
The Tale of Initium IV

Days and days had passed as to Annie they felt like an eternity, she had been watching Demanda repeatedly read, sleep, eat, pick up more roses and occasionally meet Athan and Atticus and cry.

"This is a love story… I think it is" said Annie as she smiled when she saw Demanda smile when she saw Athan walk into the Castle library as she quickly stopped smiling, why was she smiling? Was she happy to see him, no that could not be it at all, she just smiled because she wanted to smile.

Athan smiled at her as he saw her smile at him, but when she stopped smiling at him, it only made his chuckle, she was very cute.

"Are you reading something interesting?" asked Athan as he smiled and he sat down beside Demanda as she cleared her throat and she moved away from him on the couch.

"Well yes, but it's not too interesting" said Demanda.

"What is the book about?" asked Athan as he smiled.

"Plants" replied Demanda as Athan just smiled at her and she continued reading as she waited for him to get up and leave, or go and get a book because she thought that was why he was here, but after a few minutes passed by and Athan was still there looking at her, she cleared her throat as she looked at him.

"Are you not here to read a book your Majesty?" asked Demanda as she looked at him and Athan was happy that she no longer feared to look at him.

"I am" said Athan as she nodded and still yet, he made no attempt to get up and go and read the book.

"Which book is that your Majesty, I can help you get it" said Demanda as she just wanted him to leave and stop staring at her.

"You" replied Athan as Demanda scoffed at him.

"Are you serious your Majesty?" asked Demanda as Athan nodded.

"I am sure that you are mistaken your Majesty, I am not a book" said Demanda as she looked at him.

"Call me Athan, and to me, you are the most interesting thing in this entire Castle" said Athan as Demanda felt her heart skip a bit and she looked away as Athan took the book she was reading from her and he held her hand in his.

"Your Majesty, please let go of my hand" said Demanda as she looked away from him.

"Call my by my name and I will do as you wish" said Athan as he laughed and Demanda shook her head.

"It is simple darling, call me Athan, just five words, or do you want me to help you?" asked Athan as he kissed the back of Demanda's hand as she shook her head, she did not want him touching her hand anymore.

"Athan, please leave my hand alone" said Demanda as Athan smiled in happiness.

"There you go darling" said Athan with a smile as he let go of her hand and Demanda scoffed at him under her breath.

"What was that darling?" asked Athan.

"Do you not have more important things to do, you are King after all" said Demanda as she looked at him.

"To me, you are the most important thing, every other thing can wait, while I keep you company" said Atticus with a smile.

"I do not need you to keep my company" replied Demanda.

"Oh but you do my dear, you always cry that you are lonely" said Athan as he smiled and Demanda turned red, how could she be so stupid, of course they could hear all her cries, they were vampires after all, oh she just felt so embarrassed right now.

"Come on darling, you are hungry, let's have lunch together" said Athan as he smiled.

"I am not hungry" she said.

"But you can still eat" said Athan as he stood up and without warning he carried Demanda up against her will.

"Put me down, do not carry me, oh this is so embarrassing put me down" said Demanda as she demanded to be put down.

"Call me my name and we will see if I can" said Athan as he smiled.

"Athan put me down, I beg you" said Demanda.

"Sorry darling, I can't do that" said Athan as he laughed.

"Oh you are a liar" said Demanda.

"I'm a liar for you darling" said Athan as he smiled and he gave her a kiss on the cheek which made Demanda shy away from him and Athan chuckled.

"No seriously, because can someone please tell me where all these rogues came from?" asked Maddie.

"If they had been following us for a while now, then we should have noticed them, they are a whole army" said Maddie as she sighed.

"I still don't know how to believe that, I should have heard them if they were following us" replied Matt as he sighed.

"Curtis, any explanations?" asked Ollie as he looked at Curtis.

"None at the moment" replied Curtis as Maddie groaned.

Months had passed as Demanda and Athan grew closer and closer, and right now Annie was tired of watching.

"I wonder what the guys think happened to me?" asked Annie to herself as she sighed and she watched as Athan and Atticus were speaking.

"Atti, I have been thinking, and I believe that we should give the humans more rights, after all, we vampires are doing alright on our own" said Athan as Atticus laughed.

"You cannot possibly be serious are you now brother?" asked Atticus in surprise.

"I am serious, I have considered the fact that humans are not our slaves, just like the werewolves aren't" said Athan as Atticus laughed even more.

"And I suppose that your wife is the one putting such liberal ideas into your head?" asked Atticus.

"She only told me her opinion, and I agree with her, the humans live in fear of us" said Athan.

"And that is because this is our land that they unknowingly moved into, the humans in our land belong to us" said Atticus.

"They belong to no one Atticus, they are people" said Athan as Atticus scoffed.

"If we decide to let them go freely, then where will we get out blood from? We need their blood to survive, and they give us blood in exchange of living freely in our land" said Atticus.

"We can make other arrangements, I am sure that animal blood can work as good as human blood does" said Athan as Atticus scoffed.

"Can you hear yourself now brother? You are delusional, you want us to resort to drinking measly, cheap animal blood? You want us to change what we have been doing for so many years just because of your human wife? That is nonsense brother" said Atticus.

"Watch your tone Atticus, remember that you are speaking to your king, and I will not take that sort of disrespect from you" said Athan in a serious tone.

"I am sorry Sire" said Atticus.

"Do not let it repeat itself again, or else" said Athan.

"I heard you" said Atticus as he scoffed and he walked out of Athan's office as Athan sighed and Annie stood in front of him.

"You really want the vampires to stop drinking human blood?" she asked him as if he could hear her.

"It is for the best" said Athan to himself as he sighed.

"My Queen, you are pregnant" came the voice of a woman as she looked at Demanda and Demanda looked at her in a mix of shock and surprise.

"Are… are you sure?" asked Demanda as her voice waivered.

"Yes my Queen, I am very sure, it is happy news" said the woman as she smiled.

"I will take my leave now" said the woman as she bowed and she smiled and she took her leave as Demanda looked at her stomach as she smiled and she laughed.

"I'm pregnant…" said Demanda to herself in delight.

"I can't wait for Athan to come back, so I can tell him the good news" said Demanda to herself as she giggled and Annie smiled, she had grown to love watching the story that was unfolding in front of her eyes.

"She is pregnant!!, this is terrible" said Atticus to himself.

"If she is pregnant and Athan knows, he will do nothing but her bidding, that child will be nothing but trouble, Athan was already ready to do whatever she wanted and release the human, and if she is with his child, he will go ahead with that, no…. no, she cannot be pregnant, that child must die" said Atticus to himself.

"No, I cannot let the vampire race to die down just because of that woman and her unborn child, I have to get rid of them both, that is the only way, the only way, Athan will thank me later, he should have never married a human in the first place!" said Atticus as Annie looked at him with a frown.

"You can't do that, what is wrong with you?" asked Annie as she looked at Atticus, he was crazy, his thoughts were crazy.

"Yes, death is the only way to stop the collapse of the vampire race because of her" said Atticus as Annie looked at him with even more concern.

"What is your problem Atticus? Leave Demanda alone" said Annie as Atticus had an evil glint of madness in his eye as Annie shook her head, if only she had some kind of way to warn Demanda of this man's madness.

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