

"The pinnacle of dark arts. What I released upon you is the very concept of death. Be honored that I decided it was a necessary force against you; stand proud, human." 

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