
poor calendar, his days are counted.

in the middle of a snowy mountain, one can see a small house if we get even closer we can see two figures making eye contact with a serious face, one of them was a big teen with a robust body meanwhile the other is an old man with a slightly good physique.

the two were sitting on two leather chairs with a fireplace in the background, the two were silent for minutes until the old man finally opened his mouth and talked.

Zeus: what is your type?

Badasu didn't even think before answering

Badasu: a woman with a big ass and tits and if possible with experience.

(A/N: or for uncultured person a MILF)

Zeus slowly got up, following his movements our protagonist also stand up from his seat they looked at each other before the two made a firm handshake.

Zeus: HAHAHA I see that you are a true man of quality.

Badasu: HAHAHA I can say the same thing about your partner.

that night two fellow men of culture talked about the true mysteries of life.

(N/A: or culture)

an entire month passed and our protagonist was still robbi... ahem borrowing food and shelter from his fellow cultured person, today was a special day because it was the birthday of his little bro or for the people who forgot Bell Cranel.

to, today is the day when Bell leaves for the self-proclaimed capital of the world, Orario to become a true adventurer.

right now our protagonist was relaxing in the highest part of the mountain without a shirt on feeling the freezing cold on his body, but surprisingly our protagonist didn't seem bothered about this because as we all know all hormonal teens are always hot.

(A/N:hehehehe you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).)

he was focusing on meditating on his spirit when he heard footsteps coming close, Badasu slowly got up and looked in the direction of the footsteps, seconds later a human figure could be seen, the figure was completely covered in jackets and pants because as you know this type of cold could kill even a level 3 adventurer, the figure was Bell Cranel he came to tell that dinner was ready.

but he was stunned because of the body his big brother had, in the month Badasu was here Bell never had the chance to see the body of Badasu because the one who always came for Badasu was his grandpa.

(A/N: don't worry he doesn't like it in a sexual way but more as he admires it, you know like those times you are walking by the street and see a man with a six-pack, something like that)

Badasu: dinner is ready??

Bell: ah yes

Badasu: okay then let's go.

following his words badasu started walking towards the house, in the middle of the walk bell couldn't help but ask his big brother.

Bell: hey big bro, how did you have such a good body??

Badasu: HAHAHA well to tell you the truth my father was a very strict one so he made make a very strict routine.

Badasu was bullshitting his way out because it was too bothersome to explain everything to him and to tell you the truth he doesn't want to tell anyone the truth, so he's using the ultimate ability of all protagonists, bullshit no Jutsu is very effective.

Bell: do you think I can have the same body as you?

Badasu: before trying to have a body like mine you should focus on being a good adventurer.

Bell: ah yes big brother.

ending the conversation the two walked inside the small house, inside the house sitting on the leather chairs was Zeus looking by the window with a lost look, the moment he heard the main door open he stands up from his seat and looks. at the direction of the door, when he saw the two walking inside he suddenly remembers something

Zeus: hahaha so you are already here boy.

Badasu: yeah sorry didn't notice that it was already time so I came late.

Zeus: haha I will prefer if you didn't come back, one month and you still don't pay me for anything.

Badasu: oy Zeus didn't people tell you how handsome and intelligent you are, I'm serious as your BESTO FRIENDO you are even so humble, I can not believe you don't have a woman yet.

Badasu in his past life was a veteran player of fallout and as an advanced player, he knows that the most important stat of all is charisma so he was at an advanced level when it comes to talking and negotiating.

Zeus: HAHAHA I ask myself the same question every day, well whatever come in the food is ready.

when he finished his words our protagonist was already at the table waiting for his food, bell already accustomed at his antics sit down at the other side of the table with a little smile on his face.

the moment the food of our protagonist touched the table with an impossible speed he gobbles all his food, when he finished he rubbed his belly with a satisfied face meanwhile the old man was giving him the stinky eye, moments later the old ma looked at his grandson and decided to speak.

Zeus: congratulations boy today you are a full-blown adult, tell what do you want to do now?

Bell looked directly at the grey eyes of his grandfather and with a determined look, he loudly said.

Bell: I want to be an adventurer like my big brother!!

Zeus looked at the white-haired boy with a serious face that soon became a smile, he then opened his mouth and said.

Zeus: hahaha that's the spirit boy, oy badasu as you know I have been feeding you for a month now so make me a favor, accompany the boy to the capital.

Badasu looked at his friend and then looked at Bell he then smiled and with a hearty laugh said.

Badasu: hahaha don't worry old man I'll take good care of him, either way, I was going to the capital so why not.

Bell looked brightened up with the words spoked so he smiled at him and then started eating again when they finished eating bell went to his room for his thing meanwhile Badasu just took his clothes and wait for him outside.

When bell took everything he had they gave him the last goodbye and started walking to the city of adventurers Orario.













(A/N: why are scrolling the chapter already ended you can go)





















(A/N: there's nothing else return to your library)













in the middle of a dirt road, there were two people walking, one of them had white hair and red eyes he was 1.65 cm and handsome, the other one had black hair and black eyes his body was robust, he was 1.98 cm and a face better than average.

the two were walking while doing small talk until one of them suddenly remembered something.

Badasu: oy one needs to pay to enter the capital right?

Bell: yeah

Badasu: oh shit, wait for me here I am going fast somewhere.

Bell: uh yeah

the moment bell responded to him Badasu ran to the forest that was by the side of the road at full speed, searching like a maniac for a monster.


I was walking by the forest searching for prey to eat when suddenly I hear something behind me, in the thirteen years I have lived in the forest I have never been so scared as I am right now I slowly looked at my back and what I saw made me freeze of fear.

what I saw was an enormous human black hair and eyes but what made me freeze of fear is the killing intent he was showing me, when he saw me his left eye slowly started to shine with a red light, and then he said.

Badasu: Omaiwa Mo Shindeiru

Goblin: Screech Screh ( NANI?!?)

the last thing I saw was the hand of the human penetrating my body and taking my core, leaving a giant hole in my stomach.


Subaru: with this one there are five cores this needs to be enough for the entry pass, well now time to go back.

saying that Subaru flexed his legs and then jumped straight to the dirt road where Bell was waiting for him, he loudly landed by the side of him looking at his shocked face he couldn't help but have a cheeky smile.

Subaru: sorry I forgot to bring m money so I had to go for some cores.

the words of Subaru wake up Bell of his stupefied form, he then looked at Subaru with stars in his eyes and said.

Bell: big brother I didn't know you were so strong.

Subaru: HAHAHA, well as your big brother I need to have a certain strength, come on the capital is waiting for you.

saying that Subaru started walking by the dirt road with a proud smile pasted on his face he walked with big steps leaving an absent-minded Bell behind, but this didn't last long because Bell suddenly shouted.

Bell: Orario is by the other way, big bro.

Hearing his words Subaru freeze for a second before turning with a little blush on his face and said.

Subaru: HAHAHA, I knew it from a start I was just testing your sense of direction, all of the good adventurers have a good sense of direction so you need to remember that.

Subaru a little bit embarrassed decided to use his ultimate skill to get out of the situation.

Bell: wow big brother you are always so prepared, I'll take your advice to hearth I promise you.

Bell said that meanwhile looking at Subaru with reverence visible in his eyes, making Subaru feel guilty.

Subaru: ahahaha yeah, well come on let's go.

following his words, the two started walking again to Orario.

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