
Second time

A few days later.

"*Ugh*, I am so tried, I just want to close my eyes and fall asleep" said Maddie as she fell on her bed and Annie laughed as she shook her head.

"I don't get why you are so tired, we didn't even do anything strenuous today" said Annie as she laughed, all they did was stay in the library all day and look after Matt's siblings.

"Exactly, doing nothing strenuous is strenuous" said Maddie as Annie did not get how that logic worked but then again, this was Maddie that they were talking about.

"Well okay, if you say so, then goodnight" said Annie as she laughed.

"Goodnight Annie" said Maddie with a smile and she closed her eyes as she relaxed her mind but she opened her eyes in a panic when she suddenly remembered something very serious.

"*Gasp* Annie did you use your powers today??!!" asked Maddie in concern as she quickly got out of bed and she looked at Annie who shook her head.

"Well no, I haven't" said Annie as she did not remember using her powers today, they really did do nothing at all.

"*Gasp*, Oh no, this is bad, very bad, are you okay? How do you feel? do you have a headache again?" asked Maddie as Annie laughed.

"Maddie, relax I feel fine, surprisingly a lot, I feel okay" said Annie as she smiled.

"Are you sure Annie?" asked Maddie as Annie nodded.

"You know the rule, you have to use magic at least once a day, and you didn't, there must be something going on" said Maddie in concern as Annie sighed, Maddie was overreacting, there was nothing wrong with her, in fact, she felt very fine/

"I know Maddie, but I didn't and I feel fine" said Annie as she smiled.

"No, no, we cannot be sure, I am going to call Curtis right now, he has to come and check if you are really okay, don't you dare move" said Maddie as she did not even wait for Annie to reply as she hurriedly left their room and she closed the door behind herself.

"*Sigh*" said Annie as she sighed and she shook her head as she closed the book that she was reading, Maddie could overreact so much at times, it was annoying, but Annie knew that it was because she cared for her.

"So Curtis, how is she?" asked Maddie as she looked at Curtis who waved his hand across Annie's forehead.

"She's fine Maddie" said Curtis.

"You see Maddie" said Annie as she laughed.

"No, no Curtis are you totally sure, maybe you should scan her again" said Maddie as Curtis and Annie both looked at Maddie with an annoyed expression on their faces.

"This is the second time I'm checking her, and she's totally fine as she said, I see nothing wrong with her" said Curtis.

"But weren't you the one who said that not using her magic could cause her problems?" asked Maddie.

"Yes, I did, and now I change my statement, we can never be sure with these things" said Curtis.

"It seems that I was wrong, because now it appears as if her body has gotten used to her magic, and it is no longer doing her any harm" said Curtis.

"Well then, that's good news" said Maddie as she smiled.

"I know right" said Annie with a smile, she was so relieved that she did not have to be aware of using her powers at all times to survive.

"Yes but that doesn't mean that you should let go of your guard, you never know if things could change, so still regardless, be on guard Annie" said Curtis as Annie nodded, she knew that he was right.

"And you too Maddie, even though you can overreact at times" said Curtis as he looked at Maddie and Annie laughed.

"Hey, that's how I show that I actually care about you, but fine, since you want me to stop, I won't care anymore, gosh" said Maddie.

"That's not what we said Maddie, you can be… a lot sometimes" said Annie as she laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, that's how I am, you either take it or leave it" said Maddie.

"And I take it" said Annie as she laughed.

"I will see you two later, Goodnight" said Curtis.

"Goodnight" said Annie and Maddie as Curtis walked away and Maddie got on her bed again.

"Thank you for caring about me" said Annie as she smiled.

"Oh you are welcome Annie, you don't know how many people would want me to care about them" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Oh and how many people are they?" asked Annie as she laughed.

"So many for me to be unable to count, but of course, you know I have you in my heart as my best friend" said Maddie as she smiled and Annie laughed.

"Of course you do" said Annie as she laughed.

"Anyway, I am going to sleep now, see you tomorrow" said Maddie as she put her head on her pillow and she closed her eyes as Annie laughed.

"See you" said Annie as she smiled.

The next day.

"What's going on here?" asked Matt as he walked to the trees.

"Oh Hey Matt, Dad is teaching me how to hang" said Evie as she laughed and Matt looked up into the trees as he saw Evie hanging upside down and Lucas was beside her.

"Of course" said Matt as he laughed.

"Why don't you come and join us?" asked Lucas as he laughed.

"Why not?" asked Matt as he climbed up the tree to join them and he hung upside down.

"You know, if mom saw all of us up here hanging like this, she would freak" said Matt as Evie laughed.

"I know right, she overreacts sometimes" said Evie as she laughed and Lucas laughed.

"Alright now princess, remember what I taught you, it's time to get down" said Lucas as he smiled.

"Yes, yes, I know dad" said Evie as she laughed and she unhooked her legs and she fell down and she landed on her feet gracefully.

"Wohooo, that was so fun" said Evie as she laughed and Lucas and Matt both came down as well.

"Being a vampire is fun hehe" said Evie as she giggled and Lucas smiled at her.

"Alright princess, time for training" said Lucas as he smiled.

"Oh, I can see that I am being replaced" said Matt as Evie and Lucas looked at him.

"No you aren't my boy, I just need to focus more on your sister, you know she's new to this" said Lucas as he smiled.

"I know, and I am not jealous at all, I was just joking" said Matt as he laughed.

"Oh I understand if you are jealous of me, I am very awesome" said Evie as she smiled and Matt shook his head.

"You have been spending too much time with Maddie" said Matt as Evie laughed and they followed after Lucas.

"Matt, let's fight, I am sure that I can beat you" said Evie as Lucas chuckled.

"What is so funny dad?" asked Evie.

"Nothing princess, just learn how to fight first" said Lucas as Matt laughed.

"Hey no fair" said Evie as Lucas laughed.

"Curtis, can you just tell us what you want to tell us, this is annoying you know" said Maddie as they were all in the library.

"We are waiting for Matt first, then I can tell you" said Curtis as Matt just walked in as he spoke.

"Finally" said Maddie.

"Sorry for being late guys" said Matt.

"It's no worry at all" said Ollie as he smiled.

"So what do you want to tell us Curtis?" asked Matt as he was curious as to why Curtis had called this meeting.

"Well I wanted to tell you all that we will be going back to the witch realm tomorrow morning" said Curtis.

"Why? Did Aunt Stella said that we could come back?" asked Maddie.

"Yes, she did, she sent me a message, we can go back to the witch realm now" said Curtis.

"Annie, I already spoke to your parents, and they agreed, we are going tomorrow, everyone should pack up and be ready" said Curtis.

"Well okay then" said Annie.

"Wait, Matt, are you coming with us? Shouldn't you stay here?" asked Maddie.

"Of course I am coming with you guys" said Matt as he smiled.

"Umm I don't know about that Matt, I think you should ask your parents first" said Annie.

"Alright, you are right I will ask them first" said Matt as he smiled.

"You know what, I actually miss the witch realm, I can't wait to go back" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Me too" said Annie as she smiled and she looked at Ollie.

"Well I have mixed feelings, but there is no place like home" said Ollie as he smiled and Annie and Matt both agreed with him.

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